Hard knock life...

Aubrey rubbed her sore wrist has she watched J.R cautiously.

He was pacing the floor talking to himself about how he fucked up the money and someone was gonna come for him.

"Shut that fucking baby up!" He yelled towards his mother who tried to soothe Jaden Jr.

"He's hungry! They both are" Aubrey chimed in as she jumped up to take her son.

"Then pull out your titi and feed the nigga!" He barked.

"He's too old now. He needs formula milk, you'll have to go buy it" she lied.

"What the fuck is formula milk!?" He questioned.

"I'll go get it!" His mother said rushing to get up.

Quickly pushing her back down J.R glared at his mother "What you don't think I'm capable of getting the shit myself?!" He yelled making his mother jump back in fear.

"N-n-no I just thought you might've wanted some helping finding it"

He stared at her for so long making her uncomfortable that she couldn't stop herself from crying.

"Let's go!" He said before walking out the door.

"Get the babies dressed then hurry up and leave" his mother whispered to Aubrey before quickly following her son out the front door.

Jumping into action Aubrey hopped up and laid down a now sleeping Juelz right next to his sister.

"Mommy is gonna get us out of here so we can get back to daddy" Aubrey smiled hopeful.

It took her no time to get herself and the twins ready. Within minutes she was heading out the door with both babies. One on her chest and the other in her arms.

The Atlanta scenery was completely new and unfamiliar to her, so she had no idea where she was or where she was going but one thing she did know was that she needed to get gone before Jaden brought his stupid satanic ass back.

"Think Aubrey think!" She said to herself while looking around frantically.

A couple doors down from where she stood she noticed an older lady coming out of her house.

As fast as she could she raced to the lady before could leave her porch.

"Please! I need help! Help me please" she begged catching the lady completely off guard.

"Are you okay?"

"No! He's gonna get me. Please I can't go back" Aubrey cried "Please can I use your phone?"

"Um....sure come on in" the lady hesitantly said before opening up the door for Aubrey and her twins.

"Are you alright child?" She asked after closing the door shut and locking it.

"No! Me and my kids have been kidnapped! I have to go before he finds me"

"I'll get the phone and call the police. Have a seat you're safe here"

Aubrey reluctantly sat down and waited for the lady while she walked off towards the back.

Her body was killing her and she felt like she would pass out at any giving minute.

Looking down at her babies she smiled to herself. They were sound asleep. She was happy she hadn't dropped Juelz while she ran to freedom.

"What did you say your name was?" The lady asked coming back in sight with the phone up to her ear.

"Uh it's Aubrey. Aubrey Stevenson"

"Yes she says her name is Aubrey. No I'm not sure. She has two babies with her, um I believe so...okay I'll ask. Sweetie are the kids yours?"

"Yes, they're mine"

"Yes ma'am the baby are hers. Listen I don't know all of that could you please just send some damn body the poor girl looks like she hasn't eaten in days....okay, thank you"

Aubrey listened to the one sided conversation and wondered what was happening.

"Someone should be here soon. Are you hungry? I have a pot roast in the oven that's just about finished"

Aubrey smiled but shook her head to decline "I don't think I can eat anything until me and my babies are safe and far away from here"

"Would you like to call someone?" She asked handing Aubrey the phone.

Aubrey thanked her before taking the phone. She thought about who she should call. Her and her mother weren't exactly on speaking terms but that didn't stop her from dialing her number.

"Shit!" She silently cursed. Her mother phone had been disconnected.

Aubrey looked down at Juelz who started getting fussy in her arms.


Quickly punching in the number she called her kids father "Please pick up! Please pick up! JuJu I need you" she said as her leg bounced up and down with anticipation.

"What's up ma?" Someone answered on the last ring making her heart stop.


Juelz jumped up in his seat with the phone pressed into his ear.

"Kimbella? Baby girl is that you?"

"JuJu please come get me, I need you! We need you!" She cried on the other end.

"Baby girl calm down and tell me where you are"

"I'm in Atlanta. I'm so scared JuJu I thought he was going to kill me"

"What!? That nigga took you to Atlanta? I wanted to be the first one to take you there"


"Right my bad, where are you now baby?" He asked jumping in his car.

"I'm inside of a house. A lady helped me out and called the police"

"Okay I'm on my way now make sure you call me once the police get there and if you don't get an answer then I'm already on my way to you"

"Please hurry Juelz"

"I will Kimbella. I love you"

Aubrey smiled. That was the first time he told her he loved her.

"I love you too" she said before hanging up the phone.

"Excuse me?" She said calling for the lady who had disappeared to the back.

"Please call me Mrs. Santana or Angela is fine. Are you finished with the phone?" She asked coming back in view with a plate of food in her hand.

"Yes ma'am thank you"

"No problem sweetie. Now eat before you pass out. I'm gonna go get my grandson crib so you could lay those babies down before the police get here"

Seconds later she was rolling a crib into the living room where Aubrey sat.

"Thank you again" Aubrey smiled thankful to the lady who basically saved her life.

The lady smiled as she watched Aubrey lay the twins down into the crib side by side.

The baby boy reminded her so much of her own son.

Little did she know she was looking down at her grandkids and had just saved their lives.


What y'all think? 😰
