Page 111


It was horrifying. The smell was revolting. I stood there stunned as I tried to process what had happened. One moment I was there, the next there was just a pile of ash. I honed in on Malice, my red eyes bore a hole through the trembling wolf.

I was shaking like a leaf. Blood started to stream down my face. I could feel my claws and teeth descending. Emotions were welling up within me. I could feel the harsh rays of the sun. Had someone just put in a sunroof? Why was there sunlight inside Malice's room? It was starting to burn through me.

'Get out of the sun!' Malice screamed at me.

'You turned me into a sire!' My shrieks tore up the room. The roof disintegrated into a pile of cardboard, so it was there. Useless but there. It rained down on us.

Her pack came bursting through the doors, summoned by the building falling to pieces. Wow. For dogs they were slow.

'Alpha, are you okay?' Vanessa, a lowly omega, looked down and shuffled backwards. Her wolf was already breaking through. She was quivering, she looked like she was going to faint.

'Vampy,' Malice warned.

'I'm going to kill you!' I snarled and charged forward.

Without warning the scenery changed. I cursed and made my way towards the one place I knew Malice would be, the cabin. It was the only one of its kind. Somehow that made it even more unsettling. I ignored my growing feelings of discontent and sprinted forward.

The impact threw me back onto my bottom. I rubbed my nose and looked around. The scenery had changed again. I was in a daze but there was no mistaking it, I was deeper in the forest. It was a place I didn't recognise.

I grumbled and scrambled to my feet.

Every time I took a step towards the pack house, the school or the cabin, I was transported deeper into the forest. I grabbed my hair and tried to tear it out. Fox was messing with me.

'Do you even know where you're going anymore?' A familiar voice asked.

I looked up and saw the alpha leaning against a tree. 'I'll end you,' my voice wavered but my resolve didn't.

Even though I was exhausted, she would pay for what she did. After all I could've bitten her too. Ruined her life. I wish I had now, at least I wouldn't be suffering alone.

'Vampy I um,' Malice sighed, the soft tone made me melt like butter but the whiplash reminded me that I was talking to my enemy. 'I'm here to help you, I know it's my fault.'

'Duh!' I turned towards the forest and almost screamed.

Malice walked back into my line of sight; her mouth opened then slammed shut.

'Don't be like that,' I gave in. 'I'm sorry okay, don't be on eggshells with me. I don't want us to be like that.'


'There are so many things I can't stand about you. I'm not asking you to change for me. Just don't want to be with you because I have to be.' What the hell was I saying? Did I have a sire bond with a werewolf? Oh snap, I was a dragon tethered to a puppy. What cruel twist of fate was this?

'You're the most genuine person I've ever met, I doubt you'd ever do anything you didn't want to do.'

I smiled. Perhaps I had misjudged the alpha. When she was with her pack, I couldn't stand her. Maybe she wasn't theone-dimensional monster Fox made her out to be. We could be friends but I still didn't know how to be anything more. Ah crap, what soppy mush was this? Stupid sire bond. How do I get rid of it?!

'How noble,' Fox snapped and strutted out of the forest; a smirk plastered on his ugly face. 'I'll deal with the wolf. Run along now star.'

If you choose to protect Malice: here I come to save the day jump over to page 112...

Malice's eyes widened when she saw Fox, one second later and her wolf was disappearing into the wall of green. In one motion, he ripped her heart out. It barely looked like he moved but I wasn't scared. My enemy had rid me of the sire bond, oh and Malice was dead. Oh well.

'What happened?' I placed my hands on my hips and resisted the urge to yell.

'You're smart, you know she could've grabbed the sun out of the sky and forced it down your throat and it'd be kinder than what she did.'

I cradled my head. A tightness was spreading across my forehead. It felt like my brain was trying to leapt out of my head.

'I haven't forgotten what you did,' Fox stepped so close, the smell of fresh blood sent me into bloodlust. We were both sires now, there was no needed to be afraid of him. His eyes flashed red. On second thoughts he was still older than me. Maybe it was okay that my body had gone numb with fear. I was still tough just safe and smart and tough. Yeah.

'What's that suppose to mean?' My eyes flashed red as I gave into the desire. I was inches away from licking the werewolf's blood off his shirt.

But he stepped back. 'I'm watching you very carefully. Like you are watching me,' his eyes flashed.

I suppressed the shiver. 'You've ripped families apart. Took people when they were young, naive. Turned them when they were mature, pretty. Used them all these years. Put them in a place you needed them to be or stuck the ones who wouldn't obey in this prison, I mean school.'


'Pitted the werewolves against the vampires for your own selfish reasons. Then no one sees the real enemy, right?' I groaned. Suddenly I could see everything and nothing at the same time. My body was strengthening but I was weakening. It was as if my mind was fading away.

'You think you're so clever but you're just pointing out the obvious!'

I grabbed Fox by the collar and pulled him close.

'Wow, you're a feisty one.' He smirked. 'And here was me thinking you were here because you're eighteen.'


'Careful,' his eyes flashed green. 'There are things even I won't tolerate from you.'

'You! And your stupid rules.' Suddenly I dropped to my knees and wheezed. Oops was I tied to my sire bond? The dead wolf on the floor. Delayed reaction. Or maybe I was stupid. I knew I'd never be whole again. I stood up but I wasn't myself. Somehow I knew I'd never be again.

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