
June 16th

I woke up to music blasting through the apartment. "Ughhhh this dude" I put a pillow over my head to block out the music, but I knew it was gonna get worse when I heard my door open.


"Moses calm the fuck down before I beat ya ass." I threatened while throwing the pillow at him, still laying down.

"It's 11, come on.....well I guess I'll just eat ya pancakessssss."

My body  immediately perked up "WAIT YOU GOT FOOD?" I patted the area by me, trying to get him to come sit. He shook his head and came to sit by me with an IHOP bag. He pulled out his phone and turned down the music in the apartment while I took all the food out the bag, starting to eat. "So where was you all night?" I asked with a face full of pancakes.

"Imma jus say... the employee from Victoria's Secret good as hell in bed." I covered my mouth after hearing him say that.

"Okayyyyy I see you lil nigga."

"And what happened with you and Pop that one day?"

I slowed down eating when he said that. What Pop said last week replayed in my mind.

"Don't nobody gotta know we fuckin with each other. Between us ight?"

"We just went riding... talked a lil bit." I said lowly.

He raised his eyebrow at me "When I checked ya location to make sure he ain't kidnap ya ass it said y'all was still at the mall. And ain't that his sweatshirt you got on?"

I looked down at myself, remembering that I put his hoodie back on after taking a bath.

"We stayed in the parking lot for a lil bit, and he ain't like my stomach showin so he gave me his hoodie."

"Mhm. Well I'll be in my room, knock if you need me." he walked out and I reached to grab my phone.

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