Bad News


I followed Moses through the door of Pop and Mike Dee's place, clinging on to him. All I could hear was the tv in the living room, and low talking.

"Aye wassup y'all." Moses said to everybody. They all greeted him, but there were more than three voices like usual. I looked around Moses, and that was when everybody saw me.

"OMG HEY BABY" Ti screamed while running to me and hugging me tight.

"Aye wassup Bunnie" Mike smiled at me.

I whispered a low "hey" to the both of them and looked over her shoulder. There was Pop on the couch, with that same girl. Except they were in the position me and him were that night he rejected me. She got up from under him and came to me once Ti let me go.

"Hi, I'm Nia." Seeing her up close was different. It looked like she had a pound of makeup on, she was clearly light skin, and she was way thicker than me. She held her hand out for me to shake, but Moses stopped her.

"She doesn't like touching people."

Nia shrugged and rolled her eyes while turning away. Before she got far I heard her say "Be rude then bitch."

Was this girl talkin about me? Nah let me not go there, I'm not in the mood to argue with people.

I followed Moses to sit down and got on my phone. I haven't looked at Pop again, but I was feeling the urge to. I finally gave in and looked towards him, just to be met by his eyes. We held each other's eyes but were startled by a yell.


It was Nia, and she was talking to Pop.

"Yes baby?"

Baby. So he could get with this bitch but not me? Ain't that some shit. She give better head than me or something? Do he not like brown skin girls and I was just a quick fuck every other day? I was interrupted from my thoughts by a tapping on my thigh. I looked up to see it was Moses.

"I gotta go make a phone call. I'll be outside if you need me." And with that he walked outside from the front door.

I glanced at Pop and Nia, but I guess Nia saw me looking because she grabbed his face and kissed him.

I sat there awkwardly, as Ti and Mike had went upstairs, probably to fuck.

While scrolling through Instagram, a phone call popped up. It was from Jacob, one of PJ's friends that I was cool with. I accepted the call and put my phone to my ear.

"Hey Jacob."

"Bunnie, are you alone right now?"

"Umm no why?" I was starting to get a little skeptical of this call.

"Good, I'm about to tell you something and I'm praying you don't get too upset at this to where you get where you were some years ago." he took a pause, then continued. "PJ was shot early this morning...he ain't make it."

My phone fell from my hands. My vision got blurry. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I could hear Jacob's voice still coming through my phone, calling my name, trying to talk to me. I couldn't focus on it. All that was playing in my head was "he ain't make it".

"Damn bitch are you okay?" Nia asked me sarcastically.

I shook my head slowly as I tried to get a grip of myself. Then I felt it coming up. I stood up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything inside of me in the toilet. I felt somebody come in and pull my hair back. I just continued until I was basically throwing up air. That's when the tears started flowing. I got away from the toilet and just leaned against the wall, my eyes filled with water. I felt a presence beside me, along with arms wrapping around me.

I don't know how long I sat there crying for, but once my eyes cleared up, I looked to see who was by me. My eyes met with Pop's. 

"Get away from me." I whispered.

"You need somebody right now, and Mosey still outside."

"I don't care. Get away from me."

He sighed then put my face in his hands. "I care about you, I'm not gonna leave you alone."

"Wow great way to fucking friendzone me after that rejection. I'd rather be alone than be around you."

With that he let go of my face and looked away. "Look bruh I meant that as in I care about you more than you th-"

"BUNNIE" Moses came into the doorway, his eyes immediately landing on me. He came down to me and hugged me tightly. "What happened?"

I gulped before saying anything. "PJ... he died."

804 words
