Chapter 2

Rosemary opened her eyes, heard so much noise.

"John." Rosemary says to herself, and gets off her bed, opening the door,a nd walks downstairs.

Rosemary walks down the stairs, and looks aeound to see no one.

"Shush, to much noise, Rosemary will hear you."

Rosemary walks towards the kitchen, and peeks in.

"Does she have veyr good hearing?" Hercules asks, as John coffs, and nods,"Are you scared of her?" He asks, and John shakes his head.

"Every man is scared of a lady." Alexander says, and looks towards the door to see a bit of blonde hair, and then it was gone,"It'll be right back." He says, putting the knife sown, and walking out of the kitchen.

Alexander walked to the living room to see Rosemary sitting in a chair.

"Oh, goodmorning, Aleaxnder." Rosemary says, and smiles,"Did you get a goods night rest?" She asks, as Alexander nods,"Well, thats good." She says, and plays with her necklace.

"That is a lovely neckalace." Alexander says, pointing at her necklace,"Did someone give it to you?" He asks, as Rosmary nods, and chuckles.

"My brother, Henry, gave it to me, before me, and John came to America." Rosemary says, and gets up,"He was one of my favorite brothers." She says, and Alexander nods,"Just don't tell John that." She says,a nd they both laugh.

"Will you come with us to town?" Alexander asks, as Rosemary thinks for a moment,"We won't leave your side." He says,a nd Rosemary nods.

"I would love to join you, and the men for coming to town." Rosemary says, and smiles, as Alexander smiles,"I just need to put my dress on, and I'll be ready to go." She says, and walks off.

Alexander watches Rosemary walk upstairs to her room, then goes back to the kitchen.


Rosemary, and Johns friends were walking around the town, and Rosemary was looking around.

Rosemary had changed into a green dress, wearing a black sweater, and a grey hat, with a bow which was white.

"Do you barely go out?"

Rosemary looks at the man, who was Hercules, and smiled.

"I go out just not a lot." Rosemary says,and Hercules nods,"Joining the revolution?" She asks, turning to look at him.

"Yeah, just like every other man." He says, and Rosemary nods,"You look nothing like Laurens." He says, and Rosemary giggles,"Does anyone call you Mary?" He asks, and Rosemary shakes her head,"That's your new name." He says.

Rosemary giggles, and starts walking behind them.

Rosemary  looks aeo, then at a shop, and notices it imedintily.

"John!" Eosemary shouts, and the boys all turn around to look at her,"I will be right back, go on without me." She says, and smiles.

"Alright." John says, and smile sta her,"I'll see you, Rosie." He says, and Rosemary nods.

Rosemary watches them all walk off, and heads into the store.

Rosemary walks aeound, looking at the dresses, then hears a bell, and she jumps, looking at the person.

"Hello Belle." Rosemary says, and Belle takes off her glasses, walking over to her.

"I was waiting for your next visit, Rosemary." Belle says, grabbing a pin,"You look different." She says, putting her hand on her chin.

"Maybe its my hair?" Rosemary asks, messing around with her blonde hair,"Or my dress?" She says, pointing to her dress.

"Is it new?" Belle asks, walking over to her,"Looks..."

Rosemary waited awhile for Belles anwser, but it took her awhile.

"Good?" Belle says, but it was more formed into a question,"You look good." She says, and Rosemary giggled,"Like theres a glow on you." She says, and smiles.

"My brother invited his friends on a walk with us." Rosemary changing to topic from her dress for no bad complaments,"There kind of annoying." She says, and Belle giggles.

"I told you that many times, men only want to be in bed with you." Belle says, and Rosemary nods,"Have they asked-?"

"No." Rosemary says, and Belle nods,"They're just adorable, and dom't look like men to fight in the war." She says, and Belle giggles.

"What are there names?" Belle asks, and Rosemary touches a few of the dresses, walking around.

"Layette, Alexander Hamilton, and Hercules Mulligan."

Belle giggled at the last name, and Rosemary gave her a look, as she looked stunned at her own actions, and almost walked away.

"Wait, do you know Hercules Mulligan?" Rosmary asks, smiling huge.

"That is something you should not worry about." Bell says, and Rosemary nods,"And shouldn't you be going."


"Because those four have been looking at you for awhile." Belle says, pointing to the window, making Rosemary turn awhile quickly, and Belle was correct.

The four boys started running away, as Rosemary groaned, starting to walk out of the store, making Belle giggle, watching her friend, hold onto her hat, and picking up her dress, and started running.
