Chapter 1

"Many say falling in love is terrible." A lady says, walking up to her husband,"And they are right. I should've listened to my brother when I had the chance." She says, as the man steps back,"I choose the wrong one, haven't I, Alexander?"


"Rosemary Elizabeth Laurens!"

The womans eyes snapped opened, and looked in front of her to see her older brother, John Laurens.

"Are you alright?" John asks, as Rosemary nods her head,"Good, I got worried for a second." He says, as Rosemary laughs at him.

"When are you never worried for me?" Rosemary asks, as John ruffles her hair,"Its the overprotecness you have over me." She says, getting off the chair.

"Your the only sibling I have with me." John says, as Rosemary smiles huge,"And I need to protect you." He says, walking out of the living room.

Rosemary sits their for awhile, then runs out catching up to her brother, who was getting his coat from the coat hanger.

"Why do you need to protect me?" She asks, as John chuckles, and looks over at her.

"From the king." He says, as Rosemary nods, and John walks up to her,"And from anyone who wants your hand in marrige." He says, as they both laugh, and John kisses her cheek,"I'll be back, sister." John says, bowing, as she laughs, and curtys.

"Goodbye, brother." Rosemary says, as John gives her one last smile, and walks out.

Rosemary sighs, and walks around the house.

She walks around for an hour, then soon gets bored, so she decided to write in her journal.

Rosemary runs to her room, and goes to her desk, opens her journal, grabs an quill, and starts writing.

                                                                                                                  June 21, 1779

Dear Journal, today has been a lightful day, much more wonderful than any others. Firstly, John and me went on a walk and met a not so friendly squirrl. I got so distrated by the squirrl and John gkaring at ecah other, I didn't notice a man coming up to me, I didn't talk to him, because John pulled me away from him and the squirrl. Secondly, We came home and played a little tournament of runners first, soon I feel asleep on the couch, and had the most weirdest dream, it was a woman, and her husband, she was talking about how terrible it is falling in love with him. And then, John left to be with his friend, which agve me the hoouse all to myself, and it got boring by the second.

Rosemary stops writing, and puts her quill back down, and closes her journal.

She gets upfrom her chwir, and runs out of her room.

"Only a little longer until John comes home." Rosemary says to herself, then starts running around the house once more.


A few more hours passed, before Rosemary heard the door open, and ran to see who it was.

"You sure its fine to stay here." Rosemary hears a man say, and she gets spooked.

"I'm sure its perfectly fine." Now that voice rosemary knows clearly.

Rosemary looks to see three men with her brother.

She clears her throat, and grab their attention.

"Maybe not, if shes here." John says, as Rosemary runs up to him, and hugs him,"Yeah, missed ya too." He says, making Rosemary laugh.

"Uhm, John?"

The Laurens look at the man to see him looking at John with a look.

"Right, sorry." John says, putting his hands on Rosemarys shoulders,"Guys, this is my little sister Rosemary. Rosie, this is Lafyette, Hercules, and Alexander." He says, pointingat each one.

Rosemarys eyes stay on Alexander, as she wtache shim shuffle through his pockets.

"Is it they stay here for the night, Rosie?" John asks, and Rosemary looks at him.

"I do not mind." Rosemary says, and smiles,"As long as no one makes a mess, and I have to clean it up." She says, turning to look at the men, and they nod.

Rosemary wiped her dress, and then turned on her heel walking back upstairs.

Rosemary could feel their eyes on her, and she turned her head, still walking, and turned her head to lock eyes with Alexander.

Rosemary gasped, and ran upstairs, turning her head, running through the halls.

Rosemary goes into her room, and closed the door, smiling, she walked up to her desk, and sat down, opening her journal, and grabbing her quill.

                                                                                                                  June 21, 1779

Dear Journal, I know that I have written today, but I just needed to write once more. I have meet my brothers friends, Hercules, Lafayette, and the cutest, Alexander. I just needed to write this, okay, write more tomorrow.

Rosemary puts the quill down, and closed her journal.

Rosemary got up, and walked over to her bed.

"Oh, this is going to be lovely."
