Red It's Her Color

Hi guys, here's another chapter. I want to thank each one that have been reading this story and supporting my work, means so much for me.  Hope you guys enjoy and sorry for be so long, but I can assure you guys that the next chapter will be filled with emotions, so keep reading :) Also don't forget to comment and search me for a chat here or on my Tumblr. I ask for you guys share this story with everyone!!! Again, thanks for the support and love, you guys are the best!!! Love you....xoxxoxoxoxox Ana!!!


Ross parked the car and Laura almost jumped from her sit running fast toward the door, forgetting completely that she was out of keys. Her friend came seconds later laughing about her attempt to enter in the house.

Calm down! You have time, the girls are waiting for you.

Yeah! But I don't wanna lose any moment!

He rolled his eyes finally opening the door. Laura raced inside, packing her things fast into a backpack Ross lents her trowing her PJ's and a pair of cloths for the next day, she also got a towel and another few things.

Looking over her shoulder she thanked that Ross was focused in his text messages and fast picked the present she had hidden in the drawer and put with her other stuffs and closed the thing.

I'm done!

Okay turbo! Let's go!

Laura buckled herself again, making sure she didn't forget anything. The bags with her dress and the things for the show were in the backseat and all she needs was inside the backpack. Easy Ross put them into the road, driving in the light traffic to Raini's house.


Guys I can't believe we are having a sleep over!

Just chill Maia!

Why so annoyed Lexi?

The tall black haired girl stuck her tongue out making Maia rolled her eyes doing the same.

Calm down you two! - Raini said coming with popcorn and a bunch of chocolate.

Sorry! - both said.

I'm just excited for having Laura tonight, she is so sweet.

I agree! At first, when Ross told me about her I thought she would be a scared and weak girl, but turns out that she is really strong and confident.

Yeah! The way she always see everything amazed and is always smiling.

Ross said that she passed for hard stuff, but looking at her, you can't imagine.

Yeah! So girls let's make a deal. No talking about past, that can put us in bad sheets.


The tree sat on the floor eating the food, talking about trivial things when the doorbell made a pitch noise echoing all around the house. Raini stood up, leaving the others behind making her way to the door


Ross parked his car in front of his friend's house, seeing Laura's eyes grow big at the big place in front of her. Still inside his car Ross turned to face his friend, feeling something scream inside him, like an alert sign, it was safe leave her alone?


Laur, you picked everything you need?


They went out of the car, standing at the door. He left Laura pull the doorbell. She turned to see her friend's eyes, a little bit of concern in them.

Hey Ross are you okay?

Sure! - he opened a small smile - Just tired.

I can imagine you got very bored needing to try cloths.

He smirked and she rolled her eyes before laugh a bit.

The door opened revealing Raini in her PJ's.

Hey Laura! - she hugged her new friend. - Girls! Come here, it's Laura!

Seconds later 2 girls appeared at the door smiling and hugging Laura at the same time.

Hey girls! I'm ready for fun!

Lexi pulled Laura inside already babbling about some TV show. Then Ross called her that turned to face him.

If you need anything just call me okay!

She nodded smiling.

Ross just let her go! - Lexi said still inside the house with Laura, making Ross give her a glare. He ignored her and continued.

Tomorrow the show will start at 7 but I will need to be there one hour before so I will pick you around 5:30 okay? Have fun!

Sure! Thanks Ross!

He smiled happily, and was about to enter inside and hug her but Lexi pulled Laura to the living room leaving Ross with Raini and Maia giving him a look that made him blush hard.

So she is just your friend? - Raised eyebrows at the blond guy.

Yeah! Why?

I don't know, maybe because I'm seeing you have a big crush on her?


Chill, don't need to yell!


That's okay. I was just talking with the girls, Laura is really as sweet as you said, and so strong.

Ross smiled at himself thinking about everything that his friend had shared with him during all those days, that girls didn't imagine for how much she passed trough.

Yeah! I know. Please just let her have a good time, she deserves more than anyone.

Be sure she will have the night of her life! And I bet she will surprise you tomorrow.

What do you mean Maia?

Nothing! Now just go and let us have fun!


GO! - both said making Ross give a steep away.

Okay! I'm going!

Bye! - Maia ran inside with Raini closing the door behind her, leaving a Ross facing the white piece of wood wishing the best for Laura, a good time!


Hey girls let's talk about a serious thing! - the other tree scooted a little closer as the curiosity was screaming - BOYS!!

The four laughed hard. Laura was enjoying her night, it was one of the best days of her life. It was past midnight and they were still talking like if it was noon.

Raini parents had left the girls have their fun, cleaning the basement that was filled with couches and a big TV. They had brought a LOT of food down there eating all the popcorn and ending with chocolate.

That girls were funny and defiantly had a good talk. They passed trough music taste to worst movie that they had watched. A promise of helps Laura to get ready the next day had been made.

Laura came back to reality when the 3 other girls faced her.


Don't give that "what" for us, say everything about our blond friend.

Well we are good friends.

Humm.."FRIENDS"...sorry we aren't buying this lame!

But it's true!

Little Laura, Maia here knows the Ross guy pretty well, and I don't know, I felt the chemistry between you too.

That made Laura blush hard, thinking about the possibility of Ross feel something for her, what was just craziness, they were just friends.

No guys, we are just friends!

Are you sure you don't feel anything?

Well...- DAMN IT! That "well" just made the girls smile happily squealing in excitement.

That well says everything, now spill it out!

No, it's not like I like him, it's just a strange feeling that appears every time I'm around him, or when he says such sweet words to me, and...

OMG Laura you have a crush on him!

No Maia it's more, I think Laura are really liking him.

She started to blush even mofe, looking down her lap, messing with her fingers. Did she really likes him? More than a friend? Should she likes him?

Hey Laura, don't need to blush girl! - Lexi said playfully.

But Laura just couldn't avoid.

Girls, I don't know. I never liked anyone before, I'm not sure about my feelings, besides I shouldn't like him, we belong to different realities.

Laura - Maia called her attention, grabbing her hands. - I know Ross, and I never saw him so caring and happy for someone before. After Courtney he was so deluded and then you appeared. Why you shouldn't like him? Different words? I don't think so, you two are meant to be together, after all he found you. Now you are part of his world and ours too, don't forget about it okay?

Laura stayed quiet for a little, thinking about that, she then nodded smiling again, being teased by the girls.

Girls, wait. Who is Courtney?

All of sudden, the loud girls stopped babbling putting serious expression in their faces, scaring her a little bit. Maia decided be the one to break the awkward silence.

He didn't told you?


Dear, I...I think you should ask him about it, I don't think we have the right of tell you if he didn't said anything before.

Laura was exploding in curiosity but decided not push anything. Maia was right, if Ross has any interesting in talk about this Courtney girl, that she bets was an ex-girlfriend, he would.

They forgot about the subject turning the TV on, watching some random movie and then everyone agreed that was time for some rest, since they would be at the Night Show the next day. Laura tried to get some sleep but the girl's words were echoing in her head. Did she likes him?


Ross arrived home in that empty car parking exactly at 6 P.M. in his small garage. Making his way to the door he got surprised for not be hit by an amazing smell or for the singing of his roommate. It could only be a month but he got used with that small things.

He entered trowing his keys and phone on the table wishing for a bath. opening the hot water he allowed himself from relax, forgetting about the nerves starting to grow inside him because of the performance day be so close to happen and his deal with Laura be ending.

It was so curious for him how she was invading his thoughts, how now she was glued in his mind that keeps remembering about her sweetness and beautiful way of be all day.

He finally closed the tap, being surrounded by the steam. With his towel he cleaned the mirror for be able to see his face. His wet blond hair had some strands glued in his forehead that he took aside with his hand, his hazel eyes focused in the image reflected, he needed to shave. But something was different.

Ross liked what he saw, the change he saw, he fast realized that it was his expression, it was brighter, happier, and he knew why. A smile crossed his lips as he caught himself thinking about her again.

Drying his hair, at least that night he would be able to stay just in his pants, a thing he didn't do since Laura "moved". He respects her, and always will, it was I promise he made.

He looked at the kitchen, too lazy to dare prepare something, he opened the cabinet picking some pop tarts and a Go-gurt from the fridge and popped in his couch turning on the TV searching for something to watch.

27 Dresses was airing, and yes, it was a totally girly movie that he watched a hundred of times since it was one of the favorite movies of Rydel, but watch that it wasn't a problem and even he denying in front of his brothers he liked the movie as much as his sister.

The credits appeared hours later and Ross felt his eyes get a little heavy, he checked the clock, it was only 9 P.M. but without someone to talk things seemed empty and boring. It was interesting how about a month ago he could happily live alone without care and now just couldn't be a few hours without Laura by his side.

He glanced at his bed, that would be available that night, but that he decided leave empty. That bed no longer belongs to him, now it was Laura's bed and honestly he didn't care a bit, actually he was glad she was the one sleeping below the same roof as him. Laing down his head in a pillow fast Ross fell asleep.

"The park was calm and large, the green leaves shining hard under the big sun, a sky without clouds. People were all around hanging out, babies and kids running and riding their small bicycles.

Ross was laid down in the grass seeing the sunlight pass thought the leaves of a tree he was under, in his chest was placed the head of the girl that makes his heart race. Her sweet scent invading the space giving him the feeling of being in a paradise. Lyrics running on his mind since his inspiration was always by his side.

He lift up his head to realize Laura was facing him too, a big smile crossed his lips and he couldn't help but feel the urge of kiss her pink lips. She smiled too closing her eyes, and he just leaned in, closing the space between them.

When he was centimeters away from her, already feeling her warm breath, with eyes closed he heard she call his name softly. He didn't open his eyes, sill leaning in, then he heard her call his name again, this time louder and with certain urge in her voice. He ignored and stayed with closed eyes, and when his lips brushed hers he heard a deep and loud scream, filled with pain. Immediately he opened his eyes to see that Laura was no longer by his side.

Ross jumped searching around, hearing her scream his name but couldn't being capable to see her, to help her, all he was listening was her voice asking for help, asking for him."

Ross jumped, full awake. He put his hand in his forehead feeling the sweat, little drops had formed there. He looked around lost, searching for Laura, his heart in a billion, and just after a minute he realized she wasn't there, because she was in Raini's house, she was safe, and that was just a dream.

He reached for his phone, squeezing his eyes trying to adjust his vision at the bright light that was coming from the screen. It was 3 in the morning!! He put back the cellphone in the coffee table groaning a little, covering his head with his pillow.


Ross calmed himself and tried to forget the feeling and image that was in his mind minutes ago, it was all a dream. The problem was that he couldn't sleep, not anymore, not after the nightmare.

The fear he felt, the weakness of hear her scream and not be able to help, the pain in her voice that was killing him too, making him be in pain too, the felling of not be able to protect her, everything was still too alive in his mind, burning his thoughts and sleep.

He put himself up, walking toward the kitchen for grab something to eat, in an attempt of calm himself, but once he opened the fridge the big box of Go-gurt entered in his sight just remembering him that Laura wasn't there. Frustrated he closed the damn door, retuning to the couch with empty hands.

He needed to stop being a baby and act like a man! GOSH, it was just a DAMN dream!!! Laura was safe with Maia and the other girls, everything was fine. So why he felt like that, like if part of himself had gone with her?

With his head burred in his hands he was trying to figure out his feelings. Does he likes Laura? Is his mother right? Can't be! He can't likes her! There are so....hummm...she probably doesn't .... maybe....well Ross didn't have any arguments that prevents him from likes her besides their friendship. Did she likes him?

Stupid dream, stupid friendship, stupid Laura for being so adorable, messing with his feelings.

Ross decided he would forget about that, letting the feeling go and would sleep again, what actually worked, he does fell asleep. This time, gladly he dreamed with Laura and him dancing in a no ending salon, spinning around, as her magical laugh was echoing in the place.



AHH Stop this singing! - Lexi burred her head under her pillow groaning for being woke up.

What...what time is it? - Laura said between yawns, stretching her arms and then rubbing her eyes.

7:30 A.M.

WHAT! - Lexi yelled, obviously, in a bad mood - It's still dawn! I bet it's dark outside! Why you woke up us??

Hey! Chill Lexi! Someone woke up in bad mood! No, it's not dark outside, and we have a long day so I thought about we start early!

Lexi rolled her eyes trowing a pillow in Raini's face that furred her eyebrows returning the thing to her friend. Laura muffled a laugh still sleepy. Turning she realized Maia was still in her dreams and felt sorry for the girl 'cause she would be badly took out of her sleep, since Raini spotted the Australian and her eyes deep closed.

The curled haired girl approached, reaching Maia's mattress shushing the other 2 that were trying to prevent her from do something crazy. Raini bent down until be really close to Maia's ear for finally speak.


Maia jumped abruptly, screaming in fear. She was lost in space, mixing her dream with reality, muttering some words with no sense, rubbing her eyes with one of her hands while the other was rested in her chest.

Once she finally pictured where she was and what had happened she turned with a dead look in her eyes and Raini knew what to do next. Running one after other the 2 girls were looking like Tom and Jerry. Laura was laughing hard joined by Lexi, both loosing their breath, wiping out some tears. Finally Maia reached Raini screaming in her friend's ear and both stopped, laughing too.

Girls! - Raini started, sill a little out of her breath - my mommy made breakfast for us. She went out to buy things for the lunch but said we can do whatever we want.

Man! Your mother is a brave woman. Who goes to the supermarket at 8 A.M.?

You would be surprise of how empty the place is now!

Sure is empty, it's still dawn!

Hey Lexi, cheer up! We will have a great day so stop being a baby and let's go eat something.

Lexi rolled her eyes again, and followed the girls. All picked their plates filling with the amazing food Raini's mother had prepared for them. It was delicious and each one enjoyed the amazing food, talking about the past night and the details of the day, organizing who it would be the first one to get ready and all that.

Laura, however, was a bit out of that conversation, thinking about the talking she had had the night before, what Maia said, does she likes Ross? Could he been liking her? It was that her feelings were?

In a internal battle Laura was failing terrible in deny her certain that what she felt and have been feeling around Ross is something more as just friends. But cross the line was something huge, it would change their hole relationship, and could ruin what they have. Even though she feels safe in his arms and can't imagine her life without that blond anymore, admit her feelings can cause her a pain that maybe she won't be able to lift. Their deal was about to end, what she is going to do? Allow herself to feel something for Ross it would be the same as self harm.

She was dragged out of her thought when Lexi started to shake her shoulder in excitement, babbling about the dress and something about a make up, asking for her opinion. Laura, of course, hadn't no clue about what the girls have been talking so she said that would be perfect, putting a smile in her friend's face while she breathed relief for escape without them realize she was daydreaming.

At 10 the girls had finished the meal and organized the house. Raini cleaned the basement with Laura's help, while Lexi cleaned the kitchen with Maia.

Raini's mother, Diane, arrived with the bags, hugging each girl before went to the kitchen start the lunch.

Soooooo...Who is gonna be the first? - an excited tone in Maia's voice cheering everyone up.

I think Lexi can go shower first, than me, than Laura and you can go after Maia.

The girls agreed and one by one they took a shower, washing their hairs and relaxing too. Laura opened her backpack to pick up some cloths and remembered that the present from Ross was inside. She smiled thinking if he would like what she choose.

All them ran upstairs to Raini's room. The cream walls were filled with photos and a modern furniture. A flower lamp was the final touch, and even Raini being almost 22 her bed was filled with stuffed animals, showing that even she being that mature and strong woman, a little girl would always live insides her.

One by one the girls went out of their baths, and Laura was still impressed with the lavender bathroom, with that big tub and the incredible space, it was almost like another room. No that Laura was complaining, of course not, but Ross's bathroom turned into a cubicle compared to Raini's one.

When Maia finally went out the girls went to the kitchen for the lunch before start the transformation. A delicious plate of paste was stetted, making Laura remember how good her father's paste used to be.

Don't think she was sad, actually it was a good memory that she likes to keep. It was something that Ross taught her, to make the good memories last, let the pain go only remembering with happiness and a smile on your face about the things that you lived.

Laura smiled, realizing the effect that Ross has on her, even if is just his memory. That made she stop to remember Maia's words, Does she likes him? Now she wasn't so sure about doesn't like him, maybe she has a tiny crush on him, what was a totally normal thing since he did so much for her and....It was wouldn't turn into something big would it?

Satisfied, the girls returned to Raini's bedroom spreading tones of things above the bed. Multiple boxes of make up, and a collection of nail polishes were spread giving a lot of options. Raini decided make the nails and Lexi the make up. Maia stayed with the hair and Laura was the center that afternoon.

Babbling loud the girls spent their time discussing colors of make up and how you know if a boy is interesting in you. Laura, however, was still thinking about her feelings, about Ross, about her life, about everything.

The time flew, and when they notice it was almost 5 P.M., in half an hour Ross would be there, so they decided to put themselves in the dresses. Calum would probably arrive at the same time, he would pic the other 3 girls.

In a bright shade of orange, Lexi was perfect in that strapless, high-low dress, her black polish matching with her high heels, a light make up just to lift up the look was the final touch.

Maia was inside a tight, single strap, knee high, gold dress, that was fitting perfectly with her natural tan. The dark shade of red in her lips giving her a mysterious look fitted perfectly with her high ponytail.

Bright pink nails combining with the high heels and lipstick were the perfect contrast for the black tiny straps long dress that fit as a glove on Raini. Everything finalized by her hair braided in a side messed fishtail braid.

Laura took a little longer to be ready, and the girls just finished in time to hear the door bell rang. She looked at herself in the mirror liking what she saw, but wondering if Ross would like too.

She felt her hands a little humid as her nerves started to freak her out. The girls were admiring their job, and in a group hug they thanked each other for the day and for the help. Laura was about to pick her backpack but Raini took out of her hand, saying that Laura needed to make a big appearance, what made the poor girl more nervous.

Ross was waiting in the living room, his hands sweating, nerves getting him, he passed the hole day thinking about Laura, about his feelings, about the time they have spent together. He does have some feelings for Laura, like a tiny crush, he had to admit that, but it wouldn't turn into something would it?

He had left the presents in the backseat, waiting the right moment to give to Laura. That night he would ask her if she would like to travel with him for his mother's birthday and also if she would like to live in his house for the time she needed.

Spending all that month with Laura, Ross wasn't capable to imagine her living in the streets again, alone, hurt, only the thought makes an angry grow inside him. The truth was that he couldn't imagine a life without Laura anymore. Sure she had a lot of her past unsaid, a mystery for him, but Ross didn't care, he would still help her.

He was only caught out of his thoughts when he heard Calum approaches, entering in the house, waiting for the girls. The redhead boy was about to say something when Raini appeared in the top of the stair.

We are ready!

Raini went down the stair, putting herself besides Ross, handing him Laura's backpack that he put on the floor.

You're beautiful Raini. - The 2 boys said, in a friendly tone.

Thanks guys, I know! - A playful but happy smile crossed her lips making the guys roll their eyes, smiling too.

Calum was about to say something but then Lexi appeared in the top of the stair and his eyes widened seeing his girlfriend, and in that moment, for him, there wasn't any other girl in the world more beautiful than his Lexi.

She realize her boyfriend's reaction and just giggled before put herself besides him. Calum took her hand planting a soft kiss on it, after whisper in her ear how beautiful she was, causing the so confident Lexi to blush like crazy.

Maia came after, her gold dress shining under she sunlight coming from the front window. The dress really had suited her, showing her energetic personality. The boys made their compliments, but Ross couldn't keep his emotions, even the girls being beautiful that was only one that he wanted to see.

Slowly Laura appeared in the top of the stair causing Ross's jaw to drop. His eyes locked in that stunning girl, making her way down. In a strapless red long dress, the stones spreader all over the fabric she was shining, her long hair perfect curled and a light make up allowing everyone to see her natural beauty. Ross reached the bottom of the stairs grabbing her hand, helping her to take the last step.

Their eyes meet and they had the sensations to be the only ones in the hole place, the unsaid words, the feelings, exploding inside of them. Laura was trying to read what was inside that hazel eyes, that were almost green. are...humm - Ross composed himself, putting the words correctly - you look beautiful.

Laura started to blush, almost hitting the color of her dress, and Ross couldn't avoid to grow his smile, if that was possible, seeing how cute she was when she blushes.

The people around them were smiling at the scene, and now they had the certain that Ross and Laura belong to each other.

When the couple finally realized the were being observed both broke the gaze, looking at the people, blushing before Ross start to speak.

So,,,humm...guys I got go, they will need me there earlier like I said. But I already left the seats reserved so you guys just need to look for someone when you arrive, for informations.

Okay! - everyone except Laura and him said in unison.

Ross grabbed Laura's hand leading them to the car. He put his friend's things in the back seat after helps her enter in the vehicle.

So...are you ready?

She nodded, and Ross put them in the driveway. Talking about her night, Laura detailed the fun she had had. Ross didn't mention his nightmare or the feelings that he had discovered, but having her by his side it was enough for him.

A comfortable silence appeared between them after a wile, then Ross did something that surprised Laura, he reached her hand, intertwining their finger, still looking at the road. A feeling started to run all over Ross's body, as he realized that their hands had the perfect match, and now he couldn't deny that he had something more than a crush for his best friend. He felt she frozen in her sit, before relax. Did he do something wrong? Should he have waited? It was too fast?

Ross dared to look fast to his friend seeing a big smile in her lips, her look focused in the view in front of her. He relaxed seeing that she was comfortable with that, so he kept his hand in hers, smiling too, enjoying the small shivers that the touch was sending all over his human being.

A million butterflies were making a revolution on Laura's stomach. Of course she got a little out of the blue but she was happy that he did that. All the questions that have been bothering her were answered in the moment their hands had touched, she has more than a crush on her best friend, and that feelings gave her the certain that the night would be perfect. 
