
Hey guys, so this is finally a wrap, the final chap is finally here. I firstly thank God for be with me 24/7, giving me the sure and confidence that I need to keep trying even though I can fail sometimes, because I know that He is with me and whatever it happens it's because of His wishes for my life. 

Thank you so much for your support and love for this story since the first beginning and for all the complements and kindness during all the chaps and posts. You made me keep pushing my limits and trying harder to be a better writer and I couldn't be more grateful.

Hope you enjoy my happy ending and feel happy as well. I love you guys so much and wait for you on my next adventures. 

I also would like to inform that, due the fact that my new book it's an original I will be changing my profile style. Don't think that I'm leaving this ship, of course not, I just want to reach different publics, hope you understand. 



Ross was only minutes away from his house, a beautiful green place where his family would be waiting for him. Of course he loves spend time at the L & R Records, but there was nothing compared to arrive at night and found everyone filling the place with joy and life.

He could already smell the diner, even though he had no clue about what would be, and hear the sound of screams and maybe a little singing coming from the kitchen. It could be a crazy mess a day with the Lynchs but the nights, it was like a dream.

Parking his car beside his wife's, Ross stayed inside just a bit, taking a quick view in the house, it should be repainted, Rydel's twins had painted a princess castle on the front wall.

Just opening the door was a strong evidence that what he had predicted on his way home became true. His first vision was a TV room filled with toys, papers, glitter an tree kids running after each other, at the background he could hear Laura screaming from the kitchen.


Joe was about to ignore his mother's words when he saw his father hanging at the door. Immediately all the kids forgot what they were doing and ran to hug their dad. The three at once were heavy but Ross was used, and with a forth on the way he had to train a bit.

Hi monsters! How have you been?


We missed you dada! - the big brown eyes of Liam just melted Ross' heart, and the youngest of the three was discovering how powerful that could be, at least over his father.

I missed you too monkey!

The blond boy smiled and gave space to Maddie come over and hug their father properly. The 7 year old girl was covered in glitter and with one of her braids distorted.

Princess what happened to you?

Joe keeps pulling my hair!

And why is he doing that? - the stare he gave to his son was an attempt to show his disagreement with Joe's actions, but Ross wasn't good at that, the best he could do was send kids to bed.

Because I pained his Captain America with glitter! - the girl was messing with her fingers and her father couldn't avoid a laugh escaping. Should he have been angry? Yes, but you know, he couldn't.

Joe, just ignore it okay?

But...she does that with all my figures!

But I matched the glitter with the color of their uniforms!

Like if that would make everything okay!

Hey kids! Joe you, being the older brother ignore it, okay? I will buy you another figures and you, little lady, stop putting glitter on everything okay?

Both kids nodded and Ross gave a proud smile, more to himself than for his kids.

Now, where is mom? - He would ask this same question every night, even when he knew where she was.

At kitchen!

He turned leaving the kids alone again, knowing that after 5 minutes they would be killing each other.

The kitchen was filled with an amazing smell, reminding him how Laura's food is always good. Her big belly was preventing her to be closer to the sink but she was managing well with the stove, she was already used, after three you have to get used.

Hey honey! - Ross left a quick kiss on his wife, trying to not disturb her.

Oh, hey! How was your day?

Incredible, we received 3 deals for new records, but I will need to travel this weekend.

Seriously? Can't you solve from here?

Sorry, I can't. The client wants me to be in L.A. to see his ideas and other stuff.

Okay then! You could bring Calum and Lexi on the way back, next week will be vacation time, I'm sure Bonnie and Victor will like to spend a week here.

Sure! And call Raini too, I bet she won't refuse the invitation, specially when she will get the chance to stay with the kids for a hole week!

If she doesn't collapse I guess she will handle them well for a day!

Maybe! But they are not that messy, are they?

Didn't you see what Maddie did to Joe's figures? It's Rydel's fault, she taught the girl how to use glitter.

She is just a kid, I talked with Joe, he is a big boy and understood the situation, I have them under control!

Ross tried to give the best proud and responsible look to his wife but he knew he wasn't convincing anyone and laugh along with her.

Oh, mentioning Rydel, she called earlier and invited us to a barbecue to celebrate Ell's birthday.

When will be?

Friday. Are you already going to be in L.A.?

No, the flight launches on Saturday morning.

Okay! So I will call her back and say that we are going.

I can't believe that Ell its going to turn 35.

Me neither, I still see that young brunet wearing green converses and following your sister everywhere, not that he had stopped.

But, even though my sister complains she uses his help all the time. Harry doesn't give her time to breath and the twins finish the job, which reminds me that we have to repaint the house, again.


The incredible duo Diana and Olivia painted a castle in our front wall.

Again? Well, I guess that's why now Maddie keeps painting her bedroom walls, she had great teachers.

Both couldn't avoid the smiles, Rydel had the funniest kids, that along with Ross' ones were a hurricane destroying every place they passes for.

I'm wondering if Jamie will join them. - the blond came close to caress the belly holding their future daughter.

Do you have any doubts? With 6 teachers she and Clara's boy will be destroying before they be able to speak.

Did them decide the name?

She wants Daniel, because its easier for her Brazilian family to speak but your brother doesn't want to leave Robert out of the game.

I prefere Daniel.

Everyone does, now put it on your brother's head.

I guess I can't. If Clara didn't convince him yet, I doubt who will.

Hummm.... well, we know who it's going to win at the end.

Clara has this power that mom always wished to have back when Ry was a kid. Sometimes I feel Mrs. Stormie envies her daughter- in-law, just a bit!

Laura smirked and he couldn't contain his arms to embrace her. Sadly that didn't last long, the diner was ready and the kids came like a wave to the table.

Liam made sure to share with his family what had happened on his favorite cartoon and the lesson he had learnt at school. Kindergarten may had be boring for his siblings but to Liam everyday was magical, in his mind the world was bigger and brighter that it was to other people.

Maddie shared her ideas to build a shelter for injured stuffed animals and her serious look was making the hole thing funnier than already was. It was silly but was the evidenced of a heart that cares more with the others than with herself.

Joe remained in silence, just listening, just thinking. The almost 10 years old boy wasn't the talkiest but his absence of words was rare and noticed by his parents, who waited until bed time to talk with him.

Guys, I were talking to your father and Friday we are going to your aunt's Rydel house okay? It's uncle Ell's birthday.

No way! Are cousin Amber coming too? And Carly?

Yes, everyone will be there.

And grama and grampa, and uncle Rocky?

They will be there too Liam.

Cool! Uncle Rocky said I could ride his skate!

Laura gave Ross a worried look but her husband signed that the situation was under control. That don't mean she wouldn't make sure Liam would be far away from that skate.

After a deserved diner and a warm shower the Lynchs were ready for bedtime. Liam was under his covers listening to a low music which he couldn't sleep without. Maddie was soured by her uncountable stuffed animals hearing her father making up a story, the potion for her sleep in less than 5 minutes.

Laura was wondering if she should talk with Joe or if that was a subject to Ross deal with. When her husband left the pink room of their daughter he meet his wife waiting for him.

Should I go?

I think I can handle this.

Do you know what happened?

Not sure, but I think I figured out.

Okay, so I will be at bed, don't guarantee that I will be awake, Jamie and the others are consuming my energy.

Don't worry, good night honey.

Night love!

She left Ross, who knocked before enter. Joe was laid in his bed staring at the sealing, it seemed that a lot was going on inside his mind.

Hey! Can I come in?


Ross sat at the edge of the bed and Joe sat straight, both looking to the starred sky visible by the window on the opposite wall.

What's her name?

What? - immediately his cheeks got pink, ending with any chances to hide his feelings.

I know what you are feeling son, believe me, you aren't hiding from me. Can I know her name?

It's....It's Emma.

Hummm...so you have a crush on her?

What? ....no....it's not like that ....it's...

She is really cool isn't she?

Joe nodded, smiling as he thought about her.

She's my best friend, but it's so awkward. I'm too young to fall in love, you know!

Ross was wondering when his son would really know what fall in love really means. Gladly would be a couple of year later.

Well Joe, I agree that you are too young, so why you two don't keep being just friends? Than, when you both grow up you can decide if you want to date her or not, and she can decide too.

Yeah....Yeah! You are right! Thanks dad!


Ross got up, knowing that he may not have said much but it was enough. On his way to the door a last question stopped him.

Dad, how you knew you had to marry mom?

Ross smiled remembering in a quick flash his life after Laura - Well, that's a long story that I will tell you when you grow up, but I can say that she is the one that makes me better. Your mom makes me want to be a better person everyday.

Joe nodded, and laid down thinking about his father's words. Ross left the room, turning off the lights. Back to his bedroom he found Laura already asleep. Looking at her, being beside him, after 11 years of marriage, he often had to pinch himself to be sure it wasn't a dream.

His life was amazing and he couldn't complain about anything. It wasn't hard to leave L.A. after all, Littleton was a better place to raise kids and he was happy to be able to see his children grow up instead of being stuck at the traffic every nigh. His family was by his side in case of any need and he was having the opportunity to see it grows too. All his brothers were married now, even Rocky found a girl that made him stop looking for others, Amber was so big that had found a boyfriend to herself (Riker went mad with the idea of her little girl having a boyfriend but accepted after meeting him, the guy is a fine boy) and Carly was already on elementary school. His younger brother would soon be a father too.

Life had took a big turn and Laura was the cause of that. Who knows what would had happened with him if she wasn't there on that rainy night? Where would him be?

At the very end, even with the difficulties, dramas, worried, life it wasn't that complicated. Ross didn't try to be a hero to have the best woman in the world, all he had to do was Keep Her Safe, and that was enough!    
