Chpt 30

⚠️ Tigger warning ⚠️

Gore, blood, violence.

⚠️ Trigger warning ⚠️


Kazuka POV

After all the commotion of the building being on fire, it soon calmed down and now father is in charged.

This building is called: "G-Corportation" G-Corp for short.

Father is the CEO of G-Corp. He hired some people that apparently got betrayed just like him. The he hired a bodyguard name Anna Williams.

She looks a good enough bodyguard. She always greets me by pinching my cheek. (who wouldn't? He's adorable!)

What did he assigned venom an I?

Since he knows we want to be an engineer or a scientist when we grow up. He wants us to be the assistant for both of them so we can see if this is something we want.

He's a good father I'm telling ya!

Now he's building up the military forces by getting them into higher ups. The top military. That's why he's looking around looking for the best military countries and troops that you can get.

If you went inside his office you can see on the screen it's bunch of different troops plastered on there about their background and how good they are. Some of them say dead and some of them are alive.

Kazuka:Hey, father I got an idea. What if we re-route the power system!?

Father:Re-Route to what?

Kazuka:...*confused* *steps back a little*

*Door opens*

The bodyguard came in with a filer in her hand.

Anna:Hey boss, what about this troop?

She puts down the file in front of father desk. I came a little closer to look at the better perspective. Venom popped out of my shoulder to look as well.

Kazuka: She's the same age as me.

Anna:I know that troop is a female and a kid, but her overall views about her in Italy is astonishing.

Venom: Probably at a Junior military.

Anna:No. It says here that she's one of the best Italian troops that was proven enough to be with the teenagers and adults side of the military. She comes from a Military family so you know she is hella tough.

Kazuya:Her interesting. Although it could be a little some false information to hide some things away from the public. Do you have any videos of here. There should be videos of them during the war. I would think someone would record this kid.

Anna:Yes, sir. We found a few of the videos that they had. We will also try to hack into their system to see if they have anything secret files of her.


A video opened up on screen and all we see is the Italian girl standing on top of a dead person body, have the gun over her head screaming at the top of her lungs, she has a huge big smile on her face.


Then she runs off in a low position going to each different post, shooting while cameramen is following her.

She grab a grenade from her pocket and throw it. The camera shows of how far her range was.



Father:Good eye contact, good concentration, good throw even for a kid, excellent timing, reflexes are good as well.

Girl:Stay in low position cameramen!! I know I'm not suppose to pay attention to you, yet you are close to die. Stay in low position, if you don't have fun getting shot. Now shut up! I gotta concentrate.


The other video is called " Radio specialty"

I was confused of what it meant by that.

The video played and it showed what looks to be her leader next to her giving her some instructions.

Venom: Isn't that the sergeant or lieutenant?

Father:Yes. Now shut it!


Lieutenant:This is what you are going to do. You are going to retrieve the other side radio and afterwards come back. I'm gonna be near your side to shoot any intruders. Sooner or later when you get better you'll be able to go on your own! Do you got that, soldier?!

Girl: YES SIR!!

Lieutenant:We begin this mission now! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

The girl ran out of the spot and head towards a certain direction while cameramen follows her.

The video two different sections. One is from the cameramen and one is from the perspective of the girl troop. It's attached to the front of her vest.

She keeps running and ruining. She sees a mine she dodges or jump over. Whenever she sees a rifler up ahead about to shoot her. She immediately go down on the ground and crawl, very slowly. She uses one of the dead bodies on the ground to take cover.

But then, she decides a new strategy. She grab her dagger out to stab onto the dead body opening it up. The girl unexpectedly crawls inside the dead body like she's a cub looking for warmth.

Then she zips the button to open up a little to get her to see a little. She tried walking with the body on two feet acting like a sprit is in control of the body.

The rifler shoots the dead body on the head and the girl act like a regular body been shot. She rolls and crawls sneaking around not to be too suspicious. Like a starfish.

The girl continued going a little faster when she heard the rifler scream, indicating he has been shot. the hell...?

Girl: Don't be freak out sir! It's just me with my strategy. I'm inside the dead body crawling to get the radio so no one would notice me!


Girl: That's the strategy sir! To show the enemies that these are ours and not theirs. Don't worry I'll bring it back! I won't damage it as much. I'll look for a another body that's opposite of ours along the way!

Lieutenant:*chuckles* Clever crazy girl. She's going to grow up to become the number one best Italian women's military troop out there!

The girl keeps continuing her way until she found an opposite troop that is dead. She crawls out of her troop dead body and went to do the same process. Except she grabbed a string that was attached to the uniform and grabbed her grenade. She attaches the string to the handle of the grenade. Put on the dead body hand, make sure it's tight enough to not fall out. Then she crawls inside the body.

From the outside it looks like a person stand up unnoticed, walking around like a penguin.

She made sure she's not making the string pull on the handle.

Later on she made it to the section of their enemy base. I see a path of grass on top over the ditch. Underneath the ditch you can see the radio place there with three guys around it.

Enemy #10: Hey! You alright, man?

One of the troops notice. Some more came around surrounding her.

The girl waited until enough troops are surrounding around her until she pulled the string. As if on cue, the grenade exploded and before the second it exploded, The girl dived out of the body in time and ran out of that spot as she heard an explosion and guys screaming.

The girl outfit is all bloody up. It's full of blood with some muscle, a little big of organs, and bits of bones attach to her uniform. Even on her helmet. That didn't matter to her. Her only mission is to get the radio.

She made it to the radio section. The three guys are not paying attention only looking at the section where the explosion erupted.

The girl dived into the ditch and spin kick to the back of one of the guy's neck instantly killing him. The back of the guy neck bend forward, making the vertebrates separated and cracked from eachother and hitting a nerve that connects to the brain.

The other two guys panicked and try shooting her. Thank to her kid size shortness she move in a low position around their legs like a squirrel, use her dull dagger to throw one of them at the guy that was farther from the radio at least ten meters away from it. The dull dagger hit the guy heart. She use some type of technique throw to make it go deeper into the heart Instead of stopping it halfway because of the ribcage.

The girl grabbed the piece of organ that was on her helmet and throw it into the enemy mouth that was near the radio.

The guy tries to get the disgusting taste of organ out of his mouth. While the guy is distracted, the girl took this time to get her dull dagger back from the guy's heart, and grabbed the guy rifle, grab tape that she kept in case. She put the dagger attached to the front of the rifle to act like a bayonet.

Basically the weapon that they used to have back in world war 1.

The guy that is near the radio, eventually gotten the organ out of his mouth, thanks to him vomiting. He looked up and flet a pain going through his mid-section. He looked down to see the girl that attacked them.

The girl rifle with dull dagger attached to it is digging it through the mid-section. Not just stabbing. Twisting it around.

The reason why she didn't stab him of where his ribcage is at, because her dagger would've gotten stuck.

The man screamed out in pain, feeling the dagger stabbing and twisting his insides. The girl yanked the rifle out and shot the man in the head.

The girl kept the rifle and grabbed the radio, carried it out of the ditch first looking around making sure it's in a clear. She's not in a clear yet. So she got another grenade and throw it out into the far east.

A lot of people ran to that direction. She took that chance and ran out of the ditch going back to where she came from before.

She move her head around mostly the ground to look for the dead body troop on her side. She was looking around too much that she trip over a mine that was sticking over the ground.

Girl:Crap! Crap! Craaaaaaap!


Thankfully she moved out of the way, but her right ear drum is damaged. The pressure of the explosion moved her forward. She landed on the harsh ground. Infront of her is the dead body that she was looking for. Now she has to think of a way to pick all three up. She has no time to be thinking strategy so she'll go for it. She uses the rifle strap to wrap around her, the dead body is wrap around her back. Using the hands to grab the straps of her uniform and the radio held protective on her left arm.

She starts running very fast back to her direction. Running zig zags of the gun shots shooting near her feet. Listening in the missiles, and explosions coming from, except her right ear because of her eardrum damaged. That's why she's constantly looking to her right for any suspicions.

After for a very long time of running, she sees her base up ahead.

The troops at the base look upfront to see a bloody uniform with a radio on the left arm, a troop on their back, and a rifle carriage.

The girl jumped through the obstacles of the base and went to the radio section. She kept on running even she's still at her base, she still running till heads to her main direction she has to go to after retrieving it.

She got to her destination she put the radio down safely, same with the dead body.

The troops near her was looking at her. Shocked, confused, close to vomiting seeing her uniform full of blood, a little bit of organs and a little bit of bones attached to it.

The girl:Has Lieutenant made it back, yet?

They answered no.

She immediately runs again while the others are calling out to her.


Troop #44: Is that her dagger attached to her rifle?

The girl started running and looking of where her lieutenant could be.

Thankfully, she didn't have to go that far considering he's close to the base. She fought along side him. She went up behind the enemy and used the riffle attached to the dull dagger and stab the dagger into the mid-section of it's back. She then shot the back of his head.

Lieutenant:Nice job, soldier!

He doesn't need to ask her if she succeed he can tell that she did It.

Or else why would she go back to him?

The Girl: Forza e coraggio che la vita è un passaggio. (Strength and courage because life is a passage.)

Close to the end of the video shows The girl and lieutenant fighting and running alongside together like it's a father and daughter event.

The narration of the voice spoke:"And so, that's the journey of the challenges of being the radio retriever."


There was silence. No one talked. Our eyes were glued to that image of the end of the video of the girl and the lieutenant fighting alongside. Plus with the last text with it.

The silence broke with father laughing.

Father:This girl is really something. That shows not to underestimate little girls or any girl when they joined the army. With girls they're easier to become unnoticed. Little girls that can be able to maneuver will be perfect to be in our military. Show next video.

Father is really impressed. I never seen him this impressed.


The last video showed the obstacle course that they had for the troops to do.

The girl is in it of course.

Normally she would be on the female side to be with them and do the course with it. I guess she is soo good they test her out how she'll do good on the men side.

The start of the go time started and she was booking it. She did good and fast at the obstacles. Right now she's in third place.

[In the background]: "If you win this, I'll buy you a gelato!

For some odd reason that clicked her and she immediately started doing the obstacles fasters. But being careful of the placement of her hands.

At the finishing line she finished first place. The others were mad thinking that the people in the background cheated. Because they mention gelato.

The girl's lieutenant managed to stand up for her.

Lieutenant:Even so, you guys should be a shame of yourself for letting her win! She was already kicking ass at the beginning not like it's going to change anything If they never said gelato. I still getting my gelato?

Lieutenant:Yes, you are. What kind of flavor you want?


Father:Anna, still try to hack into their system to find out some more about her background. I'll try to contact them to ask them if I can have her for my military. Also, find any other girls that are close to like her.

Anna:Yes, sir. I'll leave you to it. *Leaves*

Venom:So, is there something that you want from us?

Father:What do you want?

Venom: I'm asking you the same question.

Father:Figure out if being a scientist or engineer is the right place for you guys.

Venom:Ah, okay.

A few minutes past.

Father:What are you standing around for? Go!

Venom:Alright. Alright. We are going!

I and Venom head back to where we were before.


Kazuya POV

This military will be better with her around, plus with the others that are close to her.

I will keep her until she dies from war. I just have to figure out her background and make sure the people in charge of the Italian war understands that I want her.

We'll meet soon.....

Maria Aloisio


Words: 2710

