Chpt 23

I'm loving that look on Heihachi's face! 😂👆


3rd POV

A place. A place or a building called, Hon-Maru.

Hon-Maru's roof broken with black feathers falling down. The sky is dark, night time with the bright moon shining down at the hole.

Suddenly bunch of helicopters approaching to the building. Inside the building Heihachi and Kazuka awaken, regaining consciousness.

On the sides of the helicopters changed into some type of machinery that shoots out big balls of mechanic towards the building.

The big balls of mechanic went through the roofs of Hon-Maru and reshaped themselves into Jacks. Their red eyes targeting them. Surrounding and appoarching the Mishimas. 

Heihachi: "Who goes there?"

Kazuya uses his left hand on Heihachi right shoulder and pushed him behind him.

With one glance at each other they immediately began to fighting the JACKS. like father and son. Kazuya went for a right punch at the JACK's side destroying the whole section.

Heihachi pushes one to the side and brought both his hands at the jack and obliterated that he was fighting.

A headbutt from heihachi, the JACK's force goes back, then to the air. Kazuya grab it's leg and tests it into the crowd of Jacks.

A left hook Kazuya, destroying a Buddha statue. A Jack was about to punch Kazuya, but Kazuya did his signature uppercut making the Jack fly up, Heihachi jump in the air and kicked the Jack.

Heihachi defeats the small group of JACK'S that surrounded him.

Then more JACKS appeared inside Hon-Maru.

Unexpectedly, Kazuya uses his right hand to grab Heihachi's head, pulled him back and throws him  to the path of Jacks.

Heihachi fell forward due to the sudden throw.

JACKS dog dived or jump and used their elbow on top of Heihachi stopping him from getting up.

Kazuya smirked. Satisfied.

Kazuya took this chance and escapes after betraying Heihachi.

Heihachi: "Damn you, Kazuya!"

Heihachi is restrained, A Jack dropped down from above, came close to him and open it's face showing a timer: "3:69" (3 seconds)

Heihachi:  "なに?!”

The JACKS self-destruct, destroying Hon-Maru.

A mysterious, muscular man with brown skin, shades or not, blonde hair, styled in a very short crew cut and with streaks shaved out of it, revealing strips of his bare scalp. He has a large X-shaped scar across his face, with the lines crossing between his eyes. He also bears a black tattoo resembling a stylized Kanji for death (死 ) on his left shoulder. He wears a close-fitting combat gear in a monochrome palette, mere looking like an appearance of a ninja. This mysterious man name is, Raven, watched the scene from a nearby cliff. Speaking into an earpiece, he reports...

   "Heihachi Mishima is dead."

A Jack appeared behind him trying to catch him after Raven vanished and the jack is sliced cut-to- the top of the shoulder-to-the bottom right rib cage.

The jack parts falls down. What appeared behind the jack was Raven.

Raven has his back towards the scenery putting his weapons back in it's place.


Here's the scene that you want to see.

My favorite part is when Kazuya yeets Heihachi into the path of Jack's.

I'm loving the face that he made!😂👆

It cracks me up every time I see it.

I'm gonna draw that just because! Lmao 🤣


