Chapter 11

A few seconds have passed, as Ayano tries to decipher what the person near the stairs looked like, they move towards Ayano finally revealing themselves. It was no other than the missing person Mina, she had bloodshot eyes, and had big dark eyebags, her face was quite red obviously showing that she had just cried. She wore a white shirt and black jogging pants.

Mina: It didn't have to be like this... but you gave me no other choice.

Ayano's eyes widen, it was her friend Mina, she was the one who trapped her here. Mina's voice was shaky as she spoke. Mina walked closer to Ayano, and grabs both Ayano's shoulder.

Mina: Why?! WHY DIDN'T YOU DO IT?! WHY?!

Ayano: W-what do you mean Mina?!

Ayano started forming tears in her eyes, one of her friends betrayed her and is now shouting at her for no apparent reason.

Mina: Why didn't you kill yourself that day?!

Mina tightened her grip on Ayano's shoulder.

Ayano: what...

Tears fell continuous on Ayano's face, it was like a waterfall.

Mina: You were supposed to be gone! Yet you decided to stay! Everything would've been fine if you were just gone!

Mina's words were like daggers stabbing Ayano's heart. Her voice was so loud it could break an eardrum.

Ayano: W-why would you say that? We're friends why the hell would you say that?!!

While Mina was screaming at her Ayano headbumped Mina, this caused Mina to fall on to the ground, blood dripped down Mina's forehead. Mina touched her forehead and saw the blood flowing from her forehead.

Mina: You bitch!

Mina stood up and kicked Ayano in the stomach, luckily this didn't hurt Ayano much but she did spit out saliva.

Mina: I know.. what you've done.

Ayano: What are you even talking about?

Mina: I know everything, your obsession with Taro, your condition, the things you did to all those innocent people! Yeah! Kizana was a snob but she didn't deserve death.. you're a monster Ayano Aishi. I kept it all to myself but.. you.. you just had to join the Martial Arts Club and ruin everything!

Ayano's eyes widened.

Ayano: H-how...

Mina punched Ayano in the face causing her to break her nose and it bleeded.


Ayano: Mina... plea-


Mina kicked Ayano in her chest area, Ayano spat out blood and her tears continued to flow.

Mina: I guess you're not ready for the truth yet..

Ayano: ...

Mina: Does it even make you feel ashamed that you tortured those innocent people?!


Mina was shocked with Ayano's response.

Mina: Oh really? After torturing them endlessly, then making them your slave to kill people then to kill themselves, you feel bad? Don't make me laugh Aishi. Your are a monster, a disgusting fucking monster.

Ayano: I.. did it all for love..

Mina: You're pathetic.

Mina slapped Ayano.

Mina: You know..

Mina chuckled.

Mina: Do you know, much I had to tolerate being around you? Being in the same school with a sick person, a disgusting murderer.. but then you.. you joined the Martin Arts Club. That was it, THAT was my breaking point! I joined the club to protect my home but then you joined.. someone who hurt people just to feel something. I had a meltdown at home the day you joined our club. I couldn't say to Budo that I had a problem with you because I didn't want to be one of your victims, I had to act that I liked and cared about you! that day when I heard you got rejected by Yamada something I was overjoyed! I wanted you to get the karma you deserved, someone messaged me that you were gonna attempt, I was ecstatic hearing the news, the disgusting murderer who tortured and killed people was finally gonna be gone! But no... you didn't continue your plan and just mopped around instead! I was disgusted that I had agreed to help and visit you that day. I don't even know why I agreed with Sho to miss practice to visit someone like you. But then when I saw the post, of you and Budo were having a date.. I just couldn't take IT ANYMORE.

Ayano looked at Mina with disbelief, the person she used to think was her friend hated her all this time. Mina noticed Ayano staring at her, Mina's face was immediately full of disgust and hatred seeing Ayano look at her like she was completely innocent.

Mina: Tsk, don't look at me like you haven't been pretending to be nice to everyone in school.

Ayano: I haven't been pretending.. I do care about my friends.. I care about you...

Mina: Oh please! Don't bullshit me Aishi, I know you're just waiting for an opportunity to kill me right now, and by the way I don't really think calling your pawns "friends'' will do you any good in your sickening and twisted game.

Ayano had her head down and began to speak.

Ayano: You said you knew about my condition... yet you still call it a game..

Mina's face showed visible anger when Ayano spoke.

Mina: Isn't it tho? You control people and make them do stuff you want them to do? Isn't that something you do in a game? For fucks sake Aishi, you actually think I care for you condition? You harmed people, manipulated them, even killed some, yet you want me to feel sympathetic for you? to understand what you're going through? No no no.. you HAHAHHA will get what you deserve Aishi, mark my words you'll be getting what you deserve.

Mina started to walk away from Ayano and walked upstairs, Ayano began to think about what Mina had said, "Mark my words, you'll be getting what you deserve" those words kept repeating in her head.

'Deserve... what do I exactly deserve? it's not like I wanted to be born this way, it's not like I had any other way, I didn't have a choice, I never wanted any of this, I just wanted to feel alive. In sacrifice for that feeling, I hurt people who never did anything to deserve it.. I guess I do deserve what is coming for me.'

While Ayano was thinking, Mina came down holding something in her hand.

Mina: I'm gonna love every second of this.


Mina had an evil grin on her face, she walked towards Ayano, the light showed what she had holding a razor blade on one hand, and piece of cloth on the other.

Ayano: W-what are you going to do?!

Ayano tried to make as much as movement as possible to try and unlatch the tied rope on her arms and legs but it no use.

Mina: Why are you so scared for? I'm just doing what you've been doing the past weeks.

Mina then walking towards Ayano again, she then dropped the razor blade on the floor and used the cloth she had on her hand and tied the cloth on Ayano's arms and legs to make sure Ayano couldn't suddenly kick or punch her. She also put a cloth over Ayano's mouth, she picked up the razor blade and spoke

Mina: Now let's begin

She said with a sickening smile, she then started to cut into Ayano's thighs.
Ayano tried moving but it wouldn't work, she tried to scream but all that could be heard was muffle sounds.

Mina: Repeat after me.. You are worthless.

More muffled sounds came from Ayano as she tried shake and move. Mina slowly continued to slice down Ayano's thighs to her knee.

Meanwhile with Budo.

'Damn, I still can't believe I missed three whole days of school.' Budo thought as he was sitting on his bed wearing Bruce Lee patterned pajamas. He covered his mouth as he yawned, he looked at the clock that was hanging in the wall, the time was 7:40 PM, usually by this time he would be doing his usual training exercise but now he was just sitting on his bed looking at a stupid clock. "Well since I feel like doing anything, I'll just message Sho" he said as he stood up and stretched his torso, he went and grabbed his phone that was on a desk by the wall opposite side of his bed.

Budo: Sho!

Sho: what?
what is it?

Budo: Nothing I Just Wanted To Message You, See How You Are Doing.

Sho: ...why are you typing like that?? it's weird

Budo: ?

Sho: the way you're typing dude it's weird

Budo: What Do You Mean?

Sho: stop please

Budo: I Don't Get It?

Sho: dude no stop typing capital letters on every word you type, it's weird and annoying

Budo: What?? How Is It Annoying?

Sho: y'know what? whatever, I'm doing fine hbu?

Budo: I'm doing great, thanks for asking!

Sho sends a selfie of him to Budo in response to his chat.

They continued to chat and chat until it was about 11 PM.

Budo: I better go now, see you tomn!

Sho: Yeah me too, night dude

Back with Mina and Ayano, Mina was standing right in front of Ayano.

Mina: Had enough?

Ayano was unresponsive to Mina's question, her eyes were red and dull. After a few seconds of silence Mina smiled and slapped Ayano's face.

Mina: I'm getting tired of looking at you. I'll go now, but this isn't over Aishi.

Mina steps forward and puts her face very close to Ayano's.

Mina: I won't stop until every single part of your body is in pain, I won't stop until you feel the pain and agony the people you hurt they had felt.

Mina steps back and drop the blade she used to hurt Ayano, she slowly walked towards the stairs, close the light, and finally goes upstairs.

Mina felt happy that Ayano was finally getting what she deserved, but she wanted more, she wanted to do more to Ayano, she wanted to bring her pain, so much pain that it could be considered worse than what all Ayano's victims felt combined. Mina grinned at the sickening ways she thought she could use on Ayano. Meanwhile Ayano, she was in tremendous pain, multiple cuts on her legs, broken nose, a black eye, bruises on her arms, Ayano felt horrible for the things she had done, "I deserve this..." she mumbled to her self. "I'm a worthless monster.." Ayano tries to move her neck but it hurt from when Mina dug her nails into Ayano's throat when she tried to strangle her, even trying to move her feet was painful, Ayano's feet bleeded from all the stomping Mina did on it.

Ayano continued to think, 'If only I was normal, if only I wasn't an Aishi.. maybe, maybe I wouldn't have done the things I did. But it already happened, and I'm here, in pain. I can only dream of the ifs that I wish were true, I.. I am an Aishi, a worthless, pathetic Aishi, I deserve all of this'
