
this whole chapter is going to be in Dylan's POV  so enjoy ;)


I run following the ambulance, they wouldn't let me ride with them. If I followed in my car i'd for sure be pulled over. The hospital isn't too far from Jackson's house so I had no problem running. I ran as fast as I could halfway there feeling like I was going to pass out but I continued running full speed. The only thing on my mind was Jackson doesn't deserve this,Aaron does.  

Anger filled me i suddenly had the strength to make it fully. I arrive at the hospital shortly after everyone else. They all felt guilty that they didn't let me go chase after Jackson back at his place but I don't care I only care about Jackson right now. I walk up to the front desk lady but apparently I have to wait. It's been 20 minutes how long must I wait. I sit down in a corner away from everyone and everything. If he doesn't make it what do I become. I'm nothing without him. I've been his friend forever and the more time apart we spend the more time I grow anxious to see him again. 

Since I was his friend he has always helped me through every single little thing I ever had to deal with. I wouldn't be as strong as I am to day without Jackson telling me to suck it up or to work out or anything he has always encouraged me. The worst part is I have school tomorrow. Jackson waited in the hospital for me but I can't for him. Although I don't want to go with my parents, I have to. Maybe not move, I'll work an arrangement and try to stay. I have to go pack because they already sold the house, we're all staying with the Krecioch's for a month. 

I'm extremely nervous for everything, what if I absolutely can't stay, what if Jackson doesn't make it, what if Aaron finds a way out of jail, what if everything falls apart.

The doctor is calling for Jacksons mom and I move so quickly to hear what's being said. 

"Oh, hey" I said to the same doctor that dealt with me

"Hey, Mr.Geick"

"Mr. Geick is my father, you call me Dylan"(A/N;hahaha so cliche)

"Oh of course Dylan"

"Your Boyfriend is okay, luckily we had a blood transfusion and you can go visit him if you'd like"

"Thank you so much sir"

"no problem"

I rush to Jackson's room and see him in the hospital bed, the tears are threatening me again, I let them win.

"J-Jackson" I stutter as I can see he's still unconscious. I just sit there and wait, once he's awake, I won't ever let him out of my sight.
