33. All's well that ends well

Thanks Tekkagaming for following me. Now I have 18 followers!

Takagi's POV

"I am really angry with you Takagi; you did not even consult with me before following Bortika, how can you do this?" Sumire said, making a pout.

"Jeez, Sumire, I did not get the time. Besides, I was too occupied with following Bortika that I just forgot about you." I said, gently patting Sumire's back.

"It's ok, so, what happened? Did you confess or did Nishikata?" Houjou said, with a look of excitement.

"It's him. He was the one to confess." I said, slightly blushing as I remembered the scene.

"Oh, then what happened?" Both of them said in unison.

"Well, then....."

"They kissed." Bortika suddenly said from behind.

"They did it!" Both of them said in unison, staring at Bortika with wide eyes.

"Yeah, she pulled him in. Ask her" They turned their gaze to me.

I blushed a little and said, "Well, Nishikata was already on the verge of fainting anyway, so, I just thought, maybe I should do it before he faints and so, I just pulled him by his collar and joined our lip, that's all."

"Wow Takagi, you are just on the next level. And, I hope he did not faint?" Sumire said.

"No. Now to think of it, it is a bit surprising. Rather, he was returning the kiss."

"Then what happened?"

I told them the full story after which, Houjou said, "I wish Hamaguchi was the same. He does not even hold my hands in public, forget about kissing. Takagi, how did you feel?"

"Well, at first, the feeling was like getting zapped by a thousand volts current. But, after some time, it felt good. It was like, the time stopped, and all I could hear was Nishikata's heartbeat and feel his tender lips on mine. It was a priceless moment for sure. I could not describe it with words."

"Didn't his mom scold you?" Sumire said.

"No, I guess she already knew about us and that we would be a relation in future."

"So, now what? Your date is on Saturday and its Thursday. Have you thought of something?"

"Nah, I will think about it later."

"Hey everyone let's leave her alone now....because her prince charming just entered the class." Bortika said, pointing towards the door.

All of them hastily left while I saw Nishikata entering the class. When he saw me, he blushed a little and hesitantly came to his seat. After he sat down, he said, "Good morning"

I stared at him teasingly and said, "Good morning, boyfriend"

He blushed and said, "Stop calling me boyfriend!"

"Oh, so you are not my boyfriend? Well, I should find Mitsuo then."


I burst out laughing and said, "I really missed these reactions! Thank god you are back, Nishikata"

He made a poker face and said, "Yeah, laugh all you want at my tragedy"

I controlled my laughing a bit and said, "But, you have to admit, he was the one who stopped you from going abroad."

"Yeah, that's a plus point that will not make me hate him for the rest of my life."

"SO, what is your plan, for our date?"

"I-its f-for you t-t-to decide?"

"Well, let's make out at your home?"


I laughed covering my mouth. At that moment, Tanabe sensei entered, making me temporarily stop teasing him. Nishikata gave a sigh of relief.


It's finally Saturday. For some reason, Nishikata missed school on Friday. He said he was ill, but I think, it is an after effect of suddenly kissing him at the intersection again on Thursday after school. I like to kiss him so much, but, he is yet not ready for it, I guess.

After I finished putting my makeup on, I heard the door bell ring, he was finally here.

Nishikata's POV

I checked myself once more before I rang the bell. It's our first date, and I should look good. I need to make a good impression in front of her parents. After a few seconds, her mother opened the door. She smiled at me and said, "Come in"

I sat on the couch, followed by her. She said, "Takagi is almost ready. Meanwhile, what's your plan for today?"

"Frankly speaking, I have no plan. In fact, I am not sure how I managed to ring the doorbell after waiting there for more than 10 minutes."

She laughed a little and said, "Why so shy even now? I know you two have already kissed, right?"

I blushed hard and said, "How do you know that!"

"I am her mother. I can read her like a book."

"Well, I guess she got your mind reading ability pretty well." Jeez, I did not expect her to know that we have kissed. It's pretty awkward already.

"No need to feel awkward. It's just me who knows." I sighed, realizing that she can also read my mind.

She was slightly laughing when I heard footsteps. She also heard it and said, "She is here."

Takagi came in, and she looked really pretty. I was staring at her in awe. 

I was pulled out of my trance when Takagi said, "Do I look good, Nishikata?"

I blushed and said, "Yeah, you surely do."

"Thanks!" Takagi gave a warm smile and turned to her mom and said, "Mom, we shall go now. It's almost afternoon already."

"Yeah, make sure to return before 10 pm, be safe and, know your limits."

"Yeah...I guess." I said, blushing.


After we got out of her house, we walked slowly, not sure where to go. Takagi said, "Where shall we go?"

"I don't know. You should decide."

"Then, want to go to the lake? They have recently opened boating there."

"Which one? The Kasumiguara Lake?"


"Ok, as you wish."


It took us half an hour to reach the lake by bus. The place was good. The lake had clear water and had live fishes, although fishing was prohibited. There were several flocks of ducks occasionally swimming and having fun. The lake was surrounded with cherry blossom trees, waiting to bloom during the spring. Also, several nests of migratory birds were visible on the trees.

We rented a boat for about an hour. I was rowing while Takagi was sitting and enjoying the scenery. After rowing for a while, I was already exhausted. I stopped rowing and laid myself on the boat, panting. Takagi laughed lightly, covering her mouth. I was so exhausted that I did not even blush at that.

After a while, I became somewhat normal again and sat on the mast of the boat. By then, we were at the middle of the lake. Takagi was staring at the lake gloomily while she said, "Hey, Nishikata, I heard a rumour. I heard that if two lovers kiss in the middle of this lake, they stay together forever."

I blushed at that. Although I had kissed her several times before, yet, I was still a bit uncomfortable with it. So, I just started at the water, trying to avoid eye contact with her. She sighed and said, "You know what? You are hopeless. Looks like I need to do the needful."

Then, she suddenly came closer to me; making the boat jerk and making me lie down in the boat. She took the opportunity and climbed upon me. She then gave me a teasing smile and swiftly joined her lips with mine. She kept on kissing me passionately while I just stood my ground and tried not to pass out. After a while she pulled out. She was panting, yet smiling at me. She said, "You are a good kisser, we should do this often and then you can master in this art."


"Well, it needs skill. Want to do it again?"


She laughed while I rowed back to the shore, blushing.

After I paid the owner of the boat, I said to Takagi, "Next?"

"I don't know, you tell." Takagi said.

"Let's have a walk along the river. It's calm and peaceful there."

As we reached the river, I remembered the first time we visited here. In fact, it was the first time I actually held Takagi's hand. So fond memories (Only the hand holding part is fond, not falling in the river.)

We came down to the side of the river and walked slowly along it, side by side. We were silently walking when Takagi suddenly hugged my hand and kept walking. I blushed and said, "What is this for?"

"I like it. Besides, coupled hold hand like this. Do you feel uncomfortable? I should leave it then."

She was slowly loosening her grip when I said, "No, don't. It's OK this way."

Hearing this, she grabbed it more tightly as we kept walking. I smiled a bit, seeing how good it felt.

I noticed a pink flower near the grass. So, I had an idea. I just got free from Takagi and plucked that flower. Then, I came closer to her and positioned the flower on her hair. She was slightly blushing at that, when I was done, I said, "You look pretty with this."

She muttered "Thanks!" and hugged me tightly. I just patted her back, blushing hard.

After walking for a while, we saw that a family was having picnic on the riverside. Seeing us the old man said, "Look, a young couple is spending time together."

"Father, let them be, don't start to put your nose into their matter."

"No, it's Ok" Takagi said, "We are really together." I blushed at that.

"Oh, that's so nice. Would you mind to join us at lunch, we would love to have your presence." The woman said.

"Yeah, you should! This would give Kankichi and Kinjiro some company." The man said.

Takagi said, "Yes, we would love to!" She turned to me and said, "Right Nishikata?"

"Yeah, sure."

While talking to them and eating with them, we learned that they were the Ryotsu family. The two boys are really opposite. Kankichi Ryotsu, the elder brother, is too much excited about everything and over enthusiastic but knows nothing. He just likes messing around without any reason. The younger brother, Kinjiro Ryotsu, is the optimistic one. He is quite and calm, and likes to study. The whole family was very good and kind. We talked to them for so long that it was soon dawn.

We Bid them goodbye and slowly walked towards our homes. I asked Takagi, "How was our first date?"

"I think it was quite memorable day for me. I really liked it. Thanks Nishikata!"

"No problem"

When we reached her house, it was almost dark. She was standing at the main gate of her house when she said, "So, thanks for the day Nishikata, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, surely, it was an awesome day."

She nodded and slowly went in. Yet, I saw annoyance on her face. I understood why. So I called, "Takagi!"

She turned around and said, "yes, Nishikata"

I ran to her and crashed my lips into hers, hugging her tightly. We kissed passionately until we pulled out being out of breadth. Then she said, "You know what, you are learning to read minds now, thanks to the good influence of mine."

"hmm." I smiled at her, with a little blush on my face.

"So, shall we go home now?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot I was hugging you."

I left her and blushed. Surely, I did it at the heat of the moment.

Then she said, "You should go home now. See you at the school again."

I smiled and nodded. She went inside her house while I walked to my home, singing happily.

I think, being in a relationship is really good for health right? Because, its keeps both your heart and muscles healthy. And after so long, I am with Takagi. I should thank to god, for not letting me go. Or else, I would have regretted forever. But as the proverb goes, 'all's well that ends well'. And it is at least true for me after all.

The End

Its finally over. i still remember the day i started it. its sooooo nostalgic

So, ryotsu is the name i took from an anime called Kochikame. its a really humorous Anime.

i will not write till then now because, there will be no further chapter. lets write thanks.

Thanks for the 7K views!


