f i f t y - t h r e e

Chapter; Fifty-Three


A party was thrown for the twins birthday. It was the first time they had ever celebrated their birthday. Hailey had worn a blue full-sleeved shirt dress with a belt pulling her strawberry blonde hair in a high ponytail. When she came downstairs she saw a Mrs Weasley levitating a big cake outside. It was a golden snitch on top of a book.

"Oh my god, Mrs Weasely-"

"That looks amazing." Harry completed her sentence walking up from behind her.

"Oh, it's nothing dear." The elder woman said with a smile.

"Can you believe it, we're finally getting to celebrate our birthday," Harry said pulling Hailey in a side hug. He knew she was really looking forward to their sixteenth birthday, but of course, they couldn't do anything. At least they got to celebrate their seventeenth birthday together.

"Happy birthday kids. You guys are getting so big. Weren't you thirteen like yesterday?" Remus asked as Hailey hugged him and Harry shook his hand. "Time for sure flies fast." He, Tonks and Hagrid had arrived a few minutes back to join.

"I remember when Ron wrote to me about you two, can't believe it was almost six years ago," Charlie said grinning at them. "And of course when he told me that he was dating Hailey, I was shocked. Took me some while to recover. I mean, the way he always gushes-"

"Can you just leave me out of it?" Ron muttered rolling his eyes. His family had a thing for teasing him about his childhood crush on Hailey. Especially Fred and George. Bill and Charlie too poked fun every once in a while.

"Relax brother." The elder boy said with a laugh.

"Oh no Charlie tell me more." The three of them were engaged in a conversation (Which consisted of Ron mostly rolling his eyes) when a Patronus came.

"Minister for Magic is coming with me." Mr Weaslet's voice said before the Patronus dissolved in the air. Hailey raised a brow when she saw Remus, who was talking to Harry, take Tonk's hand before leaving rather in a rush. Not much later Mr Weasley arrived with Rufus Scrimgeour.

"Sorry to intrude, especially as I can see I am gate crashing a party." The minister said his eyes travelled to the cake before turning to the twins. "Many happy returns."

"Thanks." Both of them said.

"I would like to have a private moment with you two. And Ms Granger and Mr Weasley."

"Us?" Ron asked looking taken back. "Why us?"

"I shall tell you that when we are in a more private place." He said. "Is there such a place?"

"What the hell is going on?" Hailey whispered to Hermione who was now stood beside her. The girl shrugged and muttered a small no idea. Ron had taken them all to the living room where the four of them sat down on one sofa, while the minister sat in front of them in the armchair. Apparently, he was here as Dumbledor left something for all of them in his will taking them all by shock.

"The last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore... yes here... to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator. In hope he will remember me when he uses it." Scrimgeour handed Ron something that looked like a silver cigarette. "This is a valuable object... Designed by Dumbledor himself. Why would he leave it to you out of all the students?"

"Put out the light I suppose." The boy said with a shrug.

"Or I don't know, maybe because he trusted Ron, he even made him the prefect. He's a pretty big deal if you ask me." Hailey said with a tight smile making Ron chuckle, but the minister gave him a glare so he cover it up with a cough.

"To Miss Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, in the hope she will find it entertaining and instructive." He handed her an old book, that had stains and part of it was peeled. "Why do you think Dumbledor left you that book, miss Granger? Did you have any codes?"

"He... He knew I liked books," Hermione said wiping her tears with the sleeves of her hand. "But the ministry didn't find anything in thirty one days, I don't think I'll find anything either."

"To Miss Hailey Lily Potter, I leave my journal, in hope she will find my experiences helpful in future." He handed her a leather diary. But it had a lock on it. She was about to ask for the keys when he spoke again. "There isn't a key. It doesn't open with any magic either. Did he give you anything special to open it?"

"No... I don't remember anything like that..." She said observing it. Nothing was written or drawn over it. It looked brand new. The minister then proceeded to give Harry the snitch he had caught on his first match. A few words were exchanged back and forth among them, but she was too caught up in the diary.

It had a symbol on its backside. It was a triangle in which was a circle and a straight line. That did kinda look known. Maybe she saw it somewhere in the library? She was so caught up in the thought, that she only noticed that Harry and Scrimgeour's conversation had turned into a full-on argument when he had his wand pointed at her brother's chest.

"Oi!" Ron exclaimed getting up with his wand.

"No! It'll give him another reason to arrest us!" Harry warned.

"Remembered you're not at school, have you? Remembered that I am not Dumbledore who forgave your insolence and insubordination? You may wear that scar like a crown Potter, but it's not up to a seventeen year old boy to tell me how to do my job properly. It's time you learned some respect!" Hailey looked wide eyed between the two.

"It's time you earned some!" Harry said not looking slightly affected by his words. Savage. Hailey thought trying her best to not show any reaction. She knew if she laughed out loud, Scrimgeour would get even angrier.

Soon Mr and Mrs Weasley rushed into the room looking shocked at the scene in front of them. "We thought we heard... Loud voices." The minister and Harry exchanged a few more words before he left.

"That was... Unexpected?" Hailey said looking at Ron.

"Very much indeed." He replied. Later they all went outside, cut the cake, ate, and went upstairs in a hurry to discuss everything that happened.

"Hailey, what do you think about the diary. I bet the ministry tried everything to open it... But it didn't... What could it be?" Hermione asked sitting on Ron's bed.

"I... I don't know... I mean... I don't have a single clue." She said with a sigh. Why would Dumbledore leave her a diary that cannot be opened? She was confused, to say the least.

"I think we should all go to bed for now, talk about it tomorrow. See if we can figure anything out. We need sleep. Don't wanna look like Zombie's tomorrow." Hermione said getting up. "Night boys."

"Night Harold. Ronald." Hailey said picking up the diary. She knew she wasn't going to fall asleep properly.



Hailey just come out already!" Hermione sighed as she heard her friend grunt from the bathroom. "I'm sure you look pretty."

"It's too revealing! You can literally seeall of my shoulder!" Hailey yelled back.

"Just come I'll tell you how it is." She said knocking on the door. The two girls were getting ready for Bill and Fleur's wedding which was about to start in one and a half hours. As Ginny was one of the bride's maids she had to leave earlier. Hailey sighed opening the door to come out. "Oh my god... You look beautiful!"

Hailey looked at the mirror and bit the inside of her cheeks. It was a nice dress. She had sent Hermione money over the summer so she could buy their dresses together. She had bought matching red dresses for them. But the problem was her dress was strapless. Basically, her whole shoulder was revealed, meaning all the scars could be seen.

Most of her scars had healed over time. But the biggest one was across her collar bone to the base of her neck. Hailey most of the time tried to cover it up with make-up, but it was still visible. She had stopped wearing tank tops so they could not be seen.

"Do you not like the colour?" Hermione asked as her friend sighed, her hand unintentionally going to the scar as she rubbed it. "Is it because of the scar?"

"Yeah." Hailey sighed. "It's..."

"Hailey." She put her eyeliner down, walking over to her best friend to hold her hand. "You shouldn't cover it. That scar proves how strong you are. I can always use magic to cover it if you want. But you should embrace it. It's a part of you."

"I don't know. It's just... It doesn't look good..."

"Kinda makes you look like a badass, in my opinion."

Hailey looked at the mirror again and sighed. Hermione was right. It was a part of her. And it was a proof she survived. But still, something inside her told her it looked bad. She tried her best to ignore the small negative voice in her head. But sometimes it was hard. At times like this.

"I... I think... I'll just wear it like that."

"Yes! That's my best friend!" Hermione said pulling her in a tight hug. "Now let's get ready. We don't want to be late. It's the first wedding we're both attending! And we're together. It'll be fun."


"Be positive Hailey!"

"It will be really fun."

A/N: We all need a Hermione in our life.
