f i f t y - e i g h t

Chapter; Fifty-Eight


The death eaters had apparated to a large mansion with Hailey and Draco. And much to Hailey's dismal. It looked familiar. As she was pushed inside she realised, it was indeed the place where she had been during all those after Sirius's death.

She felt the air get knocked out of her chest as she entered the darkened room. Every part of her felt numb when she looked at dark marble floors. The place where she had been for three months. Begging them to just kill her. To end her pain. She felt the pain she's never felt before.

Hailey felt overwhelmed.

She bit the inside of her cheeks trying to keep a straight face. But it was hard entering a place full of so many horrible memories. Memories she tried to forget. But also knowing the fact she might die without seeing Ron's face one last time hurt her even more.

She felt guilty. She never gave Ron or Harry an proper explanation.

They finally entered a room with people in it. Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange were there. Narcissa immediately came forward to hug her son.

"Oh look! It's the baby Potter. The one who spent the summer with us remember?" Bellatrix said with a blood-curdling laugh. She smiled looking at the girl. Her aurora screamed evil.

"Not forgetting that anytime soon Bella." A voice said as Hailey's head whipped to the side. It was the woman of her nightmares, Aurora Phoenix. "Hey Hailey." The brunette grinned walking closer to her. She stopped until there was about a feet gap between them.

All this time Hailey avoided thinking about Aurora. She had this strange fear of her for the past year. But somehow at that moment, she didn't feel frightened seeing her. She felt raged. She destroyed her life for months. And all she wanted to do at that moment was punch her.

"Aurora." She said with a fake smile as the girl raised her brow in surprise. She remembers the last time they met. Hailey had almost fainted seeing her. And here she was. Looking at her like she was nothing.

"You've changed I see."

"And you're still a bitch I see."

Aurora clenched her jaws. She didn't like how she talked with her. "Bigmouth yeah? Don't remember you being like that."

"I know right. The old Hailey was much easier to kill." The girl said keeping the smile on her face. "But who can you blame? You're the one who killed her."

The door opened at the same time as Aurora was about to open her mouth. It was Voldemort who was accompanied by Snape. She quickly moved aside beside Draco and bowed as the man walked in with a snake beside him. "Hailey Potter. What a pleasant surprise."

"Surprise? I thought you were the one who asked to see me." She said. Hailey herself didn't understand how she was acting that way. She never thought she could talk back to Voldemort or Aurora like that. But here she was. She wasn't feeling herself. But at that moment she didn't mind.

Voldemort pretended like she said nothing and continued. "Well, do you have any idea why you're here?"

"Absolutely not."

"Do you, by any chance know where your brother is?" He asked calmly. The calmness in his voice was something Hailey thought about. Voldemort was always calm and composed unlike her who was always ranting mess. He was calm and quite collected making him even scarier.

"Haven't met or heard from him in a month." She answered truthfully.

"Well then, what else can we do," Voldemort said keeping his hands together. "Lucius?"

"Yes my lord." The blonde replied quickly.

"You'll be having a guest over." He said looking at Hailey. "Draco aren't you in the same year as young Hailey Potter?"

"Y-Yes my lord."

"Good. None of them will be going back to Hogwarts. I want Ms Potter to stay here with the Malfoys. Take care of her Lucius, Narciss-"

"But my lord. Aren't you going to find out an answer from her? She must know where her brother is!" Aurora protested. "They must be up to something!"

"Aurora. Do you know more than I do?"

"Of course not my lord."

"Then keep quiet. Lucius, Narcissa, Draco. I don't want Ms Potter to have a hard time here. She'll be under supervision." Voldemort said turning back to look at the death eaters. "Am I clear?"

"Of course my lord. She'll be safe here with us." Lucius said bowing lightly. Hailey was in much shock to say anything. She just stared at the back of Voldemorts head with wide eyes. He was not going to kill her? Or torture her? Why?

"But my lord... How will it help? If she stays here?" Bellatrix asked as the man smiled wickedly.

"Harry Potter has only one family left." He started looking right at the girl. "He will do anything in his power to make sure she's alive. One day or one year later he will come back to fetch her. And we'll be there- I'll be there to kill him in time. Every news headline must have the information where she is. The aurors can't come in here to rescue her. The mansion is under the protection charm. Now, all we do is wait."

Hailey still found herself feeling bewildered by the discovery of this new information. Voldemort soon left, closely followed by Snape, Lucius and Bellatrix.

"So... I don't get to torture her?" Aurora asked.

"No, you don't." Narcissa sighed. He talked to Draco and Bellatrix in a hushed tome as Hailey and Aurora kept throwing daggers at each other across the room. "Uh... Hailey... Draco will show you where you'll be living. And do you have anything other than your side bag?"

"Oh... No."

"Okay, I'll send Bobby with new clothes." She said. Hailey assumed Bobby was a house-elf. Draco muttered a small this way as he lead her through the HUGE mansion to get to her room. He was one of the most arrogant, nosy, overconfident person she's ever met. It was quite weird seeing him walk so awkwardly.

"This is uh the room you'll be living in." He opened the door to a large room. It was about twice the size of the room she and Harry shared back at the Dursleys. "My room is just in front of yours. If you need anything call me... Or the house-elves." With that, he left leaving her to her train of thoughts.

She didn't have her wand. She didn't know where Harry, Ron or Hermione was. She left Ginny, Neville, Colin and everyone else alone at Hogwarts. Remus, Tonks and the Weasleys would go crazy. And she was here with the death eaters basically being the bait. Life couldn't get any better.

Note the sarcasm.

A/N: A short chapter. But I'm excited for writing the next few ones!
