I had finally awoken to see the sun beaming in my face. "What the fuck?" I sat up, and pain ran throughout my body, as if I had been attacked by something in my sleep. I looked to my side to see this huge ass wooden stake just sticking out of my side. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" I stood up, very, very slowly, and grabbed my hands around the huge wooden stick. Just touching it made me hurt immediately. I walked, very slowly, into a town. I heard snickers from the townpeople. Some gasped and jumped back in fear. I finally approached a woman, looking her deep in the eyes. "Pull this stake out of me, and I'll let you live. Please, I'm in a universe of pain, and I'd like to be relieved of it." The woman nodded, trembling the entire time. I felt the stake get pulled, and then something warm. Blood? I looked to my side to see black vile coming out of my side. That's when I realized the situation. Vampires have black blood. I thanked the woman and kept up on my promise. I bought some bandages from an apothecary, and went on my way. I made it back to the place were I met Tobias. Except, now they didn't recognize me anymore. I knew I couldn't say my old name, Haley. No, no, no. If I said that name, they'd only freak out. "I'm Midnight. Midnight Starson from Black Diamond Lake." Black Diamond Lake has over thousands of vampires, they wouldn't know the difference. Sad thing now is that, I'm under a new identity. Elder Rita might act cruelly to me, even though we had met before. "Elder Rita, I'm new here. May you show me around?" Elder Rita looked at me, stared me down, then shrugged. "Sure. Whatever. Come along." I got a glimpse of the new vampire Great Elder. He sat on his throne and looked about himself coldly. I didn't like him. As I walked, I saw many familiar faces from before Tobias was banished. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Tobias was dead, either.

They didn't know that I was originally a pet.

Just a Pet. 
