Chapter 7 - Ana

I'm lying in my bed. It's 3 am and i can't sleep. There are a lot of things in my head but the one that keeps popping up is the fact that Luke and Ashton were talking about me. When Jake told us, Michael and Calum looked at me I was as clueless as them. A moment later Luke and Ashton got out of the room and we couldn't talk about it.

Or at least no one talked about it with me. I saw Calum talking to Luke a bit later. After playing like 5 rounds of Hide and Seek I decided i had to go to bed. Alex asked if he could stay over and he slept right next to me. I tried not to move a lot so he wouldn't wake up.

My room was dark and I could hear the party still going outside. I could hear Liz laughing with the rest of everyone at everything Luke said about his trip. My phone vibrate. The only problem is that I don't know where i left it. I only know it's on the bed.

I started moving a bit trying not to wake up Alex but it was too late."It's here, Sophie." He said half asleep. My phone was right under him. He sat and i grabbed the phone. He fell to the bed like an dead body. I kissed him on the cheek and laid next to him.

I unlock my phone. I went blind for a few seconds because of the light. I have a few text messages and twitter notifications. I go into Twitter. I have one DM and it's from a friend. Internet friend to be more specific. Her name is Ana, she's from the Uk. I haven't met her just yet but one day we will.

"Hello you little pumpkin head!" we have been friends for 3 years now. I know everything about her and she knows everything about me. "Oh god its probably like 4 am there!" I laughed.

"Just 3 am, Ana." I answered. I wish i could meet her. We Skype a lot of times. Alex and Jake love her just as much as she loves them. It sounds weird but we have fun talking with her.

"We haven't talked in a while. And 'In a while' I mean in 4 days." That's quite a lot for us. "Wait are you sleeping?" She asked.

"I'm wide awake. What's up?" I'm glad I have her. We can talk about everything. When I told her about my trip to Australia she was so happy. She said I was going to meet her favorite band and I could introduce them to her. It hasn't happened yet.


"yoU SRE COMING TO AUTRSLIA?! OMG ANAAAAAAAAAA!" I'm going to meet my best friend next week. I got up my bed and walked to the bathroom. I turned the light on and closed the door. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and smiled. I started laughing and crying. We both have waited for this opportunity for a long time. We are finally meeting each other.

" I'LL BE THERE IN 2 DAYS AND WE WILL HANG OUT! AND ITS GOING TO BE AWESOME AND I CANT WAIT!" Ana said excited. A few tears appeared in my eyes. Tears of joy. I'm so excited about this.

"I'll pick you up at the airport! Where are you staying? You can stay with me one night! It's going to be awesome" We both have waited so long for this.

"I don't know where I'm staying but you can stay with me and have ADVENTURES!" this is going to be so much fun! "i gotta go buy some stuff! I'm so excited!"

I got out of the bathroom and went to bed. Alex was still sleeping. I got in and Alex moved and hugged me.I smiled and hugged him too. I smiled to myself and fell asleep.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it!

Promise i'll write more and longer chapters. Don't forget to vote for my story and comment!

Love you tons and thanks for reading.

