Chapter 6 - He's Tha Muffin Man

Alex stood up quickly, we were running out of time to hide. he grabbed my hand and started running, i grabbed Ashton's and we ran upstairs. "Run Sophie! Run Muffin Man!" Ashotn is Muffin Man?!?! Luke is his friend.

we ran into my room and i helped Alex to get in his usual hiding spot. I ran to the closet and Ashton followed me.

"What are you doing here?" Ashton asked. Neither of us expected this. What are the chances that the boy you like is friend of the guy that hates you for no reason and that you're living at his house.

"You are Muffin Man?" Why Muffin Man? I mean its funny and all but why specifically muffin.

"You didn't answer my question" He whispered. "I live here!" i said. "Luke is your friend? How is that possible?" Seriously Ashton is the sweetest guy I have ever met and then there's Luke, with a frown on his face all day.

Luke entered the room, Ashton placed his hand in my mouth and took a step backwards so we could hide behind my clothes.We were facing each other. We were so closed, our faces inches away.

Luke walked to the closet, but then someone laughed. Alex. before he opened the door he turned around and started walking to my laundry basket. Alex always hides there. He gets in and i put a couple shirts over him. The first time he thought about it Jake kept looking for him for over 20 minutes.

"I wonder if there's someone on that basket." Luke's comment made Alex laugh even more. Luke grabbed a shirt and threw it to the other side of the room as he shouted "AHA!" Alex laughed and Luke helped him get out of the basket.

"Now little banana help me find the others." Alex looked at the closet and smiled. He grabbed Luke's hand and walked out the room. I seriously love him. Ash took his hand of my mouth when They were outside the room.

"What do you mean by you live here? Luke is the guy that hates you? We were talking about you yesterday. That little fucker. " Luke talked about me with him?

"What did he say?" I really want to know what they said about me. Why Ashton got so mad. "Ash, what's wrong? What did he say?" He looked at me, opened the door of the closet and walked out.

I stood there for a minute thinking about what just happened. Ashton got so mad about something Luke said about me. I walked out the closet and my room.

Ashton was walking to Luke. "Dude I'm supposed to find you!" Luke said looking at Ashton.

"Umm, I need to talk to you." Ashton said, Luke was confused. He whispered something to Alex and he just nodded. They both walked to Luke's bedroom.

"I'll help you." I said walking to Alex, he smiled. We were looking for Calum and Michael. I couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. Ashton and Luke are friends. They are talking about something in Luke's room. "AHA!" Alex shouted moving the bathroom curtain revealing Michael and Calum hugging.

"One to go." Jake was the only one missing. He's probably at Liz's room, he hides there most of the time. I walk behind the boys still thinking.

"Where are Luke and Ashton?" Michael asked. Alex right away answered the question.

"What are they talking about?" Cal said looking at the closed door. We all kept walking.

"So, Sophie." Michael said snapping me out of my thoughts. "How long have you been here?"

"4 months." I smiled. "Do you like it here?" Calum asked. We still couldn't find Jake.

"Of course she likes it here. She's always with me." Alex said not looking at us and entering Liz's room for the 2nd. time.

What if Jake is in Luke's room? I'm staring at the closed door now. I feel how someone behind me is also looking. "I also think he's there." Michael said. I looked at him. "We should send Alex. and then interrogate Jake about what they are talking about in there."

"Alex, come here" I said Alex walked out the room disappointed. "We think Jake is in there" I said pointing at Luke's bedroom. He makes a creepy smile and opens the door a bit. His head is now inside the room.

After a few moments he's in. Calum, Michael and I wait outside. A few minutes later Alex walks out and Jake is following him. Michael carries Jake Fireman style and walks to my room. when we're all inside, calum closes the door.

I thought I wanted to know what they are talking about in that room. But not as much as Calum and Michael. Jake is now sitting in my bed. Calum is sitting on his left and Michael to his right. I sit in a chair and Alex sits on my lap.

"Soooo, Jake. What are they talking about?" Calum asked. Jake smiled. "Stuff." He says confident.

"What do you want jake?" Michael said as if it was something usual about him.

"I want 50 bucks," Calum got 25 out and so did Michael. "each." They looked at Jake with hateful eyes but then gave him the money and laughed a bit.

"Now talk."Michael said.

"They were talking about a girl. About Luke liking her or something. Luke said that he told him to stay away from her." What? Maybe they are not talking about me. Why would Luke tell Ashton to stay away from me? But why would Ashton get a bit mad about me living with Luke?

"Did they mentioned the name of the girl?" Calum asked.

"Maybe..." Jake said. they both got 50 more dollars out. Seriously? just like that they give them money?

Jake got 200 dollars in like 2 minutes I'm 18 and I can hardly get 5 dollars from my parents back at home. "Spill it Jake." I don't know what to expect about what he is going to say.

"They were talking about Sophie."
