Chapter 8✈️

I was in the van when the others finally arrived, Yaotome sat next to me.

"Are you okay Fuyu-chan?" 

" Yes I'm fine and you ?  "

"I'm fine but you look sad"

"Ah no no don't worry"

I didn't want to annoy others with my heart problems so I preferred not to say anything.  Then Yabu starts the van and we go home, all the way I hadn't said a word.  I didn't know where I was with Chinen, I don't know what I should do.  We arrived at the house and Chinen pulled me to speak to me, I looked at him without saying anything.

"Fuyu I'm sorry, I understand that you are upset"

"You could have thought about it before" I said

"You're abusing, I did nothing serious"


I didn't know what to say, on the one hand he was right but on the other hand having seen him so stuck to this girl had pissed and hurt me.

"Imagine if it had been me with another boy you would have taken it too badly"

"Of course but it's not the same, I was drunk, besides I think I'm still a little"

"It's exactly the same, the pain is the same, unless you're not as attached to me as I thought" I said as I walked into the house

" Hold on!  Don't say that!"

He follows me and tries to talk to me.  Seeing that Chinen was still under the influence of alcohol Yamada restrained him.

"Okay let her, she will calm down"

"You,leave me, it's your fault, you brought her »

"Would you have liked her not to know?" 

"Exactly" says Chinen

I was about to go up to my room when I hear a loud noise, I turn around and see Chinen on the floor.

"What happened?  " I said

"I hit him so that he would understand what he was doing and get his ideas back to him"

" You are crazy??  Thank you for defending me but it's not going to hit him like that "

"I was stupid wanting to help you" said Yamada as he left

" No wait!  " I said

But he didn't listen to me and kept walking away.  Suddenly Chinen gets up and approaches Yamada to hit him, I rush on him and hug him to prevent him, I don't know where the others are but I would like a little help  because Chinen may be slightly smaller than me but he has more strength.

"It's okay Chinen come, I'll heal you" I said to calm him down


"Calm down" I said, still holding him


"Excuse me for what I am going to do"

I slapped him fairly hard in the head and he calmed down.  By slapping him my anger towards him had decreased.  I bring him up to his room and he sits on the bed, I bring some ice and put it on his cheek.

"I'm sorry for everything I said and did, it's you that I love, it's you that I want, nobody else, you are  the only one that matters to me.  Will you forgive me? "

"Seeing you like that hurt me enormously, but when I think about it it's not like you kissed her or anything, I'm not going to apologize for getting upset because I think it's  is normal but I will forgive you "

I always had my hand on his cheek with the ice, he withdraws my hand and takes me in his arms, it is the first time that he squeezed me like that, it's like if he was afraid that I would go.  I run my hand through his hair and cuddle him as if he were a child.  I couldn't get mad at him just for that, even if I didn't want to forgive him so easily my heart wanted to do it, so I chose to listen to my heart.  He ends up falling asleep in my arms, I let him go and go to the living room.

-Ellipse until departure-

I'm done packing up my luggages and go down, that's it, the holidays are over.  Since what had happened the other day Yamada and Chinen had been explained and everything was pretty well.  Other than that, we had a great holiday, we check that we had not forgotten anything and we are heading towards the airport, once we got there, the man who had lent us his van had come to pick up the  car and keys, we enter the airport, we fly to Paris and then we fly to Tokyo.  The trip had gone normally, we left Tokyo airport and we realized that France and Japan are really different but that it still felt good to be back, we didn't want to leave each other but everyone had to go home, we all say goodbye and each leaves on his side promising that we would meet again.  I smile at Chinen and go home.

"I AM BACK" I say, opening the door to my house

"Fuyu !!!  "

" Mom what's up??  I missed you I have a lot to tell you "

We settled in the living room, I bought them souvenirs from France, then I told everything that had happened, except the little problems I had with Yamada and the little problem of the festival, I showed them all the photos I had taken talking about the boys and Aoi, then I also told them that Chinen and I were dating, I wasn't used to talking about love with them but they were happy for me and even told me that if he wanted he could come home whenever he wants.

-Ellipse of a month-

It's been a month now since I came back home, with the others we didn't see each other often because everyone was busy, but with Aoi we saw each other often because we lived next, with Chinen we called each other almost every day, since  the festival incident at the beginning I was a little cold with him but by force I became normal again.  I was wondering if I should continue my studies or stay on break.  I was thinking about that when my mom took me out of my thoughts.

"Fuyu it might be time to introduce us to Chinen"

"Oh I don't know" I said, blushing

"So call him and invite him to eat at home tomorrow"

"Wait what?  Tomorrow?  It's too early"

"Your mother is right Fuyu, you talk about him all the time but we never saw him" said my father

" Okay... "

I go on the terrace and call Chinen

"Hello?How are you dwarf?  " I said

"Fine and you the sleeping beauty?" 

"It's okay, my parents invite you to come and eat at home tomorrow"


"Stop screaming, you overdoing it, is not like you came to propose me" I said

"You're right, I'm going to come in a tracksuit then"

"Do that and I throw you out the window" I said hanging up

I was in a hurry but I was also a little stressed, it made me weird that he came to my house.

-Ellipse of the day-

Normally Chinen should arrive soon, I went to get dressed and I just put on a blue pullover with white jeans. 

I was a little stressed because this is the first time I have introduced a boy to my parents.  I was sitting on the sofa waiting for the dwarf who was my boyfriend.

"Fuyu your phone rings" said my mother

I go get my phone and pick up the phone, it was Aoi.

"Hello Fuyu?"  Chinen has arrived?  It goes well?  "

"No no, don't worry, I'm calling you tonight to tell you about yourself"

"Okay"she said then hang up

I put my phone down and at the same time the door rings, I guess it's Chinen, I'm leaving to open and it was him, he was dressed normally with a pink pullover and gray trousers and he held flowers in his hands  .

"Oh they are beautiful, is that for me?  "

"No, for your parents," he said as he entered the house.

" Oh ok... "

"Thank you Chinen-kun they are very beautiful, sit in the living room, make yourself at home" says my mother

"Thank you"

"My father was called at the last minute for his work so he couldn't be there"

"I see, it doesn't matter, I'll see him another day"

"Tell me Chinen-kun is there anything you would like to eat?"  Asked my mother

"Oh no no everything is okay thank you very much"

"He likes gyoza, don't be shy" I say

"Well, I'll do that, meanwhile go to your room, I'll call you when it's ready"

" Do you want help?"Asks Chinen

"No no thank you"

So we get up from the couch and I take him to my room, he sits on my chair and me on my bed.

"So you think I made a good impression?  "

"Yes I think, well I hope"

He gets up and starts to examine my whole room, he looks at my books, my desk, my cupboards, when he goes to a drawer and starts to open it.


"I look"

" Not this one "

" Why?  "

"Because I don't want you to look inside"

"What's in it?  "He insists

"Underwear ..." I said in a low voice

"Ah uh sorry" he said all red

"Otherwise have you seen the others again?"  Because me,apart Aoi, have seen no one"I said.

"With Ryosuke we often see each other, I saw Yabu once or twice but it's all the others they are too busy"

"We should meet again ..."

"It's soon Aoi's birthday right?"  We could do something " he said

"Ah yes it's true, I forgot, it's a good idea but what could we do?  "Hmmmmmmm, could we go to karaoke?" 

"Do you know that of us 11 is Yabu who sings well?" he said

" So what?  No need to know how to sing "

"You're right and what are you going to offer her?"

"I was thinking of a silver bracelet"

"It's a good idea, personally I think I'm just going to give her money since I'm not good with gifts"

We kept talking about Aoi's birthday and decided to call the others after we ate.  My mother had just called us so we got up and went to eat.  I let my mom and Chinen talk so she could get to know him a little better.  After we're done eating we help my mom put everything away and we go to my room to call the others for Aoi's birthday.  Chinen calls Yamada, I let him speak because with Yamada we were still not on good terms.  We had called everyone and unfortunately there were only Yabu, Yamada, Yuto, Keito and Inoo who could come, all the others were busy or abroad but well we will say that it is better than nothing.  Now I had more than to call Aoi.  I call her and wait for her to pick up. I put on the speaker.

"Hello Fuyu?"  Chinen left?  How did it go?  "

"Hi Aoi" said Chinen

"Oh hi Chinen" she said

I started laughing.

"Tell me, I thought we could go to karaoke together next week"I said

"Of course, it's been a long time since we've seen each other, Chinen didn't you come?" 

"No sorry I can't I have planned something already sorry" he lies

"It doesn't matter don't worry" she said

"Nice, so kisses I'll call you back later" I said

I hang up and watch Chinen

"It's perfect, she suspected nothing"

"Yes, it's great, well I'm going to go home it's getting late"

We get up, I accompany him to the front door, he greets my mother, smiles at me and leaves.  I close the door and go to my mother.

" So?  "

"He's a really good boy, I really want him to be the man you're going to marry"

"Mum, you're going a bit far, aren't you?"  "

"You know Fuyu you are already 23 years old, it would be time to think about marriage and a new house, it's not that your father and I don't want you, it's just that you're old now" said  my mother

"I understand the idea of ​​leaving home but I am not ready to get married yet especially since we have only been together for a few months"

"Yes yes of course take your time, I'm just saying that you should think about it"

"Don't worry about it"

Then I go to my room, call Aoi, tell her everything and I go to bed.

-Ellipse of a week-

Chinen was already in karaoke with the others while I was with Aoi walking towards karaoke.  We finally arrive, suddenly the lights turn on and we all sing "Happy Birthday" she took me in her arms and thanked us.

"We are sorry we all wanted to be there but the others were busy" said Chinen

"It doesn't matter I'm already really happy, thank you very much" she said

Then we all sang songs, we gave our gifts to Aoi and we spent the afternoon in karaoke.  Around 7 p.m. everyone went home.

- 1 year later -

After more than a year of relationship with Chinen we decided to live together, we had an apartment large enough for the two of us.  We just finished bringing back all our boxes and now we had to unpack and put everything away.  To do all this we had taken the whole day.  We were exhausted. I sit on the sofa next to Chinen.

"I'm exhausted" I say

"Me too...ouch" he said, holding his forehead

" Are you okay??  "

"I have a headache when I don't get enough sleep, we should be sleeping it is late"he said.

"You're right I'm starting to get a headache too"

We get up and go to sleep in our new room, we really didn't think we would live together one day and yet we did.  Then the following weeks we started to put everything in order in our house, from time to time Yamada or Aoi came to help us.  With Yamada we didn't really get along but we didn't hate each other either, Aoi became my best friend, she is always there for me, she helps me when I have doubts and vice versa.  Yamada has become Chinen's best friend.  My parents were really happy that we had moved in together and continued to talk to me about marriage but I kept telling them that we were not ready to get married after only 1 year of relationship, as for Chinen's parents one day we had vaguely talked about it and  he said he had never known them so I didn't ask more questions.
