Chapter 10(FINAL)✈️

-10 years later-

I was in the kitchen making lunch when someone called me.

"Mom mom, can you play with me please?"

"I'm busy dear, ask your father" I said

"He said he didn't want ..."

" It is true? Do you want me to scold him? "

" Yes "

I put down what I was doing, go to the living room and find my husband lying on the sofa pretending to be asleep.

"Ryosuke stop your nonsense you are no longer a child, play with Airi or then cook something"

"Ok come on, I'm going to cook you need to rest"

"Thank you" I said, smiling at him.

I sit and play with my daughter while Ryosuke cooks. You must be wondering what happened, after Yuri's death for 1 year I fell in depression, I did not go out anymore, either I did not eat for several days or I ate too much, during this year Ryosuke was always there for me, he came to see me every day, I hardly ever spoke but he was the only one who managed to make me almost laugh. Then during this difficult year I recovered, I took a normal eating rhythm, I resumed studies and I had my diploma in 1 year, now I work as a judge, with Ryosuke we saw each other very often, then after he asked me to go out with him at first I was going to refuse but I remembered that Yuri had told me to find love again and I also remembered everything he did for me and I finally accepted, I never thought it could be possible since we didn't get along well. Then after 4 years of relationship he asked me to marry him.


I had just received a message from Yamada telling me to go on the roof of my building. So I go up on the roof and I see him waiting.

"Hi" I say

"Hi Fuyu, look at the sky you will understand why I called you"

I look up and see a small plane in the sky with a banner behind but it was dark so I couldn't see well, suddenly the lights went on and I could read a little better. I read aloud "WILL YOU MARRY ME?"While I was reading I still hadn't understood, it was only a few seconds later that I realized what I had read. I turn my head and see him with a smile up to his ears. He takes out of his pocket a box containing a beautiful ring, I look at him and only nodding. He pulls me towards him and hugs me.

-End of the flashback-

Then 1 year after our marriage I got pregnant with a beautiful little girl. We were extremely happy even if the pregnancy was not as easy as I thought. My mood had never changed so much in such a short time, I went from laughter to tears, from joy to anger. I have had a lot of times wondering if I will make a good mom and it was in those moments that I realized that I had an amazing husband.


With Ryosuke we were on the couch watching a movie when suddenly I started to cry, he turned to me and asked me why I'm crying.

"Imagine I can't be a good mom, imagine she doesn't love me or I can't take care of her" I said always crying

"Stop saying that, you're going to be the best mom, it's impossible that she doesn't love you you're her mother after all and don't worry I'll be there to help you that's my father's role right? "

"You're right, it must be the hormones that do this to me"

He approaches me and leans on my belly.

"Huh you're going to love your mom * whispers * but if you prefer me it doesn't matter I wouldn't tell her"

"Hey I heard you," I said, hitting him on the shoulder

"Well we'll see if she says mom or dad first"

"Okay, if she says mom first ,for a week, you're the one who's going to get up at night and if she says dad first I'll do it"

"Deal concluded" he said, holding out his hand to me.

I shake his hand and we continue our film.

A year later, we were in the living room with our little Airi who was playing on the floor,she was 10 months old and managed to say a few syllables, i still hadn't forgotten my deal with Ryosuke. I approach my daughter discreetly and say.


She looks at me and laughs.

"Try to say mama and I will win against your father"

She looks at me again and says "Dad"

" Oh yes!! She said Dad!! Said Ryosuke

"Good, I give up ..."

I was disappointed to have lost but happy because she said her first word, it was very cute. So for a week when she woke up at night, I was going to take care of her. One night I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly we hear crying coming from the baby monitor. I get up but Ryosuke gets up before.

" What are you doing? " I said

"Go back to sleep, don't worry"

"Oh thank you" I say asleep again

-End flashback-

Now Airi was 5 years old and Ryosuke worked in the police. After eating he gets ready to go to work, he was going to leave when I see that he has forgotten his keys, I take them and call him.

"RYOSUKE! You forgot something" I said

He turns around, walks over to me then kisses me, I laugh and show him the keys.

"I was talking about that but thank you"

He takes the keys and leaves, I was on vacation so I could play with Airi. Then a week later we decided to go and lay flowers in the cemetery where Chinen was buried. We had just arrived and Airi asked why we were here.

"We are coming to see a friend of mom and dad who went to heaven because he was very sick" I said with a slightly sad smile

"Airi, do you want to go and lay the flowers?" Asks Ryosuke

" Yes I want! "She said taking the flowers and stepping forward

She closes her hands and starts talking, with Ryosuke we looked at her.

"Don't worry I take care of mom and dad you can sleep in peace"

Hearing his words, a small tear ran down my cheek, Ryosuke ran his hand behind me

"She's growing fast huh?"

" Too much... "

Then she stands up and says

"Ah and also I will soon have a little brother"

With Ryosuke we look shocked

"Honey how do you know that?" I said

"Because you got fat" she said with her innocent head

Ryosuke laughs then I laugh in my turn, we finally leave the cemetery to go to see Aoi and Takaki, they were married and had a child, they were the only ones with us, all the others had gone to different countries. We get in the car leaving Yuri behind us, even if physically he was no longer there, he was still present in our hearts.


This is the end of this story, I hope the end doesn't bother you, thank you for reading so far. Bye Bye
