Story Short:

During the little time of breaks Lisa Lisa gave y/n and Joseph to eat they would always prolong their eating times or even hide from her.

This particular day Caesar was in charge of the masks on y/n and Joseph and decided to give them a break, he didn't mind at first but after hearing them giggle and talk like school children it made him leave the island for a few hours.

Joseph started to tickle y/n making her laugh loudly trying to push him off. "Joseph..joseph stop it! Im gonna hit you! JOSEPH"

"OW!" Joseph yelled as y/n gave him a punch full of hamon sending him flying to the wall in his temporary bedroom on the island. "The hell was that for?" He yelled at y/n while trying to regain the breath he lost.

Y/n sits up on the bed with her hair looking 'disgraceful' as lisa lisa called it. "I told you, but you never listen"

Joseph walked over to the bed taking off his shirt and scarf and he locked the bedroom door trapping y/n on the bed pinning her down onto it as he smirked.

"Welp, since i don't listen very about i make you scream my name until i get tired?" He kissed her passionately as y/n opens her mouth a bit giving Joseph full access to explore it and she suddenly stops.

"We have training today joseph, we can't miss it" y/n says obviously flustered. She didn't want to miss a training day that mattered to the world.

"Screw it, we can miss today. Loggs or caesar always takes you away, so now..I'm taking you away from them"


Suzie Q was passing by the same room the couple was in when she heard y/n begging for joseph and her face turned completely red as she drops the freshly clean shirts she had for Lisa Lisa. "AHHH! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH Y/N!
