
Joseph had left new york. Around 2 months ago leaving y/n at the hands of the Speedwagon Foundation. She had been sick for over 2 weeks now and everyone that was visiting prepared for the worst, but it had never come.

Instead, she woke up feeling better than on previous days and she sits up slightly seeing Caesar at the foot of her bed sleeping. She gently slips out of bed and gets up wobbling at first as she walked towards the Hallway and with each step, she took she had and she steps out to see the amazing view of new york city from the window of her home.

It was a sight she hadn't seen in a while, she hears the phone ring and picks it up. "J..Joestar residence...This is y/n Joestar speaking." Y/n's voice was raspy, the result of not drinking water. The other end of the line was silent and she takes a deep breath. "If you aren't going to speak I will hang up."

A few more seconds pass by and. Y/n heard Joseph's voice. "My dear, Don't
Hang up, it's me joseph i-...when did you wake up?" Joseph asks with a worried tone in his voice. Y/n knew that the worry wasn't for her and from her memory, she knew he went to Japan.

"How's holy & jotaro..and Joseph Darling don't lie to me, I know when you're lying and it'll piss me off." Y/n says switching her standing pose as joseph goes quiet. The sound of an alarm blaring grabs her attention fully.

"Joseph!"y/n shouts and instead of joseph answering She hears a gruff voice. "Stop yelling grandma, we're fine." The voice of Y/n's grandchild Jotaro is heard and it somewhat calms her down. But it doesn't last long as she hears another voice. 'Kakyoin! Get away from there!'

Y/n knows the voice from her time in Egypt and she raises her eyebrows. 'Avdol?..joseph..jotaro..and avdol...with this kakyion boy... I've heard this name before'

Y/n then remembers her dream from a long time ago when she saw not only Caesar's death but also a boy named Kakyoin. She widens her eyes and sees her husband's jacket hanging up putting it on not caring how big it looked on her. "Jotaro, Don't lie to me when I ask you this question, my love." Jotaro grunts and he agrees quickly.

"Where are you heading, and tell me now," y/n asks brushing her hair back with her hand. Jotaro hesitates on the phone and y/n knows. But then jotaro lightly whispers into the phone as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. "Cairo, Egypt..grandma, but go check on mom first she needs y-"

The line suddenly goes dead and y/n drops the phone, her heart suddenly drops as she thinks of her family in danger. Rushing footsteps are coming towards y/n at an alarming rate and she quickly turns around feeling in danger and another Figure appears beside y/n screaming out as it punches the person.

"Ow! What the hell! Y/n" Caesar shouts at y/n but her attention wasn't on him, it was on the tall womanly figure next to her. " see her too right?" Caesar looks up his gray hair framing his face as he looks up, and blood began dripping from his nose.

"See who? Because if you're talking about mother cosmos I saw her when you punched me!" Caesar says yelling and y/n widen her eyes shaking her head, as she backs away.

"No, I've gotta go, Caesar. the house and call Japan if you need anything! I need to check on holy!"y/n runs backward the womanly figure from before comes out again following her quickly down the stairs of her home as y/n grabs her wallet from a cabinet in the downstairs foyer.

She runs right out of the door going to the airport in her pajamas not caring who was watching. ' Joseph, Jotaro, holy I'm coming!' Y/n thought to herself as she ran.

Behind her was her newly developed stand.....

Author's note: I do not feel good, so I didn't actually attempt to draw. A stand for the reader, instead I searched google and found a genderbent Star Platinum, she won't be as powerful as Star Platinum Her stand is just...I'll explain it in Stardust Crusaders....but for now meet,y/n's stand...well.STARDUST.😂
