Jotaro Kujo³ & Noriaki Kakyoin [Hair Style]

"I don't think I've ever seen Jotaro take off his hat." You stated as you leaned over a tall cherry-loving boy and looked at the brooding teen in the distance with a curious gaze.

He had his usual fan club surrounding him and squealing loudly, annoying the said 'brooding teen'. It was nothing out of the unusual. "Oh? You haven't seen him without his hat?" The redhead asks you, sounding shocked. You hummed and bobbed your head "yes" in response.

He put a hand under his chin in thought. "Well, I've seen him without his hat before, and shockingly his hair is actually real and not some wig or something." You snickered as you imagined a bald Jotaro under that weird hat of his. "Really? I thought he just has a weird hairline or gone bald under that hat." You laughed, failing to notice Kakyoin's cheery expression contort in a fearful one and the tall buff man menacingly looming behind you.

"If I'm being honest, his hat is just there to keep all his edginess in place." You wheezed and leaned more onto Kakyoin, howling with laughter. "Um-uh Y/N..." You were still busy with laughing and wheezing until you felt a rough hand land over your shoulder. You immediately shut up and stiffly stood up straight.  Slowly, you peeked over your shoulder to see a broad and toned chest that belonged to no other than Jotaro. And it seems that his fangirls were nowhere to be seen too. "Oh-uh hi Jojo." You innocently smiled at him, acting as if you weren't poking fun of his hat and hair.

And good god, his glare was so intense to the point where you can feel you're getting stabbed. Sweating, you pointed behind him hoping he would fall for it. "Anyway, What's that!" You yelled and ran, "Nigerundayo, Kakyoin!" Except you weren't able to get anywhere since Jotaro still has his iron grip on you.

You whipped your head towards Kakyoin and gave him a look of fear and silently begged him to save you meanwhile, the redhead shrugged in response with an evil smile. You heard Jotaro say his infamous quote "Yare Yare Daze." along with that he mumbles "I should stop you from hanging out with Jiji often."

"So um- you're not gonna do the ora ora thing on me because I made fun of your hair....right?" You looked back at him, he sighed and let go of your shoulder. (Although you swear you can feel it bruising, it was either he accidentally made his grip too tight or he purposely did that to give you a warning.) "Listen, if you wanted to see me without my hat you could've just said so. If we weren't so close, I would've beaten you with little to no hesitation." He whispers the last part but you still heard it because oh how close he was looming over you. (You could even feel his warm breath hit your face.)

Eyeing Kakyoin beside you for any guidance, he gave you a thumbs up with a small smile and mouthed "Don't worry, I'll pray for you." Which did not help at all. Looking back at Jotaro, he stepped back and removed his hat. He brushed his hand over his hair while you looked at him with shock and awe. His hair looked curly and fluffy, messy but the look suited him, you resisted the urge to pet his hair knowing he would actually beat you up if you did. You looked back at his hat and it turns out; his hat was just ripped from the back, making it look like a weird wig.

"Oh my god, the Jotaro Kujo hair. I feel so entitled, such an honor." You joked, in reality, you actually felt having such privilege after the emo man shown you his hair. "It's just a damn hair." He grunts and puts his wacky ass hat back on. You frowned, wanting to savor the cute look he had.

"If I was being honest, you look really cute without your hat. Right, Kakyoin?" You looked at him and he nodded in return. "Don't push your luck." He scowled and with that, he gave you one last glare and walked away. You and Kakyoin stared at each other and chuckled, following the broad emo.

Sneaking a glance at the cherry man beside you, you wondered, "Hm, what about Kak's noodle hair.." You spoke up, breaking the silence. "Hey Kaky, what about your noodle hair, does it have lore?" He looked at you in confusion before processing what you said. "Oh! Well, It does have a story..." He says, getting shy towards the end.

"Tell me! We have a lotta time before we get to school!" You beamed and persuaded him to spill out the story. He twirled and played with the weird hair noodle before speaking up, "You see, my mom always cuts my hair when I was a child, and one day I asked if she can cut my hair like hers... And I just got attached to it.. That's just it, nothing interesting I guess..." He rubbed the nape of his neck in embarrassment.

"Aw! That's cute!" You smiled at him. "At least your mom did a great job! My grandma used to cut my hair too! Except I looked like dora the explorer." You explain, laughing at the old memory.

"Dora...who?" He looked at you and tilted his head in confusion again while you just giggled and shook the topic off.

It was silent once again until you recall a memory from your head. "Oh my God, I remembered seeing a french guy with a weird white tower hair at the airport! Imagine the hair gel he uses." Looking at him with a bewildered expression, Kakyoin laughed and shook his head. The two of you were able to catch up to Jotaro so he was now beside you, listening in to the conversation. "Does he also have huge boobs?" You gasped, "Really huge tiddies. And don't get me started on his ass!" Kakyoin laughed harder and you heard a subtle chuckle from Jotaro.

"Men these days and their weird hat, noodle hair, and tower hair." Kakyoin appears to recover and retaliated. "Hey! What's so special about your hair then?!" He pouted. Gasping, You whipped your head at him and dramatically flipping your hair. "It's called style, Mr. Noriaki." Trying to hold his laughter, he raises one of his eyebrows and slowly nods. His shoulders shaking slightly from holding in the laughter. "Uh-huh."

You heard Jotaro say "Yare Yare." under his breath. When you were about to look at him, he ruffles your hair, messing your hairstyle. You pouted and furrowed your brows at him. "Now, what's so special about your hair?" He mocks. You flipped him off and sped walk away, furiously trying to fix your hair. "I'll get you back for this Kujo!"

The two boys chuckle at your reaction and both trailed behind, following to the school.
