Daffodil (Kakyoin Noriaki)

Prompt: Daffodil (Unrequited love) "What do you mean? But I love you!"

A yandere prompt! I'll post these then I'll get back to requests.


It was a lovely day to go outside not to mention it was Sunday, so you used this as an opportunity to exercise your legs.


Hearing a familiar voice call out, you spun around and saw your childhood best friend. It was the cherry-colored-haired boy that your childhood was built around, smiling and waving. "Tenmei!!!" Grinning, you ran to him with open arms. He copies the action making you jump on him, causing both of you to crash down laughing but the moment seized when he began coughing harshly. Alarmed, you quickly got off of him and scrambled to take his hand to help him regain his footing.

"Are you okay?" He waves his hand dismissively and gives you a pained smile. "I'm alright. Just took me off guard." Your face morphed into a concerned expression. Eyebrows lifted and mouth slightly curved downwards. He frowns too and pulls you into a hug. His warm embrace reminded you of the times where he would hug you out of nowhere, making you giggle.

Your lovely reunion was ruined when a gruff voice from behind boomed that made you flinch away. "Kakyoin, don't be reckless." Craning your head, you see a behemoth of a man making you instinctively raise your arm and shield Kakyoin from him. He looks at you amused while Kakyoin snickers. "He's a friend, Y/N." He grabs your shoulders, trying to ease your tension. Taking your time to process this information, your cheeks flush in embarrassment but you quickly recovered by suspiciously squinting at the man. "Are you sure, cherry? He looks like a murderer. A joy-killer." Unable to hold his snickers, Kakyoin bursted giggling and laughing while the "Joy-killer" looks at you with a glare. "In some cases... yeah." The man in black-clad shook his head, disappointed.

"Anyways, this is my friend Jotaro Kujo. Jotaro, this is my childhood friend, Y/N L/N." Jotaro nods his head in your direction and you return the gesture with a verbal response "Nice to meet you too." Jotaro made an audible grunt and walked on the opposite street, presumably in the direction of his home. "What an odd guy." Kakyoin's laughter dies down and he hums in agreement beside you. "Well that's Jotaro and that's how he says goodbye." You followed up a giggle to Kakyoin's sentence.

Walking around the streets with him, you questioned his current situation. "How have you been? It's been like..... 6? 7 years? since we last met?" He looks into the distance in thought. His eyes looked oddly empty. "I think it was just 5 years. Well... It's a long story but currently, I'm doing well." You made an exaggerated "ooooohhh" and smirked. "Tell me your adventures oh great cherry overlord." A small little inside joke you and Kakyoin made back at elementary. He scoffs and stifles a laugh. "Alright... This is going to blow your mind. It's so bizarre." Nodding eagerly, you urged him to continue.

"Hm... But I don't think you can handle it." After getting hyped up so quickly, you frowned and pouted. "Stop teasing! Tell me the juicy story." He smiles and gazes at you softly, loving your cute expressions. The red-head sighs and shrugs playfully. "I guess it's time for you to learn the forbidden knowledge." At first, he was hesitant and uncomfortable but he decided to go with the flow. And not only that but seeing you get riled up made his heart skip a beat.

It may not look like it but he misses you more than you probably ever will.

"Well... If you do want to know..." He spills all the information on his trip to Egypt, starting with him being mind control and nearly getting killed by a vampire. To others, it would sound fake but you've known Kakyoin long enough to tell he's saying the truth. Not to mention you have your own stand as well.

During this, you realized the reason why he acted weirdly to you hugging him. "So you have a... huge wound in your stomach?" You say unsure but it was answered when Kakyoin nodded with a solemn look. It made you feel awful to learn that Kakyoin nearly died and you weren't there to help him but at the same time, there was nothing that you can do since it already happened.

Noticing your frown, he puts a hand on your shoulder again but this time he squeezes it and grins. Frowning doesn't suit you, darling. "It's ok. I'm here in one piece, aren't I?" You chuckle slightly and nod. "Well, enough about me. Tell me your stories." You beamed. "Ok! So as you see, I'm here and my parents are planning to stay here for a couple of years! That's more years we can spend time together! A-and!-" You rambled and rambled and told him bizarre adventures but not as crazy as his. Trying to make the atmosphere light and memorable, you can't help but feel strange... It's like you stand is saying something to you.

"Seeing this is a good time... There's something I need to tell you..." You made an audible "oh?" as he takes your hands in his larger and warmer ones. He pulls you along underneath a cherry blossom tree which was oddly suspicious and cheesy. His cheeks subtly flushed red, bashfully smiling. "I've been thinking about this since the trip to Egypt... And we've been... Friends for so long..." It was true. Friends for so long that you knew each other's secret. He kept one hand in yours and used the other to cover his mouth as he clear his throat. "Wi... Will you go out with me?"

Except for that secret. Your grip tightens and you sigh, removing both of your hands from Kakyoin, you looked at him in the eyes. His lavender scarred eyes looked nearly as lifeless. "I can't..."

"What do you mean? But I love you!"

"I... I only see you as a brother... Kakyoin.." After all the things he went through, it made you feel guilty but you can't force love onto others. The air felt awkward and you can't help but get mixed feelings about his confession. So the only rational decision you could think of was to say "sorry" and run away to recover from today's events.

As you flee in the distance, Kakyoin was already forming plans on how to achieve your heart. Even if he has to go through extreme measures. "Ah... Maybe not yet... We only just reunited today but soon."
