Tired - Jilix


These first few one-shots aren't my best work as I was still getting used to the formatting and shorter stories of one-shots but they progressively get better :)

This will probably be the only time an author's note is at the beginning of the chapter, otherwise they will just be at the end.

A small description of what each chapter is about will be at the beginning and there will also be a warning listed should there be possibly triggering content

Enjoy! :)


 Jisung is tired, overwhelmed, and can't sleep. Felix is more than happy to be the boy's comfort

*Crying and slight panic attack*


Jisung's room was near pitch black as he blearily blinked his burning eyes, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The only source of light was a silver sliver of moonlight filtering in through the small crack in the curtains drawn tight over the window, casting a thin strip across the carpeted floor. Across the way, Jeongin was out cold, muttering softly as he dreamt on.

Jisung envied him.

Reaching over to his bedside table, Jisung plucked his phone from where it was charging and turned it on. After blinking a few more times, trying to clear his blurry vision, the brunette was finally able to make out the digital numbers displayed on the screen.

3:43 am.

That was progress.

Only 3 hours and 17 minutes earlier than when his alarm was set to go off. A considerable improvement from the usual 4 hours and 15 minutes of restless tossing and turning before his alarm ultimately roused him from his hazy, sleepless daze.

Nevertheless, Jisung shut his eyes and rolled onto his back, frustratingly rubbing his lids with the bottom of his palms. He barely refrained from letting out an annoyed groan but held back for Jeongin's sake.

This was the second consecutive week that Jisung had woken up far beyond an acceptable time with an inability to fall back asleep. It always resulted in him staring blankly at the ceiling of his shared dorm room until Chan ventured in on his rounds in the morning, making sure every member of Stray Kids was up and moving, ready for their long daily schedules.

It had been incredibly difficult for the young producer. His inability to get in more than an hour or two every night gave way to a lack of focus and general exhaustion that left him drifting off at the most inconvenient times; before interviews, shows, and performances. Once he'd even drifted off standing up right during a pre-recording take for one of their music show performances.

Now it was safe to say the members had noticed and were worried, but there wasn't much Jisung saw they could do. Seeing as he had tried all the basic remedies google had to offer; warm milk, chamomile tea, reading, exercise, and over-the-counter medicines, there wasn't much else Jisung could attempt save for going to see a real doctor for insomnia and with their upcoming comeback and ever growing schedules, there was no time for that. So, the young brunette waved off their concerns, continuing to push his body to the limits, even as it grew harder and harder to maintain basic functionality.

There was one member, however, who pushed more than the others.

Jisung's sunshine twin, Felix.

The day younger male was increasingly worried for his slightly older best friend. One too many times, he stumbled upon Jisung, sporting bloodshot, purple ringed eyes during the work day, barely able to keep them open. Yet, every time he tried to suggest to Jisung, the male take a break and rest, he was always pushed away with a resounding and none too comforting 'I'm fine'.

Jisung knew the blonde was aware of his struggles. If his outer appearance wasn't evidence enough, Jisung was also aware of his bumbling loose tongue spilling a hint into his true struggles to Felix on a particularly late night. The two had stayed up later than normal to finish a movie. Jisung had barely been registering anything on the television as his head rest lightly on Felix's shoulder, the blond subconsciously running his fingers through his brown locks. The younger's menstruations had nearly lulled Jisung to sleep when Felix had chose to suggest the two turn in for the night. Jisung had resisted, stating that he was comfortable and it wasn't like he would be able to sleep much anyways. Naturally, Felix had questioned what the elder meant, but Jisung had dropped the subject faster than Felix could get a full sentence out.

So, Felix had a smidge more of an inkling into Jisung's sleeping troubles and kept a considerably closer eye on him than the others, offering him to rest at any opportunity he could find, trying to be as helpful as possible.

Jisung was grateful, he really was, but once the second week had hit, Jisung had been unable to even rest during their schedule breaks. The floor mat became too uncomfortable for the soreness in his limbs, the couch felt too lumpy, and his body for whatever reason, would not let him sleep outside the few hours he got during the night.

Jisung's stress had continued to grow as his sleeplessness got to him more and more. Practices became increasingly difficult and every little thing seemed to push him closer to some unseen ending; one that Jisung was sure was less than pleasant. If only he could sleep, just for a little bit. He'd do anything for a mere 5 hours for once but-

"Sungie? Innie? It's time to wake up."

Jisung startled, near jumping clean out of his bed as Chan popped his head into the bedroom. The leader's hair was splayed in all different directions and his eyes were droopy, but his signature dimpled smile was still present on his face. The eldest Australian crossed the room, fuzzy yellow socks thumping on the carpet. He went to Jeongin first, the said 'sleeping angel' rising quickly and without fuss. Chan ruffled his hair as he went before turning to Jisung.

The brunette had once again shut his eyes, groaning, somehow wishing he could will himself to sleep despite knowing he needed to get up.

In the next moment, there were fingers running soothingly through his hair.

"Sung? Come on, Sungie, you gotta get up"

Jisung cracked an eye open. The voice of the speaker was much too deep for Chan's morning voice. Once his eyes finally managed to focus on the figure sitting on his bed, Jisung came face to face with Felix. The younger Australian was staring down at him with worry shining brightly in his eyes. Jisung hadn't noticed him come in, nor had he noticed Chan slipping out the doorway in his distracted state.

"You look like shit, Jisungie" The blond male mused, a fond, soft smile gracing his lips as Jisung whined, sitting up with the help of Felix before resting his head on the boy's shoulder. Even moving felt like an incredible task and Jisung could tell his tiredness was coming to a front.

"Come on" Felix said, chuckling at Jisung's cuteness as the boy cuddled his arm, "Minho-hyung has breakfast ready. He made your favorite" Jisung roused a little at that, the idea of food being enough for him to force himself out of bed into another long day of practice.

The brunette stood with Felix's help, the blond wrapping a hand around his slightly shorter best friend's waist in attempt to keep him from toppling over. The elder male seemed to be lagging more than usual and that concerned Felix. Chan had sent all of them to bed early last night in hopes of a good nights rest, but by the looks of Jisung's behavior and overall appearance, Felix wouldn't be surprised if the elder had only slept for a mere four hours.

As Felix led the still half-asleep brunette towards the kitchen, he decided right then and there that he would keep a watchful eye on his shorter twin for the day. Even as Jisung seemed to begin to gain a little more control of his limbs, enough to be able to straighten and walk to the kitchen with only Felix's hand as an anchor, Felix wasn't convinced everything was as peachy as Jisung always tried to make it out to be. There was an unsettling feeling stirring in the pit of the blond's stomach and he had a striking suspicion it had something to do with the boy he was leading. So, he decided he would be there for Jisung that day.

In any way he could.

Just as he always would be.


Dance practice, to say the least, was hell for the young producer.

His limbs seemed to be unwilling to listen to his brain's commands as they flopped around, uncoordinated, throughout the entire session, earning him several scoldings from their instructor. At some point during the day, a steady headache had set stone in Jisung's head and by the time afternoon came about, the brunette was about ready to either cry from sheer stress and exhaustion or collapse.

Whichever came first.

At half past one, four hours into their dance practice, their instructor called for a break.

Stumbling on his way to the closest wall, Jisung slumped against it immediately, legs feeling like jelly underneath him. He pulled the hood of the sweatshirt he'd borrowed from Felix up over his head, shuffling back so that his face was securely hidden inside the material before resting his head on his arms, curling his knees into his chest. The brunette felt frustrated tears pool in his eyes and he furiously tried to blink them away, not wanting to add being a cry-baby to his list of causation for scoldings today.

Then, there was a hand on his shoulder and Jisung was peeking out of his little cocoon, already having a hunch as to who it was.

Per his assumption, Felix was sitting beside him, glistening with sweat but still as beautiful as ever. Jisung wished he could wipe the worry from his iris' though. Felix was scanning what little part of the older's face that he could see, obviously finding what he'd been searching for, because in the next moment, Jisung was being pulled into Felix's lap. The younger wrapped his arms securely around Jisung's petite waist as he rest his head on top of the elder's own.

"Sungie" He murmured, hand tracing circles on the small of Jisung's back. "Baby." 

Jisung didn't know if it was the nickname or the pure tenderness in Felix's soothing voice that finally sent him over the edge, but nevertheless, it was at that moment, Jisung broke out into sobs, tucking his head into Felix's chest, relishing in his warmth.

Felix immediately tightened his hold on Jisung, not seeming surprised at all by the sudden breakdown, having sensed the distress wafting off the elder long ago. He switched to rubbing the smaller's upper back and rocking the two of them slowly, all the while shushing Jisung and whispering quiet reassurances. The blond could see the other members looking on worriedly, but Felix merely gestured that it was ok and he could handle it before he turned his attention back to the boy in his arms. Jisung looked impossibly small and fragile and Felix felt his heart clench. He couldn't bare to see the younger so distraught.

"Shh, it's alright baby. I'm here. I've got you." Jisung clutched onto Felix tighter, one hand winding around his back as the other fisted the fabric of the younger's sweater tightly.

"I'm j-just so tired, L-Lixie. B-but I can't sleep. A-And it's been weeks but I still c-can't sleep and-"

"I know, baby, I know." Felix said, stopping Jisung's ramble. "We'll figure it out, don't worry. Just let it out, ok? I'm not going anywhere."

The two sat there for some time, neither acknowledging anything around them besides each other. Once Jisung's sobs quieted into small sniffles, Felix took that as his chance to lean back a bit to get a peek at Jisung's face. He cooed softly, seeing the boy with dried tear tracks marking his cheeks and his eyes only open to tiny slits, having soaked up any remainder of his energy by crying. The blond reached out and lightly dried any remaining tears falling from Jisung's eyes before shifting a bit so that Jisung was sitting with his legs wrapped around Felix's waist.

Sensing the movement, Jisung whined, startled, and attached himself even tighter to Felix. The younger would had laughed had the situation been anything else. Jisung was just so cute it was hard not to find everything he did endearing and adorable. Felix pat his head softly, knowing that Jisung wouldn't like it if he took the hood off now, especially in front of their senior instructor.

"Come on Sungie, I think that's enough for today. Let's get you home." Felix said as he rose with only slight difficulty, thanking the skies that Jisung was so small and light. He gave a quick glance to Chan, who nodded in approval to the younger Australian's decision. The blond flicked his gaze over to their instructor, who was awkwardly standing by the mirrored wall in the room, most likely feeling guilty over having a hand in Jisung's breakdown.

He did not fight him as Felix made to leave, Jisung still clinging to him like a koala.


It was only once the two reached the outdoors that Jisung finally relieved Felix of his grasp. He knew they would have to walk back to the dorms and Jisung did not want to make the younger carry him the entire way.

He did, however, rest a significant amount of his weight on the younger male, completely spent and not trusting his limbs to fully work, seeing as his legs were still wobbling. Felix didn't seem to mind, as he wrapped a hand tightly around Jisung's waist. The blond led the way home, only releasing Jisung in order to unlock their dorm door.

Once inside, Felix reattached himself to Jisung, softly guiding the male to his own bed. He knew the elder could probably use a shower but it was clear Jisung was not up to the task at the moment, nor did Felix really care. All he wanted was for Jisung to get some very much needed sleep.

He settled next to the small brunette, smiling as Jisung instantly glued himself to the blond's side. He rest his head on the arm Felix had wrapped around him and tucked his face into the younger's neck, nuzzling sweetly as his breath fanned soothingly across Felix's skin. The younger brushed his fingers through Jisung's soft tuft of hair, having taken note of its ability to lull the older to sleep. Felix nearly cheered victoriously as Jisung's eyelids began to flutter, the obvious lack of sleep having caught up to him.

"Close your eyes, Sungie" Felix whispered. There would be time for talk later. Right now, Jisung needed to sleep. The said male did as he was told, although Felix registered the hesitance in his gaze. The blond leaned over, flicking off the light before wrapping Jisung up in his arms, pressing the male further into his chest, not stopping the threading of his fingers.

"Sleep, Sungie." He continued. "I'm here. Sleep."

A few seconds later, Jisung was out like a light, breath evening out into little puffs that tickled Felix's neck.

Felix smiled, happy to see that Jisung was finally getting some shut eye.

"That's it, baby" He crooned to the now, very deeply asleep Jisung. "I'll be here when you wake up."

Felix pressed a gentle kiss to Jisung's forehead before closing his own eyes and letting the warmth of the male in his arms lull him into a light sleep of his own.

Because maybe, all Jisung needed, was someone to hold him tight and be there for him to sleep.

And Felix was more than happy to volunteer for the job.

As he'd said earlier;

He'd always be there for his Jisungie.



There it was! The first chapter! I thought I should start out with cuddly Jilix and minimal angst. 

Side note: I am absolutely gone for Jilix and the fact that Felix, Lee Felix is the big spoon with everyone(minus Chan because he's Chan). Couple that with Jilix, the two tiny sunshine babies and...well(I'm whipped, sue me) 

Anyways! I hope you guys liked this first one-shot! Lemme me know in the comments! I have a list of my own ideas I'll be publishing but please remember I am happy to take requests!! 

Let's all take a deep breath. Just a nice, deep, relaxing breath. Life is hard, right? It gets to be stressful all the time and there are terrible things that happen in our lives all the time. But I'm here to tell you that no matter what happens, no matter how serious, or awful it feels, you will prevail. You will beat whatever it is that is challenging you because you are strong, beautiful, smart, kind, and the best you you can be. You are moving at your own pace and you will get there, no matter the setbacks, you will get there. That is a promise.

- Megan<3

Please, he's so precious 
