Overworked - Jisung x Hyung Line



I have one of my own one-shot ideas today. This will probably be a little more on the angsty side but will still end happily with fluff so don't worry!

This idea kind of spanned from the recent Stay uproar over the hate Chan receives on the daily. These are Jisung-centric one-shots but the same goes for any of the members-hate, band-wagon or otherwise can have serious negative results. Idols are still human and Stray Kids' especially do not deserve any of the scrutiny they have been receiving. Please be kind with your words and continue to support Stray Kids. They deserve all the love<3

Yes, I'm still here and plan on updating this story!! Time simply got away from me and I was struggling for a while with my writing but I honestly have been feeling very motivated for the last few days and I decided to put it to good use and update my stories! I'm not sure when the next update for this one-shot series will be but hopefully it won't be long(NOT 6 months for sure). Also the above paragraph is a little outdated because this has been sitting in the drafts for a while but my point still stands :)

Ok, I think that's all I had to say! Thank you for sticking around and I hope this chapter is alright! Enjoy!

TW: hate, self-deprecation, insecurity, slight eating disorder not otherwise specified but not really, it's more like restriction but I'm putting it as ednos just to be safe, and slight mention of blood/injury

This is fluffy, I swear, it just has an angsty start..and middle? Ok I promise the end is FLUFFY


"The other members work so much harder than Han. While he's off laying in bed watching videos, the rest of Stray Kids are putting their all into improving and it really shows. Han's dancing is mediocre, his rap is unoriginal and boring, and his visuals-he's really holding the rest of the boys back. I wish he'd put in more effort. Otherwise, he should just leave."

Jisung gulped as he read and re-read the tweet, the words rattling around his head relentlessly. He glanced up, staring guiltily at Chan and Changbin. Both males were bent over their respective areas, fervently working on finishing their parts of Stray Kids' newest track. Jisung had finished his part 20 minutes ago, having furiously scribbled lyrics into his notebook, letting the words flood from his pencil tip to the page in a wave, before happily skipping to Chan to show him what he'd wrote.

The remaining duo of 3Racha had loved the verse, told him not to change anything, and had been wowed at his ability to so effortlessly transfer his thoughts into such deep and meaningful lyrics. Changbin had even ruffled his hair, the action accompanied by an affectionate smile. Jisung had felt proud and had settled back to catch up on the latest updates from National Geographic, but now he was doubting himself, finding seemingly endless flaws staring back at him through the still open pages of his notebook.

He bit at his nails, picking up his phone again. The tweet he'd innocently stumbled upon in a break between videos had received over a hundred likes, surely that must mean there was some semblance of truth to the fan's words. He tapped on the search bar and with one last look to make sure Chan and Changbin were still occupied, he keyed in 'Jisung lazy', curious to know if other Stay shared the same sentiment. He ignored the pang in his heart when it popped up in the search bar as one of the most popular at the moment.

Hope fluttered in his chest as the first few tweets were of Stays vigorously defending his name, passionately exclaiming everything they loved about Jisung, and shaming those who dared hate on him. However, that hope was squandered as Jisung came across a thread with more likes than the previous tweet, titled 'Why Han Jisung is the least talented member in Stray Kids; a thread'. The brunette's heart leapt into his throat as he clicked on the tweet.

The list was long.

His fingers were trembling.

The self-deemed 'Stay' had begun by stating they did not hate Jisung, only that they were trying to help him grow and reach his full potential, catching up to the other members, who according to her, were 'miles ahead of Jisung'. After that, Jisung's stomach twisted itself into knots, nausea steadily churning as he read page after page of critiques-from his singing and dancing, down to the way the stylists did his hair, and the way he interacted with his members. The fan didn't leave anything out and by the end of the thread, there were tears pooling in Jisung's eyes. Yet, he still scrolled through the comments, mood only dipping further the more he read.

'Jisung's also always forgetting the choreo and lyrics. I mean if that isn't a huge insult to the other members, I don't know what is! You'd think he'd care enough to not forget his own songs!'

'Yeah, and can't you tell, every time Han makes a joke, the boys fake laugh. It's blatantly obvious they're annoyed but Han just can't seem to take the hint'

'I agree 100%, the only thing Jisung is good at is rapping but even then, he's nowhere near Changbin. Sad.'

'Han has been looking a little chubby these days too. His cheeks look bigger. It's not so cute anymore.'

Jisung shut his phone, thoroughly sick to his stomach as his head reeled. Was that really what the fans thought of him? Was it true he was miles behind the other members, lacking in every skill? There were so many fans who'd agreed to both tweets, Jisung felt he had no choice but to believe the words. Yet, the realization he'd been holding his members back for so long was almost too much for the young rapper to bare, as he stood, panic beginning to claw at his insides.

He excused himself hastily, practically running to the bathroom as his mind screamed at him, grim memories flashing behind his eyes; continuous mistakes, annoying the members, all the times he'd fought with Hyunjin before debut-it all returned with a guilt-laden urgency. Jisung just barely managed to throw himself on his knees in front of the toilet before he was emptying the contents of his stomach into the porcelain. He couldn't believe he was such a failure. Surely, the rest of his members knew and had just been kind in not telling him, afraid of hurting his feelings. Or maybe they saw no point in telling him. They must think he was a lost cause, that there was no use in trying to help him get better. If he really annoyed them as much as the fans seemed to think, then maybe they'd be better off if he just left.

There were tears streaming down Jisung's face but he hardly felt them, too lost to his spiraling thoughts.

And even as Jisung could only hack up bile, stomach empty and thoroughly exhausted as he slumped against the toilet, he couldn't help but buy into every harsh word he'd read. They were fans after all. They only wanted to help Jisung better himself, in turn helping Stray Kids. They were helping him by pointing out his countless flaws, right?

Jisung nodded to himself, leaning back to rest against the wall, soaked in sweat and tears still dripping down the curves of his cheeks.

In that moment, the brunette promised himself he'd do everything in his power to be better. To make it up to his members and prove that he belonged in Stray Kids.


"Alright, gang! I think that's where we cut it for tonight. Who's up for dinner at that cafe down the street? Changbin's treat!"

Jisung let himself sink to the floor, the ending beats of 'God's Menu' still thrumming through his veins. His skin was sticky with sweat and the floor wouldn't quite stay still, swaying along with the rest of the room. Wordlessly, the brunette took the water bottle someone handed to him, guzzling it as he tuned out the enthusiastic chatter of Jeongin and Changbin's whining. He hardly noticed when he'd run the water bottle dry.

Jisung stared at the bottle, confused, wondering when he'd finished it.

A sudden tap on his shoulder startled Jisung out of his stupor and he glanced up quickly. Chan's form slowly swam into focus, the blond flanked by Minho at his shoulder. He stood above Jisung, arms crossed and a noticeable frown present on his face. There was worry mingling in Chan's eyes as well, but to Jisung, it seemed the leader was glaring at him with disappointment.

He looked away, hearing Chan sigh softly.

"You coming, Sung? Changbin's buying. You can run his card up with all the cheesecake you want!" The leader chirped, though there was a certain edge to his words.

Almost like a shallow hope.

Jisung felt small beneath Chan's gaze, as if he were a child being scolded by a parent, despite the elder's mostly cheery tone. He shrugged. The brunette couldn't afford to take a break now, no matter if it was to enjoy a nice meal with his members, or because his stomach was growling painfully.

"No thank you, hyung. I'm gonna stay here for a little while longer, tweak a few moves I'm still lacking on." Jisung said quietly as he played with his fingers and wrapped an arm around his stomach, trying to quell the sound of his stomach begging for food. He could practically feel Chan's hope being squashed by his words as the elder's shoulder's slumped sadly.

Behind Chan, Minho scoffed and Jisung squirmed, feeling the elder's piercing gaze pinning him to the floor. "You have to eat, Sungie." The red-head said, tone sharp. Yet he still laid a timid and gentle hand on the back of Jisung's neck, fiddling with the scruff of his hair. "And you aren't lacking in anything. Your moves looked perfectly clean and well-executed." Minho reassured but Jisung only hung his head farther, disbelieving.

"Please?" The rapper said, finally looking up to gaze at both his hyungs. He hoped they could see his determination, how driven he was to get better for them and the fans. Instead, Minho flinched, eyes filling with pain as he took in the newly acquired edges to Jisung's face and the slight hollowness to his usual squishy cheeks. Jisung pretended not to notice. "I'll only stay one more hour. Then I'll go home and eat. Promise."

Above him, Jisung heard both males sigh but he didn't dare raise his head, knowing he'd be met with disappointed and annoyed stares. He didn't have to look to know how much of a burden he was, how much he was letting them down. But that was why he had to stay.

It was quiet for a few moments before Chan's hand fell into Jisung's line of vision, a silent offer. Wordlessly, Jisung slotted their fingers together and the blond hauled Jisung to his feet, steadying him with warm hands braced on thin shoulders immediately when the younger swayed. Chan bent down, craning his head so that Jisung had no choice but to look at him.

When they finally made eye-contact, Chan's eyes were sad, merging on pained and Jisung felt guilt bloom in his chest. "One hour." The elder said, his voice gentle yet firm. "Then I want you straight back home, with food, and in bed. You're getting a good night's sleep for once in your life, cause seriously, Sungie-your eye bags have bags!" That roused a small huff of laughter from Jisung and Chan smiled triumphantly as he squeezed the brunette's shoulders one last time before backing off to gather his things.

The second Chan separated himself from Jisung, Felix bounded over, throwing himself onto the day older male, and wrapping him in warm hug, complete with both arms and one leg. The Aussie nuzzled into Jisung's hair, ever smitten by his slight height advantage. "I'll bring you back a slice of cheesecake!" The younger said brightly, tightening his hold on Jisung. "Don't work yourself too hard, okay?"

Jisung nodded, smiling softly, and watching fondly as Felix skipped over to the other members who were slowly starting to trickle out of the practice room. He draped himself over Seungmin, who groaned but made no attempt to push the blond male off. The others wished Jisung varying goodbyes and well wishes as they trickled out before eventually, the young rapper was alone. When the door clicked shut, the brunette turned sluggishly to the mirror, staring distastefully at his own reflection.

He looked away, crossing slowly to the laptop connected to the speakers on the other side of the room.

Jisung sighed.

Another day, another night working himself to the bone.

But it was ok, anything if it meant he'd make his members proud and prove his place amongst them.


Jisung was tired.

More tired than he remembered being in a long time. It was a type of exhaustion that seemed to reach every corner of his body, as dark tendrils of fatigue coated his limbs and muscles, seemingly pulling him towards the ground. Even his ever moving mind had come to exhaust him, the male unable to keep up with the constant whir of (mostly) negative thoughts. Over the past three weeks, Jisung had pushed himself to the limit; constant dance practice, extra vocal lessons, sessions in the studio, writing-anything the male felt he could improve on, which was essentially everything. He hardly remembered returning to the dorm in those weeks, often stumbling through the door, dead-tired on his feet and last to come home, only to stay up for several more hours writing lyrics or scrolling through twitter, until he eventually passed out-notebook braced on his chest and fingers still poised as if to continue scribbling less than decipherable lyrics.

The first two weeks had gone pleasantly well. Jisung had felt entirely in control-a feat his typically clumsy and nervous self was unused to. He kept his diet strictly limited to whole foods, thinking he could shed a few pounds in the process as well, while he continued to run his voice raw, dance until there were blisters on his feet, and wake up in the morning with screaming muscles only to repeat the process. Despite the strain he had put his body through, JIsung felt strong.

And it was working.

The same girl who had posted the original thread-the catalyst for the brunette's current antics-had begun to praise Jisung, thus inciting her followers to praise the rapper. Jisung had practically preened when he'd read a tweet of her complimenting his newly improved dancing. Even as the days drifted into the second half of the second week and Jisung's eye bags grew just a tad more apparent, and his clothes got a touch looser-he was happy. If Stays were happy, then Jisung was too.

Then they'd had a showcase.

Jisung had woken up particularly exhausted that day, having stayed up late the night prior working on a self-composed track for their new album and perfecting his vocals. He'd barely gotten an hour of sleep and the lack thereof had allowed his anxiety to fester and gnaw at his insides. He'd felt too nauseas to eat his usual banana before the performance; so much went into eating and every little thing that could go wrong whilst chewing the fruit raged through his head. He'd thrown the snack away without so much as a nibble, unwilling to further increase his worries so close to the show. However, his worst fear had occurred once Stray Kids took to the stage:

Jisung had been so preoccupied with making sure his voice didn't crack during his high note in 'Hellevator' that the brunette had stumbled, falling to his hands and knees directly in front of both the camera and Stays.

Jisung had froze-body stiff as a ripple of penetrating fear ran through him-like a deer caught in headlights until Felix broke formation to haul the day-older male to his feet, effortlessly playing the mistake off as if it were purposeful, saving the male from further humiliation. Afterwards, Jisung had fled to the bathroom, unable to handle the shame and embarrassment coursing through his body, as he pawed uselessly at his eyes where salty tears fell in a never ending cascade down his cheeks. Worried eyes mistaken for anger and disappointment followed the young rapper all the way down the corridor.

The comments got worse after that.

Jisung could hardly go on Twitter without seeing a slew of nasty remarks. They tore at his insides like a raging bull and the urge to prove himself only grew.

Nothing was ever enough after that.

The hours he put in weren't long enough. His lyrics always found their way to the trash bin and nothing to eat was too much.

It didn't matter how much he worked, how much he pushed himself, he never felt like he was good enough. But he continued to spend more hours practicing, more time staring at the ceiling during the early hours of the morning wondering how he could further improve, and ate less and less, desperate to show everyone that he was meant to be in Stray Kids.

So, Jisung was tired and hungry and felt horrible, but he still pressed play on the laptop, hearing the beginning notes of 'God's Menu' echoing off the walls. He sighed, forcing his legs to carry himself into the center of the room.

'Just get it right, Jisung. If you get this one perfect, then you can go home. Maybe Minho-hyung will let you bunk with him tonight, then you might be able to get some actual shut-eye'

The brunette thought as he began to run through the moves. His head had started throbbing some fifteen minutes ago but he pushed forward, even thought he could feel his motions lagging, his limbs not entirely cooperating with him.

'Come on, Jisung!'

Jisung flopped to the floor, carrying out the choreo a beat behind as Seungmin and Jeonin's vocals rang out in perfect pitch. He pushed himself back into a standing position, though it was tempting to stay laying on the cool floor.

He swayed once he righted himself, vision filling with little black dots as he grabbed his head between his hands. Jisung's limbs felt heavy, like they were full of lead, and the room was swimming too much for the male to properly gauge where or what he was doing.

Jisung stumbled, bracing his hands on his knees.

He was so tired.

The little dots grew and before Jisung knew it, the ground was falling out from under him, his vision had faded completely, and his eyes slid shut.

He wasn't awake to feel his nose bash against the wooden floor. Nor was he awake to feel as his body went limp and the time ticked on without him.


Changbin opened the door to the practice room cautiously. The floorboards were vibrating heavily to the beat of 'God's Menu' which played on repeat inside the small room and Changbin was about ready to whoop Jisung upside the head as he glanced at his watch, the time 2:44 blaring back at him.

Changbin huffed.

He was going to have to have a serious talk with the younger rapper, right after he turned him over to Chan, who'd surely (lovingly) rip him a new one for working overtime again. Changbin would even do it willingly with a smile on his face.

Anything as long as it got through to the younger.

The ravenette crossed briskly to the corner of the practice room, shutting off the music, and ceasing Hyunjin mid-rap. He turned slowly, bracing himself for a number of different things; Jisung yelling at him as he'd always been one who hated being interrupted while working; a brooding Jisung that was quiet and moody and wouldn't talk to Changbin while being secretly happy he'd come to force him to quit for the night; or even an overly affectionate from shear exhaustion JIsung who only wanted cuddles and a warm bed.

Nothing could have prepared him, however, for an unconscious Jisung, limp and unmoving on the hard-wood floor as a steady stream of blood flowed freely from his nose.

"Holy shit, Sung!" Changbin yelled as he rushed over, dropping to his knees beside the brunette's head. He rolled the younger over gently, pillowing his head with his thighs. Changbin let out a shaky breath as he took in the rapper's bloodied face. Jisung's eyes were firmly shut but his chest was rising steadily and Changbin could detect no other contusions other than a blossoming bruise around his nose and on his elbow.

Using the corner of his shirt, Changbin wiped away the majority of the blood stemming from Jisung's nose, feeling a small edge of his fear fade when he realized it wasn't broken and the worst of it was just dried blood. Only a small trickle of fresh blood remained.

Jisung groaned softly as Changbin brushed over a particularly tender spot and his eyes fluttered open briefly. "Hyung?" The brunette mumbled, voice barely audible even in the near silent studio. Changbin nearly burst out crying as he tenderly rest his head against the younger's forehead, even as the rapper's eyes flit closed again and he slumped a bit further into Changbin's knees.

"Oh thank God" He whispered, letting a few stray tears fall. It was enough for him, even if the younger had passed out again, it was good enough that he'd woken up at all. Changbin knew the brunette had probably fainted again due to exhaustion rather than anything else and that sent relief flooding through his system but still-

Changbin had seen his fear in those few seconds his eyes had been open-he couldn't imagine how scary it must have been to pass out so suddenly that he wasn't even able to cushion his fall. But the fact that nobody had been there to catch him or had come earlier to check on the rapper, hurt the most.

"When are you going to learn how to take better care of yourself?" Changbin said wetly as he pressed a feather light kiss to Jisung's forehead before he began to gather the younger into his arms, intent to only get him back home, safe and sound, and surrounded by the rest of his members.


When Jisung came to, it was to gentle humming and fingers running soothingly through his hair.

The brunette whined a little as he scrunched his nose up and shifted, a pang shooting through his nose and into his cheekbone. The hands passing through his hair froze for only a moment before they were continuing their calming ministrations and Jisung, disoriented and with sleep still pulling at his eyelids, let himself lean into the other's comforting hold.

He heard a fond huff above him before Minho's light voice filled his ears. "Hi, Sungie. How are you feeling?" The male asked as he brushed his fingertips tenderly over Jisung's cheeks.

Jisung frowned, a pout decorating his lips. "My nose hurts." He grumbled unhappily, but he was rewarded by Minho's airy, brightening chuckle and he found himself smiling despite the sting it caused.

Minho smiled down at him, "I'm sure. You banged your nose up pretty good when you fell. What happened Sung? We all thought you'd just fallen asleep in the practice room when Changbin first came home until we saw the blood on your face. Chan-hyung nearly had a heart attack and Innie insisted he be the one to hold an ice pack on that bruise." Minho paused, his voice breaking. "Why didn't you stop, Sungie? Why didn't you come home?"

Jisung panicked as he saw the tears glistening in Minho's eyes and he sat up quickly, gathering the elder male into his arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry! Please don't be mad at me! I-I didn't mean to, I just wanted to be better. Don't make me leave, please!"

"Make you leave? Sung-what are you talking about?"

Jisung was startled out of his hysterical blubbering by Chan's shocked voice. The younger glanced over, finding the Australian leader standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a bowl of steaming soup in his hands, and eyes wide in astonishment.

"I-I didn't" Jisung stopped when he felt a sudden tight grip on his hips. He turned his head back to Minho; the older man was staring at the brunette, distress clear in his brown eyes.

"Don't lie, please." The red-haired male whispered, caressing Jisung's hip bone through his clothes. "You haven't been alright for a while, Sungie. Please tell us what's been going on."

Jisung didn't want to tell the truth. He hadn't achieved what he'd set out to do. After all that work, he'd still ended up disappointing his members. He'd passed out and here he was being a burden, something he could never seem to get away from. He didn't want to leave but he also didn't want to hold his members-his family-back. And that meant he'd have to continue trying to better himself. But one look at Minho and Chan's distraught faces and Changbin, who Jisung hadn't even realized had been dozing at the other end of the couch, his thoughts crumbled and tears sprung to his eyes as Jisung's bottom lip trembled.

"I-I'm just not good enough." The brunette started, drawing in a shaking breath before continuing, voice loud in the stunned silence of the room. "My rapping is sub-par to Hyunjinnie, Lix, Channie and Changbinnie-hyung's. My song-writing couldn't hold against yours or Binnie's either and my singing is less than adequate. I'm too annoying, too much of a burden, too ugly. There isn't a single part of me that isn't lacking and Stay agree. All I can do is try to improve. I can't hold you guys back anymore than I already am, but it's never enough, I'm never enough." Jisung finished with a river of tears running in rivulets down the fallen swells of his cheeks and hitching breaths. It was difficult to get air into his lungs-laying all his insecurities out on the table, he was scared his hyungs would confirm his thoughts, prove just how much of a problem he was. He pulled away from Minho, unable to stand being in such close quarters with him when he knew how disappointed he must be in him.

But Minho pulled him right back in, pushing softly on the brunette's head until he had maneuvered Jisung so that his head was tucked into the crook of the elder's neck. It was only then that Jisung realized that Minho was fully crying, his tears mixing in with Jisung's own as he cried for him.


Both Jisung and Minho jumped at the sound of Changbin's gruffer than normal voice and turned to see the ravenette sitting up, awake and alert, with pain shimmering in his near-black eyes. Changbin looked as if he'd aged ten years in the last few minutes and he was still wearing the shirt he'd brought Jisung home in, a snippet of the younger's blood visible on the bottom of his sleeves. Jisung's heart ached.

"What have I told you about reading comments?" The elder asked, his voice tender yet stern.

Jisung looked away. "To not read them. And to tell someone if we ever do and they become overwhelming." The brunette muttered.

Changbin nodded, sliding across the couch so that he could lay a warm palm on Jisung's knee. "You didn't listen to me did you?" There was no bite to the man's words, only tender care and slight fond-annoyance.

Jisung shook his head, melting further into Minho's grasp. "I'm sorry" He whispered, feeling shame begin to creep up the back of his neck.

Chan intercepted before it could get too bad, however, as the leader crossed the space between them quickly, discarding the soup on the coffee table before taking a seat himself, and grabbing Jisung's hand that was closest to him. "Don't apologize, Sungie. It's no one's fault other than those who decided to hate on a perfectly kind and talented human being. You may have looked through the comments but I know how hard it is to resist that temptation, trust me."

"But Sungie," Jisung peaked out of Minho's neck to glance at Chan, and almost burst out crying once more when he saw the hurt expression on the elder's face. "You haven't been taking good care of yourself. You're running yourself ragged."

"You haven't been eating." Minho chimed in.

"Or sleeping." Changbin said, "I can hear you pacing in the hallway after you finally come back from the studio at ass in the morning." Changbin added when he saw Jisung's questioning look.

The ravenette smiled when he saw Jisung's lips quirking, the younger happy for some semblance of normalcy. But Changbin wasn't finished.

"And Sung that's not ok. I worry, you know I worry about you the most. We all care about you and the last thing we want is to see our adorable, sweet, and amazingly talented squirrel, who is absolutely enough and worthy of being in this team, destroying himself because some nameless faces on the internet were bored and needed a new target. We love you too much for that, Jisung. So please, let us help you. We can fix this. We'll love you and be there for you until you can see just how important and worthy you are. Whatever it takes, we'll do it."

Jisung gaped, mind reeling as he took in everything Changbin had just said. And the sentiment was only tripled as he felt both Minho and Chan squeezing his hand and waist reassuringly in tandem. It didn't feel real, but then again, as he stared into his hyungs' eyes, he couldn't help but feel their love wash over him, soaking into every fiber of his body, and quelling some of the insecurities that had bloomed within him over the last few weeks.

"He's right, Sungie" Minho affirmed. "We only want to see you feeling better and happy, not passing out and hurting yourself. We love you."

"Will you let us help you, Sung?" Chan finished, rubbing soothing circles into the younger's knuckles; patterns that promised of brighter days and hushed the voices whispering in his ears that they were only lying and didn't mean any of it. Jisung closed his eyes and breathed in Minho's scent.

These were his members.

They loved him and he loved them. He trusted them.

Jisung's bottom lip trembled but he cracked what was perhaps the first genuine smile he'd shown in several weeks. It was bright and warm and the other three men felt smiles grow on their own faces. "I'd like that very much." Jisung whispered, with as much love and trust he could convey coating his words.

That night, Jisung fell asleep surrounded by his three eldest hyungs, tucked into their arms, and encompassed in their warmth in the comfort of his forever home with his family. 



I want to get this out of the way first. I DO NOT in any fashion mean any of what was written here. I do not hate Jisung(I couldn't ever) nor do I hate any other member of Stray Kids. This is merely a work of fiction and I hope Jisung, or any member for that matter, never has to go through something like this. Every part of Jisung is what makes him him and I couldn't ask for anything other then our endearing, incredibly sweet, and amazingly talented squirrel as he is now.

Woah this ended up far longer than I intended it to as well as much more dark then I thought it would be but I hope it was still ok and you guys enjoyed it! Lemme know what you thought in the comments! I'm really happy to be back and I hope to continue updating this story more and I will hopefully get to my other requests soon - I'm sorry for the long wait but I'll hopefully be able to update them soon!!

Thanks you guys for the continuous support, I can't thank you enough, and as it's a new year, I'd like to wish everybody a happy new year!! I know this year has been hard on everybody so the only thing I can wish for all of you is a happy and healthy 2021! Please remember that you are enough. That you are perfect just as you are and that you don't have to change for anybody. And also, please remember that you have the strength, drive, and power to overcome anything that is thrown your way <3

This MBC Gayo outfit for Jisung was on of my absolute favorites from this year! I love the whole concept and every member looked fantastic! But Jisung in particular really rocks this look ah😍

Until the next update!

- Megan :)
