Chapter 59

You awoke in the morning, feeling tired as hell. ...... also beginning to second guess every fibre of your existence. Everyone keeps saying jim is untrustworthy. Everyone keeps saying he's a heartless psychopath. ...... what if they're right....? What if it's all an act....? It seems like a logical conclusion..... .....

You swallowed, hearing Williams voice outside your door, talking to Alex. It was muffled, but you were pretty sure you could make out what they were saying.

"Well how can you be sure she's not awake if she hasn't answered her texts in days? Maybe her phone just isn't working?"

"Alex, if she was awake and ready to go, she'd let us know. Besides, she'd probably be with jim anyways, but she's not. So there's your answer."

"But William, maybe she's awake but listening to music or.. something. Or!!! Or maybe she's hurt and unconscious and can't reply to a text or let us know she's awake. William, maybe she's dead-!!!l

Jesus Christ that escalated quickly. Alex sure was a nervous kid...

"I'm fine, Alex. I just woke up. You can come in." You called through the door, and they both went silent. You could tell they were having one of those 'silent arguments' that people have with each other, right in the middle of public when they don't want anyone else to know. Eventually the door clicked open, Alex stepped in with William close behind.

"Good morning y/n, how are you feeling today?" Alex asked happily. You smiled, sitting up, stretching as much as your healing but painful shoulder would allow.

"I'm feeling pretty good... tired though." ... or maybe the person doing all of this was Alex. Alex was sweet, but William did say that his split personality caused him to do unthinkable things.... then again, you highly doubt Alex has access to an army of people to go attack jim. .... then again, would Jim really call an army on himself, just to make his little 'act' believable.......? .... you didn't know jim very well, but it seemed possible... ... you needed a second opinion. .... maybe even a third. ... hm.

"Are you excited, y/n? Your first official day leaving the building." Jim smiled, offering you a hand to stand up. You took it, and nodded in response.

"Yes, quite excited actually. It'll be nice to get out..... I actually just have to get dressed, I'll be out in a bit, if that's alright?" You say, smiling at the two boys. They both nod in response, William leads Alex back out of the room, shutting he door behind them. You checked your text from the unknown man last night.... you almost didn't want to go, because of him.... but at this point, even if you stayed here, you knew the man would come for you anyways. ... and probably be even more pissed.

You got dressed quickly, and just as you were about to head out the door, you paused. .... then took a few steps backwards, back to your bed. You stopped by the nightstand, opening the drawer. You glared down at the shining metal, with hatred.... and then you picked it up, slipping a case over the blade that sat just beside it.

.... and then you tucked it in your boot. 
