Last Chapter

A couple last announcements before Aurulent (most of it has been recorded, minus a couple matches)

- Sonic vs Gabriel Perez has been moved with the #1 Cont. Triple Threat (Strange/Luigi/Fenwick) to an "Aurulent Part 2." I want to keep my channel a bit more active.

- There has been a bit of a schedule change. For the road to Unforgiven and Vengeance, with me needing to keep an eye on my school out of the gate:

(Road To's will mostly feature promos/very little matches)

-Aurulent Episode 1 (with the mentioned 'Part 2')
- Aurulent Episode 2
- Global Championship Tournament First Round (Parts 1 and 2)
- Emission Episode 1
- 1st Aurulent Road To Unforgiven
- Emission Episode 2
- 2nd Aurulent Road To Unforgiven
- 1st Emission Road To Vengeance
- 2nd Emission Road To Vengeance
- FINAL Road To's for both shows
- IWA Unforgiven
- IWA Vengeance

It looks like a lot even to me...I'll work on it.

Aurulent Episode 1 is coming soon!

(Any IWA updates regarding general schedule changes and signings will be moved to either "IWA Emission" or "IWA Road To's and Updates)
