Deathstroke vs Headhunter (Till Death Do Us Part,The IWA Worldwide Championship)

Pyro blasts as Martin Huck and Ben Franklin welcome us to the show!

Huck: It's been a while since this tandem Frank, but we are on the same page, show, and idea of this show being a doozy!

Franklin: You want a doozy? This isn't for the faint of heart...

Deathstroke marches down to the aisle, and strips his Worldwide Title off.

Huck: Slade didn't come to play! All business here tonight, especially since someone is actually f*cking dying. 

Till Death Do Us Part Rules:

- The match starts the moment the competitors enter the ring.

- There are no countouts, no disqualifications, and the only way to win is by making sure your opponent flatlines.

- Anything can be on the line in the match, ANYTHING. Specifically for this, it's the IWA Worldwide Championship.

Before Deathstroke even raises his title, the lights go out...

....and when they come on, Headhunter is directly behind Deathstroke! Deathstroke delivers an elbow immediately and hammers away with rights!


Deathstroke hits a lariat to the hunter and sends him out! He rolls out but Headhunter quickly scoops him up, and THROWS HIM at the steps!

Huck: IT HAS TO FEEL LIKE SHRAPNEL for Wilson right now! GOOD GOD!!

Franklin: The Hunter is no slouch when it comes to power!

Headhunter lifts Deathstroke on his shoulders, and carries him all the way to the ramp...Deathstroke however elbows his way out of it, and shoves Headhunter into the barricade. He hits a running boot to Headhunters face! He looks for another one, but headhunter moves, and grabs Slade by his throat...and CHOKESLAMS him onto the steel part of the ramp!

Huck: THIS STIPULATION is perfect with these two! I may need a bucket after this...

Headhunter picks up Deathstroke in a military press...he makes it to the stage, and looks at the mass below, the hard concrete...

Franklin: He's about to have one hell of a flight...

He goes to hurl him off, but Deathstroke jumps from his arms! He rushes behind Headhunter and shoves him right off! Slade gets to his knees, trying to catch his breath.

Huck: It definitely looked bad there for a second, but now what Slade can do is think and be tactical in his next move.

He gets back up, and eyes Headhunter starting to do the same thing. He backs up all the way to the announce table, and starts dashing...he jumps from the edge and hits a flying crossbody!

Franklin: He landed a perfect 10!

Huck: This match you have to think, feels like Archery for these two men! Trying to get the perfect shot, and not let up!

Slade stays mounted on Headhunter and starts delivering sharp elbows to the head! He gets him up, and starts pulling him towards the black curtain...

Huck: Ladies and gentlemen, it appears our audio may get cut—

In a dark room, equipment boxes and standing plexiglass is seen. Slade whips Headhunter into one equipment box! He grabs him again, and whips him into another! He eyes the plexiglass, as he picks Hunter up and sets him in front...

He kicks him in the gut, and LIFTS HIM UP into a powerbomb position! He runs at the glass but Hunter jumps out of his grasp! Slade stops himself, but Hunter lands a discus big boot! Before Slade can hit the ground, Headhunter gets HIM in a powerbomb position...


Headhunter picks him up immediately and opens a door while doing so...outside of it is a very bright hallway! Two big tables have food aplenty, there is a window with a door next to it, at the end of the hall, is an elevator.

Headhunter picks Slade up in a powerslam position, but just drops him facefirst on the end of the table! Headhunter starts scraping his face on it...

A visible rip shows up in Slade's mask! Headhunter gets Slade in the same position to do it again, but Slade slips out..and clips Headhunters left leg! He does the same to his right leg as Headhunter is on his knees! He grabs Hunters head, and starts scraping it on the edge of that table! He then slams his head HARD on it!

Visible dents in Headhunters mask starts to show up! Slade continues the assault by setting Headhunter by that door..and tackling him through it! The door comes off it's hinges, as Slade sees Headhunter temporarily down, and then looks up...

He sees Nate nailing a replica VGW Tag Team Championship on his window, holding the real thing around his shoulder.

Nate: It's alright baby, nobody's going to hurt y—-

Nate slowly turns around to see Deathstroke slowly rise up.

Deathstroke: ..You're weird.

He then stomps on Hunters head, and rolls him out of the room. He gets Headhunter in another Powerbomb position, but Headhunter rises up and holds Deathstroke in an Alabama Slam Position...he faces the table..

Instead, he turns over to the elevator..he makes his way over there, and Alabama slams Deathstroke at the doors! They automatically open after as dents appear on the doors. Hunter kicks Slade in, and smacks the car button in the elevator, as the doors close.

The elevator camera footage shows Hunter BEIL TOSSING Slade at the FOUR elevator walls! The machine starts to ricket, as Hunter goes to grab Slade...

But gets a drop-toe hold and lands headfirst the elevator railing! Slade quickly rolls out of the way, as Headhunter is still in a daze, head aligned with the railing...

He connects with a Shining Wizard, Hunters head colliding! The elevator doors open as outside...

Deathstroke grabs Headhunter as the two enter further into the lot. He sends Headhunter shoulder first into the dark concrete wall. He starts bashing his head against the wall!

Once! Twice! Three times! He goes for a fourth but Headhunter slowly separates Slade's hands! Slade just hits a headbutt and shoves him down to the ground.

Headlights turn as Slade turns to see:

The car speeds right at him! Slade goes to move out of the way..

But Headhunter grabs both his legs and sends him backfirst! Slade, running by adrenaline, gets to his feet but can't avoid collision! He collided with the windshield and hits the ground!

Headhunter: *heavy breathing* No matter what you do...

He stumbles over as Slade grabs onto another concrete stander to get up. Hunter just drags Slade in front of the car, as the engine revs...

He picks up Slade, and chokeslams him onto the cars hood! He hits ANOTHER chokeslam on the car hood! Hunter then starts ripping at Slade's face yet again!

He tears his mask off as Slade has blood starting to form on his face! Hunter makes it worse as he hits Slade FIVE times with his mask, connecting to the face!

Hunter kicks Slade in the stomach as he falls down backfirst. He holds Slade's legs down as he tries to squirm out of it...

Slade chooses to Hunter in the head, and shifts horizontally as the car covers him! A bump is heard as the car comes to a stop. The car leaves as ANOTHER car pulls in to the scene! Another bump is heard as Slade is covered again!

Headhunter: Two should be enough!

The two cars move and park nearby, as Slade lay there bloody and motionless. Headhunter wraps his hand around Slade's throat as his grip begins to tighten.

Headhunter: As you said, you will know what's it's like to have everything taken from you...

He starts looks to wrap his other hand around...

As Slade's right eye opens! Slade pulls out his baton and smacks Hunter across the head, the grip released! Slade whacks Hunter AGAIN with the baton! Slade slowly makes his way up..

And whacks Hunter in his left leg with the baton! The two cars turn around and look to finish the job!

The windshield-less car speeds quickest at Slade, but he HURLS his baton at the driver, landing at the guys face as the car swerved and blocks the second car!

A collision occurs between the cars! Slade just walks away from the wreckage as he hears an elevator ding. Hunter stumbles in as Slade goes right after him!

Deathstroke: You don't get to run.

He tackles Hunter down and pummels him with elbows! The doors close. Slade just hits the ring button in the elevator...

Inside the cam, Slade continues barraging Hunter. It's like that for the WHOLE 20 seconds.

The doors open as Deathstroke leads Hunter across the hallway, past the broken door...Eric Crawford and Chris Sullivan are just eating Macaroni and Cheese together observing the scene.

Deathstroke tosses the curtain out of the way, as the audience can finally be heard again. The two pass the curtain, as the crowd cheers at their wounds.

Huck: You know Frank, I have no clu—OH DEAR.

Deathstroke looks at miniature cameras in front of them at the stage side...he sets Hunter's head in front of one..

And hits his signature superkick!

Huck: After all he looks like he went through, if that didn't take him out then I don't know what will!

Slade then rolls Hunter onstage. He picks him up in a powerslam position, and connects with Emerald Flowsion!

Huck: Emerald Flowsion hits, and Slade has a HUGE shot at doing what he wants!

Franklin: Whatever he does, it NEEDS to finish the job. I'm looking at the cuts and the tear on them and it seems to have taken a toll.

Huck: ...We remember the disclaimer earlier.

Slade starts to CLIMB UP to the titantron! The crowd starts cheering as Slade begins to walk to the middle..

Huck: ....Oh...WAIT A MINUTE!

Franklin: This is the SAME strategy that got Ruined Richard the win at In Greed We Trust!

Huck: Maybe that success can be replicated!

Slade however walks away from the middle as some of the crowd jeers...he however goes BEHIND the tron.

Franklin: That's interesting, don't really know what he can hit here.

The tron starts to MOVE FORWARD, as Huck's eyes shoot wide.

Huck: See you Franklin!

Huck walks away from the booth as Franklin can't look away!

The tron continues to budge forward more and more. It teeters, towering above Headhunter as the crowds shock just gets louder and louder!


The crowd is understandably going nuts at the sight!

Franklin: .....

Deathstroke takes the tron's place, as red liquid starts to flow out from the tron. Doctor Hayes and other medical officials run out, as Hayes just looks in shock as well!



"I Am The Beast" by Blue Stahli Plays

Deathstroke raises both of his arms above the wreckage.
Franklin: Y-your winner and..still IWA Worldwide Champion, Deathstroke..

Deathstroke makes his way off the stage, and picks him his Worldwide Championship. As he walks to the back, he raises the title triumphantly.

Deathstroke: You asked for it.
Jeff Probst's Office

Probst stands in front of a screen showcasing a bracket.

Probst: Hello to future Emission viewers, I'm the general manager Jeff Probst here to reveal a new title coming to Emission! BEFORE that, it's time to reveal the first few rounds of EMISSION draft picks! If you didn't see YouTube, here are the first few Aurulent Draft Picks! I'm being "nice" here:



Probst: 16 people, 15 matches, and only ONE Global Champion!

The screen fades to black.

Up Next: #1 Contenders Women's Battle Royale
