30th Week Part 3

Hi everyone! I'm so happy that finally, Admin J noticed this story! Wow, I'm over the moon because yesterday I went for my daily jog after publishing a new chapter in this story. When I got home my fave SeoDami account in IG was on live, so I clicked it to watch, and you know what? the first thing that I see was the cover of this story Itaewon Class AU! Oh my gosh! I can't contain my happiness! and bonus she shared it to all the one viewers who are watching live.

So I dedicate this chapter to Admin J! You are the best! She is also an author here in Wattpad, but I'm so sorry I can't tag you because I forgot your account name here in Wattpad. Hehehe! Anyway, this one is for you!

P.S: Sorry for the long introduction! Enjoy the story and give it a star. Thank you all!


"Mother!" Saeroyi approaches his mother in law in a hurry and looks into her eyes, he sees all the pain and hurt that reflecting on it. He knees down to his mother-in-law and gives his shoulder to cry on even though he knows that his wife is crying as well. He gently assists her up and together they walk towards Yi Seo's bed.

"O-oma!" Yi Seo cries louder, her shoulder is shaking in a wrenching sob, and tears keep on pouring eyes that her neck is wet with her tears.

"Shhh! my baby, please stop crying" her mom whisper to her in a comforting voice, even her tears are nonstop in pouring while she pats her hair. "I'm sorry that I kept it a secret for a long time. I am truly sorry" she said in a trembling voice, taking her daughter in a warm embrace as they cry their pain.

"I thought you have forgotten everything because never asked me at all! You grew up not complaining and even one time you ask me why I divorce your dad but you just accepted it without protest and you never mention Yi Seok your big brother. So I didn't say a word." She releases her daughter in her arms and looks at her and wipes Yi Seo's tears with her fingers. Saeroyi gets a facial tissue beside the bedside table and offers it to his mother-in-law.

"I will get for us something to drink and call someone to clean up the mess," he said, looking at the broken shattered pitcher on the floor.

Truth is he wanted to give privacy to both mother and daughter and sort out their problem on their own, this is a very important matter for them. "I'll be back" he kisses the top of his wife's head while he squeezes assuringly the hands of his mother in law and gives her a quick nod of a bow and quietly leaves the room.

Jeong-min gets a tissue box from the side table and lovingly wipe the tears of her daughter and herself. She knew that there will come a time that she will tell her the whole truth regarding her forgotten big brother and father.

She sits down properly facing her daughter as she begins her tale."I met your father at work, I was part-time secretary of a shipping company while studying collage, while your dad had just built his cargo shipping trading company. He was an intelligent young man, handsome and sexy as hell!" she smiles at the memory.

"We were young and crazily attracted to each other. On our first date, we ended up in bed and got pregnant." She sighs in embarrassment "We are both twenty-years-old that time. Both our parents oppose in our relationship when we told them about the pregnancy so we decided to elope." Yi Seo recalled when she was also twenty years old and her mother kicked her out of their house because she refuses to go college and decided to chase her love and career at the same time. No wonder she got those genes from her mother.

"We live in together for two years we struggle on our own but we were happy at the same time, we promise that one day we will get married if we are both ready." She slowly smiles at the bittersweet memories "We decided to tie the knot when you Oppa was two years old, slowly we are building our career and family. Your father is a smart man like you, many partners want to collaborate with him and do business with him. When you were born, we feel like we are the luckiest people on the planet! Everything is going well, his company grew bigger and I finished college and got accepted into a huge company as a regular employee until your second birthday your father's business went bankrupt and no one wanted to help him. He started to get depressed and daily he is drinking alcohol and our debt keeps on filing up. We are both get on each other's nerve as we argue and fight our hearts out until we can't take it anymore so I demand a divorce." Jeong-min closes her eyes at the painful memories.

"One night we argue again, both you and your brother are in the living area when he came home drunk, we had another heated argument tell in his face that I submitted our divorce paper in the court. I wanted to hurt him so badly because he never thinks a solution to our family problem. He went inside our room and get all of his and both of your brother's clothes. He wanted to take both of you away from me for me to feel the pain and betrayal that he was feeling at the moment, but of course, both of you refuses to go with him, but your father is blinded with rage that he forcefully away Yi Seok."

Jeong Min's memories came back flooding as if she can still feel the cold rain pouring on her that night, as her hair in at the back of her nape stand up and a chill went inside her spine as she recalls how little Yi Seo wept and keeps calling her father and brother.

"I thought I will lose you as well that night" JeongMin fresh tears fall from her eyes and continue her story.

"You ran after the taxi that your father and brother were riding until it was out of sight, and you didn't see a car in fast approaching on your right! I screamed and call your name in fright and the heavens must hear my voice because the car just stopped an inch right before it hit you." She sighs with relief and with still trembling voice she continues to recollect her memories.

"You fainted that night, and I rushed you to the hospital, the doctor said that you were traumatized and needs to get a rest. I blame myself for being selfish, so I swallowed my pride and tries to call your father. But he is out of reach, his cell phone is dead. I tried to call again for three consecutive days because you are not waking up either," she takes the facial tissue and wipe her tears and blows her nose.

"You woke up on the fourth day, and I'm grateful that you come back to me. But there is a minor problem, you don't have the recollection of your big brother. The doctor said that there is a part of your brain that stops you from remembering the most precious person in your life because of the pain it gives you. From that day on I lost communication with your father and brother, and promise myself that I will raise you with all my best!"

Yi Seo digest slowly from all the words that come out from her mother's mouth. How come she never knew that she has a big brother that cares for her. Her vague childhood memories cross her mind, she just had the reoccurring dream of a two sibling holding each other's hand as they cross the street and went to the playground, or the big brother helping his little sister wiping her mouth with a handkerchief because the icecream that the girl is eating is all over her around her mouth and neck, and finally she recalls her dream that the boy is being beaten up by a group of intimidating children because he is protecting his little sister of being bullied.....

Her mind went back to reality when her mother continues her long story.

"You grew up to be a strong and very intelligent child. I supposed to be very proud of you because, when you were at the age of seven I noticed that you were different, you are overly smart. When I got the report from the doctor and professors that have done a series of test on you, the doctor said you have 160 IQ which is considered a genius. I was beginning to get scared" she admitted

" When you turned 10, something again is happed to you when your teacher gives me her observation report of you, and she advises me to seek help from a psychiatrist. Finally, you have diagnosed with 70% sociopath, which is very difficult for me to accept as a single mother and give me a shock" she swallowed her tears once more and said "Then I realized that you were suffering more, and its all because of me" Jeong Min tried her very best to give everything to Yi Seo, she works very hard to give everything to her daughter in place of a missing father and she made sure that she will have a comfortable life ahead, then again she never knew that her daughter feels empty all along, that living in this world is a difficult task.

"Thank God that you started to change when you become an adult and experienced the real world without my help, you starts to find yourself on your way and you gained a lot of experience from a man who mentors you and helps me to do my job as a parent," she holds both of the hands of her daughter to her.

"I will be forever indebted to my remarkable son-in-law" Jeong smiles happily as Yi Seo smiles back at her mother and give her a comforting hug.

"It is not your fault mom." She kisses the slightly wrinkled cheeks of her mother "I love you! I should have said it to you sooner"

"I love you too, my baby," Jeong Min says it with conviction in her voice while caressing her daughter's soft cheeks.

Park Saeroyi wipes his tears using the sleeves of his suits, he can't help but tear over that heartfelt conversation between his wife and mother-in-law. He straightens his spine and stands tall, looking determined, from now on he has a new project. He needs to find his father and brother-in-law. He needs to find his missing family.
