30th Week Part 2

Hello everyone!

First of all, thank you for all for being patience in this story, as you can see I'm uploading chapters in my own convenience because I'm also busy with other stuff, and every time I finished a chapter I'm uploading it immediately. Secondly, I hope everyone will enjoy this story thank you for all the stars and comment, you can say whatever in your mind or we can tall about what is happening in the story. Lastly welcome to the new readers and giving it a star, I really appreciate it! I promise to finish this story until  Yi Seo will give birth. Hehehe! Anyway, thank you once again and enjoy it!

Yi Seo and Yi Seok's Father: Lee Hyun Bae

Young Yi Seok

Young Yi Seo

Yi Seo buckles up her seat belt and starts her Mercedes- Benz GLE, she is going to IC corp because of the multi-million transaction deal with one of their Australian partner. Last night she made sure that she prepares everything and double-check so that Saeroyi will be just presenting the slides she made for the meeting. After her breakfast, she went to Saeroyi's office room in their house and found out that he left his bag wherein the important documents and the presentation was in the flash drive are inside his bag. She tries to call him and saw his phone ringing on his glass desk. She drops the call and checks his schedule on her phone, he is currently a speaker in a franchising seminar in Imperial Palace Seoul hotel in Gangnam, and his meeting will be at eleven in the morning. She dials the number of Sec. Ma Dong-Seok. Saeroyi's secretary.

" Good morning Samunim!" Ma Dong-Seok answers in the second ring "Are you with your boss or at the office?" Yi Seo asks. "Neither madam I'm at the police station, I'm settling an issue of one of the employees in IC," he said in a formal tone.

"Ah okay, thanks! She said, "Is there any problem madam?" Dong-Seok inquires.

"Oh! Nothing at all I just wanted to make sure you are in the office if I will send now important documents through email and hand it to my husband, but since you are busy it's alright. I will just drop it by the office." She informs him.

" I'm sorry madam that I can't help you at this moment." He says in a regretful tone. " No worries, it will just take 30 minutes to drive going to the office." She said it with assurance. "See you later, bye" she finished the call and hurriedly went to their room and took a shower, brush her teeth, and apply light make up and dress appropriately. Now that spring is almost over and summer is just around the corner, she wore navy and white nautical stripe knee-length maternity dress with a sexy deep v neckline with contrasting red sash at the waist that gently draping her curvey tummy. She paired it with flat nude-colored sandals with a single flower strap and just simply wear her medium length hair down.

Pedestrians were passing by the zebra crossing while Yi Seo waits for the traffic light to signal green when someone catches her eyes, she saw a familiar tall man in his 50's he was wearing an old worn-out dark brown suit, his side view profile was vaguely familiar.....Yi Seo racks her memory when did she saw that man. She just remembers a 5-year-old girl hysterically crying and chatting the phrase " Dad, don't leave me please!" over and over again, suddenly she felt and sting on her head and she felt dizzy, her stomach takes a turn when bile of dry vomit hit her senses.

The vehicles honk behind her startling her senses, she presses the hazard button and immediately comes out from her car, thank God the car was at the safe side of the road as she went to the other side of her car and heave and throw up a dry liquid on the small sewerage area. A kind lady approaches her and pats her back asking if she was alright. Then one couple recognizes her, and immediately take out their phone and film her, one by one people starts to notice her, as the crowd circles around her, her breath starts to run out and tries to calm herself by doing breathing exercise just like what she learned in their birthing classes, but her world still keeps on spinning and she can't help herself as darkness envelops her as she loses her consciousness.

The hall erupts with loud applaud when Saeroyi ends his speech in the seminar. He goes down the stage and was greeted with a warm handshake of some top investors in the country, he had 10 minutes spare time to talk to them before going back to his office to prepare for his meeting. A distraught Seung Kwon approaches him, he whispers something in his ear and Saeroyi sprints away from the hall leaving the clueless people that he was engaged in talking, and run towards the lobby of the hotel. He didn't hear Seung Kwon calling him.

"Hyunim!" he calls Saeroyi "Wait! Let me drive you." He said in a firm voice, but Saeroyi doesn't hear him. His mind is worried sick about his pregnant wife. "Leave your car here in the hotel, mine is parked outside, the valet will take time in getting your car out" he hurriedly pulls the arms of his boss, and together they run outside the hotel and went inside the car of Seung Kwon. They fasten their seat belt he starts to drive going to the hospital.

"The hospital is trying to call you," Saeroyi automatically reached inside the pocket of his suit but his phone is missing now he realizes that he didn't have his phone with him "they tried to call Yi Seo's mother but she was in the meeting as well. Good thing someone uploads in our company portal a short clip of her, we located the hospital through the post of some fans."

Saeroyi wipe the pending tears that started to fall on his eyes, he had mixed emotions that constrict his chest in pain. He wants to thank their fans at the same their privacy was compromised. He will have a hard time again battling those reporters, but that not important. He wants to make sure that his wife and babies are fine.

Saeroyi walks straight to the hospital entrance, he murmurs a thanksgiving prayer that there is no reporter yet. He went to the emergency room and ask the nurse station about his wife, they said that she was transferred to the maternity ward and her ob-gyn doctor is with her now. He and Seung Kwon hurriedly find the building where Yi Seo is and when they found the room they both enters quietly. Saeroyi walks straight to his wife who was sleeping soundly on the bed, she was wearing hospital gown but no IV fluid was attached to her, he releases a breath of relief knowing that she is alright. The doctor Park approached him and said that they need to talk in her office because they don't want to wake up Yi Seo.

When they are both seated down Doctor Park gives her report to Searoyi. "We check all the vital signs of your wife and the twins inside her, so far everything is good. Thank God that Yi Seo is following all the advice that I gave her," she smiles.

"But what happened doctor why did she faint?" he asked worriedly

"It's natural for third-term pregnant women to feel the same symptoms on their first term, she will be picky again of what she will eat and there will be restriction of food that she is only allowed to eat. As her husband you also need to support her in this stage she will not manage it alone, so many changes in her body are happening." the doctor reminds him.

"Yes, doctor Park I will do my best." He feels guilty because last week he has been busy over his work. He was coming home late for three consecutive days and go to work early. They will have chat over the phone for five minutes and that's all of it. On top of that Yi Seo is working home with the big project, so all of her time is just sitting in front of the laptop, having virtual meetings and discussion while she double-checks the finances of IC.

"Your wife is under a lot of stress nowadays, her physically and mentally fine but emotions are not good. She needs a lot of support. When she was brought in the emergency room she woke up and crying hysterically, they put her under sedation to calm down." Saeroyi is shocked by what he hears. From the time that he knew Yi Seo, she has never been hysterical, she is always under control.

"We don't know what triggers her, that she becomes hysterical and with the state of her condition she needs to take care, she needs to complete her 35th weeks before she will give birth. If the babies decided to come out early we need to be ready." The doctor said honestly.

"Thank you doctor Park for the update, I will make sure that this will not happen again." He promises the doctor and gives her a polite bow of gratitude.

Meanwhile, Yi Seo is having a dream she saw a five-year-old little girl playing with a 10-year-old boy in the small living area. They're were playing hide and seek, "I will count one to ten and if I said go will find you," the little girl said excitedly as it turns to the wall and closes her eyes and begins to count. The boy excitedly looks around their small house and hides behind the couch. Suddenly her counting was interrupted by a crashing of a glass plate on the floor and a woman's voice started screaming.

"I get out of here! I don't want to see you again in my life! How could you!" the voice of the woman was shaking and crying at the same time.

"You have no right to blame me, it was also your fault that this happens to us! Don't act that you're innocent" the voice of a man billows in anger.

"How could you! We are over, I want a divorce" the woman said in a spiteful tone.

"We should not get married in the first place!" the man said regretfully and added "I will take the children with me! You have no right to be their mother!"

"Damn you! You're the one who has no right to be their father! The woman curse. Suddenly the rain starts to pour and loud defeating thunder crashes in the sky, while the girl screams and starts to cry, his brother rushes to her comforting her as he as well begins to cry. "Oppa, I'm scared" the girl's body begins to shake with fear and continues to wail, while her big brother hugs and patted her back.

"Yi Seok and Yi Seo where are the both of you?" their father called while he holds his luggage bag.

"Father!" Yi Seo wails running to his dad's arms. "We are leaving this house!" her father announced.

"No father, I want don't to leave home, mommy is here" she cries.

"Okay, fine stay here, I will take your brother" he forcefully takes the arm of the ten-year-old boy who is crying as well.

"I don't want to go with you, father I will stay with my mother and Yi Seo" the boy exclaimed trying to get out from the hand that holds his arms. "You don't have any choice Yi Seok. You will come with me." His father said with finality, dragging the boy outside. Yi Seok extends his hands to his sister. The father and son step outside their small house as the rain wet their bodies.

"Oppa! Don't leave me! Father, please come back!" Yi Seo wept, extending her small hands to her brother as her mother was crying and holding her.

They went inside the waiting taxi outside their house.

"I will come back Yi Seo I promise!" The young boy proclaims. Yi Seok gives a final look at his little sister, as the cab moves forward. Little Yi Seo gave all her might as she gets out of the clutch of her mother's arms and ran after the cab. She felt the cold rain pour in her body as she shakes with coldness.

"Oppa, Father please don't leave us! Come back!" Little Yi Seo didn't hear the approaching car on her right as she runs after the most important men in her life. A loud screech of breaking tire sounded the street as Jeong-Min cries helplessly as she sees her daughter in danger getting hit with a vehicle.

"NO!" Yi Seo wakes up from her dreams and weeps, fresh tears pour down her face and her husband engulf her with a warm embrace. Saeroyi cup her face "Look at me Yi Seoyah" as he wipes her tears with the base of his thumbs, he feels like someone stabs his heart looking at his wife weeping. "Please, tell me what's wrong" he pleaded his eyes is also watering with tears.

"O-oppa and father....." she said wreaking confused voice, as she remembers in the pedestrian line while she was inside her car. "I saw my father! My dad!" she cries.

A loud shattering of a pitcher of glass scattered on the floor, Yi Seo mother's knees weaken as she let go of the tray that she is holding, she put her hand on her mouth and silently cries on the hospital floor.
