Chapter 21- Ex

Heyo!!! Sup wattpaders!! Thank you for once agin being an amazing snowball of readers!!!! I really hope you guys forgive me for updating later than ususal but please bear with me.

I said i would but drama so a dramatic chapter you will have. I'm enjoy ;)

Victoria's pov:

"Hurry up bitch! We're going to be late if you don't walk faster than my turtle which by the way is dead." Caroline shouted and continues to blare her horn.

"Jeez! Already took your bitchy pills this morning I see." I remarked as I ran out. "Why are you even hurrying me if you have your own car?"

"Because, I want you to accompany me!" She says in a eye roll.

"Ask your boyfriend!" I smirked. She looks at me in horror and blush fifty shades of red

"Please Tori!" She whined.  I jump in my Audi and drove off to starbucks with Caroline following me.

Once we reached, all eyes on us. We were pretty famous because of our parents but we didn't mind the attention although I found it unnerving on the first day of classes.

"You go find a place to sit while I go order." I say to Caroline and she smiles.

"Morning, I'll take a black coffee and a low decaf." I said to the cashier. The guy looks around my age and his name tag said Jeremy. He smiles at me and looks at my boobs. I wore a loose tank top and a pair of shorts and my vans.

"So what's your name beautiful?" Jeremy smiled.

"Hey babe. Have you ordered?" A voice said and wraps his arms around me and kisses me on my lips.

"Ashton, baby. What do you want?" I played along, clearly Ashton was jealous.

"I'll take whatever your taking." He smirked and glances at the cashier who was shocked.

"Another black coffee too." I said and paid him for it. I tug on Ashton for him to stop sending glares at the poor guy.

"Ass watching my girl."I heard Ashton muttered. I mental rolled my eyes but kinda blush when he said my girl.

"Where's the guys?" I asked and then some giggling erupted. I looked away from Ashton to see the guys sitting with Camille and she gigling at what Stefan said.

We sat down and Stefan hugs Caroline. Dylan was sitting patiently on his seat, waiting for Chloe and Blake looks at Stefan and Caroline in a gross out kinda way. If I would see that early in the morning I would be too and I was single. Too bad I wasn't.

"So are we still going to Cancun right?" I asked assuring the trip will take action.

"Yeah. I already asked and they said yes." Dylan muttered and looks at his phone. Then he beamed and looked outside to find Chloe's red car at the parking lot.

She walked in with a surprise in her hands, a baby! More specifically, Dylan, Dylan's son! I smiled and the entire group gives a confused looks. As far as I know only Dylan, Blake, her family, and I knew. Is she going to tell them the truth?

"Hey guys." She smiled as if she had nothing in her hands.

"You see the baby too right?" Ashton whispers in my ear.

"Mhm." I nodded and she takes a seat.

"Baby, do you want a frappuccino?" Dylan got up and she nodded yes.

"So..." Stefan trailed off looking at the baby uncomfortably. He gets queasy whenever there's babies around him. I don't know why but he does.

"Who this cute baby boy?" Caroline cooed and goes near the baby. Dylan looks at her and gave her a goofy smile.

"Aw!" Dylan says as he sat down.

"Guys I want you to meet...." Chloe smiles and starts but got interrupted by the waitress.

"Here you go." She smiles at Ashton. I rolled my eyes when she place the black coffee infront of him.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked but she emphasized anything as in sexual way. Bitch.

"We're good. So you can ask the men at the strip club if they need anything else." I snapped at her. She looks at me in a distasteful manner.

"I'm sorry but I don't see where this concerns you?" She answered.

"Bitch you better watch your place. I'm his girlfriend." I was getting pissed off by the minute and everyone was trying to calm me down.

"And I have a math test tomorrow." She smirks. What the fuck is she talking about? "We have something in common to cheat with."

"Do you know where you belong? At the fucking zoo where the rabid animals and creatures get fucked with."

"Nah. At least I don't have to depend on my parents wealth to get my popularity."

"I dont have to flirt with guys to get their attention."

"Is everything alright here?" The manager interrupted our heated agreement.

"Your worker is being disrespectful to me and is shamelessly flirting my boyfriend." I complained. I looked at the others trying to contain their laughter and Ashton smirking proudly at how I defended myself.

"I'll talk to her Mrs. Anderson. Please forgive us." He says sympathetically. He walks off with the bitch.

"Well, that was something." Ashton said amused.

"Damn. You owned it! The hoe deserve what's coming for her." Caroline laughed.

"You should've seen her face when she was told she belong to the zoo!" Stefan burst out laughing and clutching his stomach.

"Never thought you were that feisty." Dylan laughed and Chloe laughed.

"Bitch deserved it." I muttered and drank my coffee.

"Babe. You are so jealous." Ashton laughs and pulls me into his arms and kiss me full on the lips.

"Seriously guys?" Blake whined and rolls his eyes.

I laughed and continue to drink my coffee.

"As I was saying." Chloe resumed. "This is Dylan, my son."

Everyone's eyes bugged out and Caroline almost choked on her decaf. Everyone bombarded her with questions like 'whos the father?' And 'when?'

"Is it Dylan's son?" Ashton suddenly says, catching everyone's attention.

"Y-yes." Chloe stammered hesitantly.

Everyone was shocked but then smiled. They all congratulated Dylan and she explained to them what happened and there was a bunch of 'ohs' and 'you should have told us.' But overall, they were happy and wanted Dylan to come with us to cancun. She of course accepted because she wanted Dylan and his son to bond.

Later, we planned to do a movie night at my Chloe's house since she had all the baby stuff there. The guys got their clothes and so did we.

"Guys!" Chloe yelled worriedly. We came earlier than the guys except Ashton since he lived near me. The other guys had to run some errands for their parents.

"What's wrong?" Caroline asked and the baby was pulling her hair.

"I need snacks. I forgot to go buy some. I'll be right back." She says hurriedly.

"No, Ashton and I will go. It isn't far plus you need to be here when the guys come." I say to her and she thanked me and continue to get the place ready for 7 people to sleep.

Ashton drove his car and I was in the passenger seat. The radio was loud and the song was Meghan trainor- dear future husband. I sang this song while doing gestures to ashton and he laughs at my goofiness.

"Dear future husband,
Heres a few things
You'll need to know if you want to be
My one and only all my life

Take me on a date
I deserve it, babe
And don't forget the flowers every
Cause if you treat me right
I'll be the perfect wife
Buy groceries
Buy-buying what you need

You got that 9 to 5
But, baby, so do I
So don't you be thinking I'll be home and
Baking apple pies
I never learn to cook
But i can write a hook
Sing along with me
Sing-sing along with me

You gotta know how to treat me like a
Even when I'm crazy
Tell me everythings alright!" I laughed and sing at the top of my lungs and jabbed my finger on his biceps. Damn, they're hard.

We saddly reached the store and the music stops. I got out and felt a pit in my stomach. I scrunched up my face and had a feeling something bad is going to happen. No! Victoria don't think like that! I walked next to Ashton at the store and the variety to snacks was right infront of us. We grabbed chips, soda, juice, and candy. I however was stuck between skittles and Hershey. God! Why is it so hard! If i could've eat the both i would but I can't since I can't eat alot of candy because of my tolerance for candy.

Ashton laughs and finally helps me decide which one, "You should get my favorite, Hershey."

"Thank you, I'll get the skittles!" I laughed. What? I don't wanna share my candy.

"You gotta share with your future husband." He sings but in the tune of  Meghan trainor. I laughed at his cuteness.

"Future husband already?" A voice sounded. I turn around to come face to face with the person I wanted to get away.

"Jackson." I said breathlessly, tears threatening to come out.

"I see you remember me." He smiles and Ashton looks at me expectantly.

Ashton's pov:

The first thought in my mind was, who the fuck is he? I look at Victoria and she looks shocked, and scared. Her eyes were watery and her eyebrows was up slightly whenever she was nervous or upset.

"Who are you? How do you know her?" I said harshly. Whoever he was, he fucking better not did something to Victoria.

"I'm Jackson. Victoria's ex. Right Vicky?" He smiles at her and she stared at him, in frozen state. "I see she hasn't told you yet about what happened. I'll leave it to her to explain. Good night Vicky."

He walked away and Victoria was shacking a bit. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I hugged Victoria and quickly paid for the things and drive back to Chloe's place.

She started to sob uncontrollably and shacking. I stop the car and tried to calm her down. Whoever that asshole was, he did something my baby. Soon she stop crying a bit and I drove faster.

"What happen to Tori?! What's wrong!" Chloe shouted once she saw me carrying Victoria bridal style.

"I'll explain later. Where's the guest room?" I asked and she quickly lead the way.

Caroline filled a dish with water and brought it next to the bed where Victoria was now laying down. Victoria's eyes were puffy and threaten to spill more tears. I sat next to her, saying calming words to her while the guys were awkwardly standing, not knowing what to do.

Victoria finally fell asleep after giving her some painkillers.

"What happen?" Caroline, Chloe and the guys sat in the living room.

"We were great, she was singing and things then we went to buy. She was choosing between Hershey and skittles and i helped her picked when this guy comes around and she said Jackson and she froze." I explained and Caroline gasp and Stefan gasp.

"Jackson?!" They both whisper-yelled

"Who is he?" I asked.

"He was her ex. They liked each other but then his father found out about Victoria's parents being rich. He was a greedy gambling man. Then he kidnapped Victoria when she was waiting for her 'supposed' date with Jackson. Jackson never arrived but instead his father. He then hid her in a warehouse and sent a ransom note to her parents. They panicked and then they called the police when they weren't supposed to. He found out and tortured Tori. They found her but almost dying because he threw her in the lake. She recovered but she was traumatized for months and therapy help. They eventually found him and sentenced him for life." Caroline explained.

"Ever since her parents got the job she didn't hesitate to move because everyone in California was giving pity." Stefan finished.

I blinked and then again. The next thing i know that I going back to my mansion and getting my gun ready.

This Jackson guy is really argh! How can anyone do that to Victoria? That's sad. Now that you know her past, it a little rough right?

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