Chapter 1- New beginnings

First off, hello and welcome to the first book i published. I do hope like it, because I have been editing this book. Please, you see I do NOT have a edited date at the end of the chapter, it means it is not edited. So please, be patient. I am doing this as quickly as I can so you don't get confused.


Victoria Point of View:

"Rise and shine!" I groaned as the bright lights suddenly floods through my room. I grabbed my cover and threw it over my head, "Nope come on. Wake up Victoria."
I groaned as I flung the warm and comforting sheets off me. I look up to see my perky housekeeper and 'nanny'. She had taken care of me since I could remember, and sadly, she was much more of a mother than my actually mother was. My parents were lawyers, they would always be on television for winning a case. Nina had moved with us from California, saying that I was her child that she never had. She was a fire victim which took her entire family so my parents met her and she immediately proved herself. So here she was. 

"Just five more minutes, " I say as I whined, "Please!"

"No, Victoria." She said sternly, crossing her arms across her chest, "Today is your first day of Junior year."

"And also first day of Westford High." I mumbled I reluctantly got up. You know what would be perfect right now? A pack of our patch kids! Those are the bomb!

"Yes." She smiles, "Get ready. You will get to meet new people, forge new friendships, it'll be fun!"

Little did she know, that I for one, hate people. They are all the same, they live off people's misery, they are two-fucking-face, and they are so fucking petty. I took my shower and  brushed my brunette hair. I chose to wear a pair of black skinny jeans, burgundy loose tank top which had b*tch at the front. Then I slipped on my black combat boots that i fell love with since i bought them. I dabbed some lip gloss and put some mascara on. New York was definitely different than California. It was colder so I had to wear a jacket so I took a leather jacket that my mom had insisted that I should get.

"Nina!" I yelled as I ran down the marble staircase.

"In the kitchen!" She yells as I followed the scent.

"Mornin' Frank!" I says as I ate my breakfast which was waffles.

"Hey, Nina, have you seen my reading glasses?" I say as I continued stuffing my face with waffles. She looked at me disapproving at my manners.

"I think I saw them on the coffee table in the living room.

"Thanks," I kissed them both good by as I grabbed ny book bag and my glasses.

"Morning Victoria." I look up to see Jefferson smiling as he fixed the garden.

"Morning Mr.Jeff!" I smiled back as I slid inside my beautiful car my parents me. It was a black Audi A7.

The familiar hum of the car was the best thing I can actually hear. I love my car than I love a lot of people, which was sad but for me, its perfect.

I took out my phone which was a Samsung s6 edge, I clicked on a song which was of course Halsey-hurricane.

I hummed to the lyrics as I drove down to Westford high. The school was a typical place. Students and teachers driving in the parking lot, trying find a good spot, groups of teenagers hung out, gossiping the latest info and lastly the jocks horsing around. I parked my car near the shade. A few heads turn to my direction while other were oblivious.

"Who's the new girl?" I heard someone on my right say, then suddenly everyone shuts up and stare. It was completely nerve-wracking! I prayed that I didn't fall or had syrup on my cheek.

I finally made it into the building, some people stare and others were oblivious again. I did my best to keep my head down so no one notice me but it was unsuccessful since my phone starting blaring out G-Easy- let's get lost ft Devon Baldwin. The entire hallway stopped and looked at me as I fumbled for my phone, quickly wanting the earth to open up and swallow me.

"What?" I hissed as people quietly continued.

"Well, jeez!" Max mumbles, "Hello to you too!"

"You!" I growled, wanting to kill her, "You know what? Nevermind. What is it?"

"Oh, I just wanted to wish you luck." She says happily, knowing that I would be miserable, "So, good luck!" With that she ended the call. Stupid best friend of a cousin! I mumbled to myself.

"Where is that office?" I say to myself which searching frantically. Then I finally came across it. It had the big: OFFICE marked on the wall.

I stpped inside as a small group of people were too. I walked up the lady who had 'secretary' on her desk.

"Hey, I'm new." I say as she looks at me in an bored expression. She wore a blue wrinkled button shirt and a black skirt, but her makeup was awful. She wore a bright shade of blue on her eyes, not blending it nor doing it right. Her face was powdered with face powder and red lipstick.

"Congratulations." She says as she sipped her coffee.

"I need my schedule." I snapped. She was starting to piss me off. Like bitch! Do your frickin job!

"Sure." She says as she notice I changed my posture. I took a seat as she went to the back, probably printing one.

Just then a girl with red dye hair pops through the door. She wore a black skater skirt and a black and white strips blouse and suspenders. She was short although she wore a wore of pumps. She sat next to me, giving off that over-hyper aura and friendliness.

"I'm Chloe Damiani." She grins and extends her hand.

"Victoria Anderson." I smiled back and shook her hand. She fixed her fedora and turns to me completely.

"You're new here huh?" She smiles, "Where did you come from? Would you like me to show you around? Oh! Maybe should get coffees toget-"

"Victoria Anderson!" The secretary interrupted. I internally smiled, god, she talks a lot.

I smiled and take my schedule from her hand. I give a turn to Chloe and smiled a bit. She's nice. I thought as I open the door and entered the crowed hall.

"Hey, wait up!" I turn to see Chloe rushing towards me.

"Hey?" I say as she finally reaches me.

"This school is big. I'll walk you to your class." She offered and I gladly accepted, "May I see your schedule?"

I gave her my schedule as she skimmed through it. We were walking still and I looked around. Just then a hand felt on my ass. I gasp as I turn around to see a group of guys and the guy closest to me grinning like if he had won the lottery.

"Hey, newbie." He laughs, "How about we ditch school and I can have you screaming my n-"

I didn't even let him finish as I threw a punch on his face. Everyone was starting to crowd around us as he gets up. I punched him again, only to have blood flowing down his nose. Chloe had placed her hand to stop me.

"You will fucking regret that you bitch!" He growled as he left with his friends. Everyone was staring at me. The newbie doesn't take shit from anyone!

I grabbed Chloe's arm as I pushed my way out of the crowd and she directed to my first period class, English.

**End of Chapter one**

Edited: 07/07/16

Vote, comment, follow! It is very much appreciated!

Pic is Victoria Anderson

Song: Halsey-Hurricane

