Chapter 20.

Buck sighed, while lying in his bed. The sun blared through his curtains, as he lied there. The events of the night before replaying themselves in his head.

Why couldn't he of just let Toby make a fool of him? Why did he ever agree to go to that bar? Why couldn't he just not hit back?

Buck kept on haveing these thoughts play in his head, before he heard a huge bang on his bedroom door, but he didn't move, just lied there.

"Oi!" Came Philip's shout, before he barged into the room, "Get up."

"Why?" Buck grumbled, "It's not like you or Mom is gonna notice me or anything!"

Philip growled.

"Now." He snarled, before walking out of the room, Buck only sighed and stood up, shutting his own bedroom door, and pulled on a black t-shirt, with some black trousers, he then left his room and went down stairs and left the house, blanking his Dad and Mom.

Buck got into his jeep and sped of, looking around. He could never feel safe now. And, now he was dreading to face his team now. Dreading to face them after punching that fucking guy! And, the best of it, is that this will be yet another 24 hour shift, and he is abusulutely exhausted.

Buck pulled up outside of the firehouse and jumped out of his jeep, grabbing his bag he walked into the firehouse, keeping his eyes fixed infront of him. He didn't dare look up, since he could already feel the eyes of his team baring into his back when he had put his bag into his locker, and opened it up. He started searching through his bag.

Clothes, books, pens, pencils. . .

There was some stuff in his bag, before he found his art book. He forgot he even had it, this is a old one. He told his team that he was sketching recently, but that was a lie. He actually hadn't drew anything since Maddie left him a few years ago, but he still kept this book on him.

Buck shoved the book into hia bag, and shut his locker after grabbing his nazy blue t-shirt, with the firefighter logo. He pulled his black shirt of and pulled on his work shirt, it lining every muscle and abs.

He sighed, before leaving the locker room, ready for his shift to begin. The alarm sounded, and everybody rushed to the fire truck.


After a few more hours, Buck, Hen, Chim, Eddie, and Bobby all got back after there 2nd rescue. Buck tried to ignore his team, but only spoke to them when he needed to. But, once they got out of the fire truck, Buck had re-stocked the fire truck and then walked up stairs.

He grabbed a bottle of water, then sat down on his own in a table in the corner, yawning he rested his head in his hands, the bottle of water beside him.

"You look exhausted." Buck flinched, while looking up only spotting Maddie there, although Chim, Eddie, Hen, and Bobby could be seen sitting around the place behind her.

"Mm." Buck hummed, while Maddie sighed and moved to sit in the chair beside her brother, "They called you?"

"Well, I was gonna pop up anyway. But, thought why not come sooner then I orgianally was. You have been ignoring them." Maddie mumbled, while Buck only looked of to the side, "Hey, no need to be ashamed for punching that guy last night. He was a jerk, he deserved it!"

Buck sighed.

"I'm a firefighter, Mads. I can't go around, loosing my anger like that." Buck said, turning to look at his Sister, "I just can't face them. They must think I'm this little, weak boy. Tony surely saw that same boy I used to be."

"Buck, those people over there." Maddie started, pointing to the firefighters behind them, causing them to look over, "Those are your team. You're friends! Maybe even family. You are most ceratinly, not weak. You were never weak! You know what I see, when I look at you?"

Buck looked down, so Maddie put a hand on his cheek to force him to look up at her.

"When I look at you, I see the most gorgeous, and strong boy I always saw." Maddie said, causing Buck to give a small smile.

"Thanks Mads." Buck mumbled, pulling his Sister into a tight hug.

Buck sighed, while glancing at the firefighters behind them, he saw Bobby in the kitchen like always, Chimney and Hen playing cards, while Eddie was on his phone at the kitchen island.

"Come on." Maddie muttered, standing up and putting a hand out to her brother, who slowly took it, and the two stepped away from the table, "Why don't you show me your drawings?"

Buck looked at Maddie with a small smile. Maddie smiled back at him.

Buck disappeared after that, down the stairs.

"He okay?" Hen asked, once Buck was out of ear shot, and sat down opposite Maddie.

"He will be for now. Just, don't pull him down or anything, he already feels worthless." Maddie mumbled.

"Why?" Eddie asked.

"It's just the way our parents made him feel." Maddie said, as after a minute Buck came back up the stairs, so Hen stood back up and walked over to Chim, Eddie, and Bobby in the kitchen, the 4 of them watching the two siblings.

Maddie was looking at all of the drawings.

"Hey, these are old." Maddie mumbled, "You haven't drew anything recently?"

Buck sighed, while fiddleing with his hands. He couldn't lie to his Sister, but she would be sad. Truth was, he hasn't drew anything at all after his Sister left, he couldn't bare to think about her. Espeically how she left.

"Well, I guess I just. . . couldn't." Buck was looking for the right words.

"Buck, it's okay." Maddie mumbled, pushing the book towards him what was open on a fresh new page, "Draw whatever comes to mind."

Buck looked at the paper and then the pencil what Maddie was holding out to him. Buck picked the pencil up, and slowly let the pancil come in contact with the page.

After a good hour or two, maybe even three, Buck was no into his paper, that he didn't even realise Athena had walked in.

"Hey fellas. Hen." Athena said, with a smirk. She stopped in the kitchen and turned around to see Buck was on the dining table, sat down on the end, with a book, and a pencil, scribbling, hunched over, and he seemed to be getting smaller.

Maddie was sat beside Buck, smiling down at the book as she watched him.

"That's lovely." Maddie whispered, while standing up and kissing Buck's forehead, but he didn't even blink only countinues to scribble in his book.

"Buck draws?" Athena finally asked, when Maddie walked over.

"Yeah, and he's pretty good at it." Maddie said, "It's a thing what he always did. Haven't done it since. . . I left."

Maddie sounded guilty.

"Hm." Athena hummed, while Maddie grabbing some coffee and a bottle of water and then walked back over to her brother, putting the water down infront of him, Maddie sitting back down, but this time opposite him.

Buck's phone then started to ring, what he grabbed out of his pocket, and then answered the phone, not even looking at it.


"I'm counting on it." Buck stopped moving his pencil, while putting it down, smiling slightly at hearing the famiular voice.

"Hey Matt." Buck answered, standing up and walking away, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check up on you. Now a good time?" Matthew asked, while Buck looked back over to Maddie then turned back around.

"Uhh. . ."

"Too late." Buck heard another voice, what was Amelia.

"What do you mean?" Buck asked.

"Buck, get your ass down here." Buck looked confused, but stepped over to the balcony and looked over it, seeing the two famiular faces stood there, grinning at him. Matthew pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up, Buck doing the same.

"Am, Matt." Buck said, walking down the stairs and walking over to the to, "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, don't get smart." Amelia said, before a huge smirk broke out on her face, "But, the way you nailed Toby in the face yesturday! Oh, man."

Amelia burst into laughs.

"Only if you could of seen him today." Amelia said.

"Wait, I took a picture." Matthew said, grabbing his phone and clicking onto a photo and showed Buck, what he smiled slightly when seeing Tony there, a huge black eye and maybe a busted lip, "You got a pretty good hit in."

"He was a jerk." Buck said, shrugging, "Uhm, want some brownies?"

"Ohh, what's in them?" Matthew said, with a smirk when they walked back up the stairs. Athena turned to look at them, with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" Athena said.

"Kidding." Matthew said, before walking closer to Buck where he was chuckled and shook his head. Athena really didn't look convinced.

"He's only joking, Athena." Buck said, while Athena slowly nodded and turned around to carry on a conversation with Hen. Buck handed Matthew and Amelia a brownie, what they gobbled right up.

Just then the alarm sounded.

"Suit up!" Bobby shouted, running to the fire truck, with Hen, Chimney, and Eddie all following.

"Sorry." Buck said, "Duty calls!"

Buck swung down the fire pole, grabbing his jacket off of the bench and jumped into the fire truck when it started moving.

"So, you're Maddie, right?" Amelia asked, pointing to Maddie who was sat at the table still, "Buck's Sister?"

"You are correct." Maddie said, Amelia smiling.

"Sweat." Amelia said, sitting down opposite Maddie, Matthew just sitting down beside Amelia.

Buck huffed, while sitting in the back of the firetruck. Eddie was opposite him, and then Chimney and Hen on the other side, beside them.

"Hey." Eddie spoke, "You've hardly said 2 words to us today, you alright?"

Buck moved his gaze away from the window and turned to look at Eddie.

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled, causing Eddie to roll his eyes.

"You are one un-readable guy." Eddie said, causing Buck to shake his head with a weak chuckle, as just then they heard a crack.

"What was that?" Chimney asked.

"Woah!" Eddie shouted, when the fire truck gave a massive shake, and they heard clinking, before seeing sparks fly around the truck from the outside.

"What happened?" Buck asked, him going to touch the door.

"Buck, stop!" Bobby screamed, causing them all to turn to look at Buck, who had his arm stopped just before he touched the door handle, Eddie gripping his arm, "Electrics are running through this truck. As long as we don't touch the doors or windows, we will be fine."

Eddie slowly let go of Buck, who pulled his arm back. Buck only sighed, he looked outside the window, as just then the truck shook even more, and another pole fell, barely missing the truck, Buck jumping back.

He wasn't good with loud noises.

"Buck?" Eddie questioned, seeing a panicked look on Buck's face, "Hey, it's okay."

Buck took deep breaths, but whatever he did he couldn't stop calm down. And, by this time, Bobby, Hen, and Chimney all noticed Buck shaking un-controlble.

"Panic attack!" Bobby said, jumping into the back of the truck and resting a hand on Buck's shoulder, but he flinched away, jumping away from them all, knees tucked close to his chest.

"No. . ." Buck whimpered.

"Buck, hey!" Bobby tried getting the boys attention, but nothing would work, "Somebody call Maddie!"

"I got it." Chimney shouted, getting his phone out and dialing up Maddie.

"Hey Chim, everything okay?" Maddie asked on the other side.

"Could be better." Chimney said.

"No, get away!" Buck shouted, when Bobby went to touch him again.

"Was that Buck!?" Maddie could be heard shouting.

"Maddie, what's going on?" They all hear somebody say, who sounded like Athena on the other end of the call. Chimney put the phone on loud speaker.

"We are pinned down in the truck, electricty running through out the whole truck, we can't touch anything, but Buck went into panic mode." Bobby said, "I've already notified the leectric company to turn every electic of."

"Hey, Buck!" Maddie shouted through the phone, but Buck only whimpered and closed his hands over his ears.

"One sec, Maddie." Chimney said, turning the call onto face time, so Maddie's face could be shown. He quickly passed the phone over to Eddie who put the phone infront of Buck.

"Hey Bucky. . ." Maddie said softly, although it was hard to communicate with her brother like this, "Nobody is here to hurt you. Can you communicate with me? Give me a sign?"

Buck only whimpered and held his hands tighter to his ears. Maddie looked at her brothers face.

"There should be some ear buds in his pocket, give them to him." Maddie ordered, and Bobby reached into the boys pocket and pulled out some ear buds, and put them into Buck's ears, "Buck, I need you to listen to me. Listen to my breathing."

It was hard, but Maddie tried breathing loudly for Buck to hear.

"I need you to let Eddie check your vitals, alright?" Maddie said soothingly, but Buck only shook his head, "Buck, I can't be there right now. But, I need you to keep calm."

"Look at me." Maddie pleaded, while Buck slowly lifted his head to look at his Sister, "Everything is gonna be okay. Would I ever trick you?"

Buck slowly shook his head.

"Alright, then I promise you. No one in that truck will hurt you, let Eddie help you." Maddie said pleadingly, Buck slowly nodded, so Eddie passed the phone back to Chimney to kept it faced onto Buck.

"Alright Buck, I'm gonna need to check your vitals, is it okay if I touch your wrist?" Eddie said softly, while Buck slowly nodded, Eddie grabbing his wrist and plaing two fingers on his vein, "Alright. Blood preasure."

Eddie grabbed the machine from the side and tightened it around Buck's upper arm, him turning it on, while it kept getting tigher and tighter, causing Buck to wince.

"Abit high, but it'll be okay." Eddie mumbled, packing the machine away, "Done. See, was that so bad?"

Eddie patted Buck's shoulder, before sitting down in his seat.

"Athena, can you see how far away those people are from turning this power of?" Bobby asked.

"Just a few minutes." Athena sounded, while Maddie only kept her eyes on her brother, looking for any discomfort.

"Buck." Maddie spoke up, causing everybody to shut up. Buck slowly looked upto the phone, "Keep the ear phones in. It'll help you keep calm, you know that."

"I'm fine Mads." Buck grumbled, but listened to putting his ear buds in anyway.
