Chapter 15.

After a few more hours, Buck had a beer in his hand and was laughing at something Eddie had said. He had stepped into the kitchen for the beer, and Eddie did the same so the two were standing in the kitchen.

"You alright?" Eddie asked, after the laughing died down.

"Yeah." Buck said, sighing before turning to lean on the side, "I mean, I wanna be."

Eddie nodded.

"I know the feeling." Eddie said.

"I just. . . I'm glad I finally get to see my Sister again, but it just feels all wrong." Buck said.

"Yeah, well why don't you just make the most of it?" Eddie said, while Buck nodded with a sigh.

"Oi! Get out here." They all heard Bobbys shout, Eddie and Buck laughed while walking in, Eddie sitting back down in his original seat, Buck about to do the same before his phone started blaring.

Buck dug his phone out of his pocket and looked at the caller id, sighing.

"I'll be back." Buck said, moving to the hallway while answering the call, sipping at his beer, "Dad."

"Evan. Where the fuck are you?" The cold, cruel voice snarled.

"I'm at my Boss house." Buck said.

"What are you? His boy toy?" Philip snarled, causing Buck to flinch.

"No." Buck said, "Now, can I go? I kinda have things to do."

"What? Can't make time for your old man?" Philip asked.

"Well, I would much prefer you 6ft under, but we all can't get what we want, can we?" Buck said, "See ya."

Buck hung up, and walk back into the room, throwing his phone back on the table and sat beside Maddie.

"Who was it?" Maddie asked.

"Just Dad." Buck answered, putting his beer on the table, since he had finished it.

"Anyway, Maddie was just telling us about this time when you were little." Hen said, "Go on Maddie."

"Well, Buck was around 7? And, he loved getting himself hurt." Maddie said, sending a glare towards Buck who only rolled his eyes, "I went to this field where he always went to and found him playing rubgy and everything, with a few kids on our block. He was so adorable in his little uniform."

Buck crossed his arms over his chest.

"How did you get that outfit anyway? Mom and Dad would of never brought you that." Maddie asked, looking at her little brother.

"My Mate. He lent me a spare one." Buck said, fiddling with his hands.

"For the last time, he wasn't your mate." Maddie said, "He was a right selfish kid and did nothing other then treat you like trash."

"Well, that was the closest thing I got to hanging out with somebody my age." Buck shot back, Maddie's eyes softened while she sighed.

"Wait, you never went to school when you were little?" Eddie asked.

"What? Course I did." Buck said, "I couldn't get off of school."

"He was a right trouble maker. Constantly getting into fights at school. I should know, I was in my last year there." Maddie answered, "But, I'm proud of em. He stood up to the biggest bully in the school and he was twice the size of him."

"Rubgy taught me a few tricks. But, I hated that guy, constantly picking on Kids who couldn't defend themselves. He picked them out one by one." Buck said.

"Including you." Chimney answered with realisation.

"Yep. One day, I just. . . snapped. I couldn't stop until he was on the floor." Buck answered.

"And, until the teacher dragged you off of him." Maddie answered, causing Buck to nod with a shrug. Maddie put an arm around Buck's shoulder and pulled him closer, and he didn't pull away.

"Hey, I saw on the news that a certain firefighter fell down a cliff." Maddie spoke up.

"The News crew were there?" Buck asked, looking over to Athena.

"Don't look at me, I made sure nobody was recording so god knows how they knew." Athena said, when Maddie had pulled up the footage and threw it onto the tv, it showing Buck helping this man up the cliff, then going down himself, that including Eddie jumping down to go get him.

"Okay, who the fuck did somebody get that footage?" Eddie asked, "I didn't see any camreas."

"Me neither. Unless. . ." Buck trailed of, looking at Eddie, who seemed to realise what he meant, "That guy. He had a camrea on him, one what clips onto your clothes. I thought it was off!"

"Me to, Buck. Me to." Eddie said.

"Where are you staying tonight?" Buck asked his Sister who shrugged.

"I've got an apartment down the streat." Maddie said, causing them all to look at her, "What? I brought it today before I went to see Buck at the firestation."

"Okay?" Buck said, before downing the rest of his beer, "Well, I should get going now anyway."

"What? They got you on a curfew?" Maddie asked, taking a sip at her own beer.

"No. Well, they think they do I just never listen." Buck said, with a small grin at Maddie.

"I could of told you that." Bobby said, causing them all to laugh, "Your brother never thinks just does by doing."

"Well, that's him for ya." Maddie said, while ruffleing Buck's hair, who only pushed her hands away and brushed it back down.

"What did I always tell you?"

"Never to mess with your hair. But, I can't help it! It's so soft." Maddie said, brushing a hand through Buck's hair and this time he didn't react just sat there, "And, plus it was a thing for you as a kid. Always helped you calm down, especially when you angry."

"How angry did he get when he was little?" Athena asked.

"Hm. Well, he did get angry quite abit. He always trashed his bedroom out of anger, I always had to hide the damage from Mom and Dad. Remember that hole what you put through the wall? Oh, boy did Dad get angry when he saw it." Maddie said, causing Buck to shiver slightly.

"I don't think i've ever seen him that angry actually." Buck said, while lying.

"What got you angry as a Kid, Buck?" Hen asked, while Buck only shrugged so Maddie stepped in.

"Quite abit of stuff actually. These Kids on our streat always picked on him because he was the little freak kid, he always tried to block out there comments, but then once they said something what I didn't know what they said actually he lost it at them. He never told me what they said." Maddie said, looking at Buck who looked down.

"Nothing. I just got fed up of them, that's all." Buck lied.

"Buck." Maddie said, causing Buck to roll his eyes, "Are you lying?"

"Maddie, that doesn't work on me no more, I'm not 5." Buck said, before standing up, and grabbing his phone when it rang, "Be back."

Buck answered the phone while walking into the kitchen.

"Evan." Came Alex's dark voice.

"God. What did I say? If you want to keep tormenting me, do it to my fucking face." Buck said, before hanging up and walking back into the room where everybody was.

"Is everything okay?" Maddie asked, while Buck only nodded.

"Uhm, yeah." Buck said, looking at the clock what was on the fire place seeing it to be 9:30, "Wow, time sure does fly by."

"It sure does. Who's up for a drink?" Athena asked, causing them all to look at her, "What? I want one."

"I'll help you." Buck said, walking into the kitchen with Athena.

"He's helpful." Bobby spoke up, "You're parents raised a good kid."

Maddie sighed at that.

"Yeah. . . kinda." Maddie mumbled.

"What do you mean by Kinda?" Chimney asked.

"Don't tell Buck I said this, but. . . our parents didn't raise Buck. They birthed him, yeah. But, they were kind of absent in his Childhood." Maddie tried her best to explain without giving to much away.

"You raised him." Hen but in.

"I. . . yeah, I guess I did. And, I've got to admit. I did a good job, I love that Kid and. He never said anybody to rely on before, so I wanted to thank you. To you all for giving him somebody to trust." Maddie said.

"Well, that would be good if he actually trusted us." Eddie said, sipping at his beer.

"Just give him time. Please. Don't leave him, don't give up on him. Not, like our parents did." Maddie pleaded, wanting nothing more then for her brother to be happy.

"Give up on him?" Bobby questioned, but stopped talking when Athena and Buck entered the living room.

"Alright. Shots!" Athena shouted, putting the tray on the table, everybody grabbing on except Buck, "Buck?"

Buck only stared at the shot, before Athena nudged him and handed him the shot, so he took it and swirled the liquid around in the glass before sighing.

Maddie looked upto her brother, before looking at everybody else who had started laughing when Bobby had said something. But, she just stood up and walked over to Buck, putting a hand onto his, stopping it from shaking since it was the one holding the glass.

"Shh. It's okay." Maddie said softly, slowly taking the shot from his hand, "You don't have to."

Maddie spoke softly, almost whispering. Buck only looked at her, as that was when everybody else in the room noticed what was happening. Maddie put the small glass on the table, and put a hand onto Buck's shoulder before slowly walking him into the kitchen, sitting him at the dining room table, grabbing a glass of water and putting it infront of Buck.

Athena looked at Bobby, then to Chimney, Hen, and Eddie who all looked at each other. Maddie came back in moments later, to look around.

"Uhm, sorry. We'll only be a minute, just got to deal with something." Maddie mumbled, before grabbing her phone and walking back into Buck.

"What happened?" Chimney asked.

They all just looked up when Maddie walked back in, with Buck in toe.

"We should get going." Maddie said.

"You sure? Because, you can stay. I mean, you and Buck's both had abit to drink and Buck drove here. Plus, it's better then ordering an uber or cab." Bobby said.

"Uhm, thanks but it's okay. . ." Maddie said.

"We insist." Athena said, standing up.

"Well, it'd be nice. Instead of going home." Maddie said, rubbing a hand on Buck's back, who looked of to the side, "Thank you."

"It's no problem at all." Athena said, "Buck?"

Buck finally looked up, then looked at Maddie.

"Hey Buckaroo, we are gonna stay here for the night, alright?" Maddie said softly, while Buck looked confused, but nodded anyway.

"There is a room just down the hall." Bobby said, while Maddie nodded.

"Alright. We can find it." Maddie said, before walking down the hall and into a room, what was big but not to big, a queen bed and a dresser.

Maddie slowly sat Buck on the bed and took his hoodie of, leaving him in a t-shit and his jeans. She slowly laid Buck down and pulled the covers over him, he was already dozing of.

"Goodnight little brother." Maddie whispered softly, kissing Buck's forehead she then exited the bedroom quitely, makeing her way back into the living room.

"Thought you were going to bed." Eddie said.

"No, I just put Buck to bed." Maddie said, "I know he's not a little Kid no more, but. . . he's my little brother. He'll always be my baby, is that weird?"

"Not at all." Athena said, "You're a big sister. Your little sibling would always be your first baby."

Maddie smiled at her.

"What happened anyway?" Chimney asked.

"Oh, that. Sorry, but he just doesn't do well with alchol." Maddie said carefully choosing her words, then sat down back in her spot beside Eddie.

"What do you mean? He seemed fine." Eddie said.

"Well, uhm. . ." Maddie stuttered, trailing of to try and find the words.

"Your Fathers an achohlic." Athena butted in, causing Maddie to slowly nod.

"How'd you know?" Maddie asked softly, voice breaking.

"When Buck asked me to find you I checked in there history." Athena answered, "And, your Fathers and Ackholic. Am I right?"

"You're not wrong." Maddie said, "Our Dad used to be a huge acoholic, and Buck just. . . he saw what it did to our Dad. It became an addiction to our Dad, and Buck saw that. He didn't wanna end up like him."

"Well, you sure do give more imformation then Buck." Eddie said, causing Maddie to smile slightly.

"Buck can be secretive at first. But, let him learn that he can trust you because sooner or later he will have no choise." Maddie said.

The firefighters and Athena all smiled at each other then to Maddie. They liked her. She was nice, kind, and careing to her brother.
