
The particle accelerator is starting tonight. I'm not too much into science, so I don't really care. But people are saying it could explode, which worries me. I pack my backpack and head to the convention. I see people there I know, and some that I don't. I recognize one person. I think his name is Barry? I'm not too sure, but I think he works for the CSI. I walk over to him and stand next to him. I didn't want to speak since he was with another girl, but I felt a little uncomfortable. I didn't know anyone.
An hour later I was back home. The particle accelerator is supposed to start in 5 minutes. I'm paranoid. Really, really paranoid. But I'm sure I'll be fine. My apartment complex is far enough away, I think. I watch the TV. The countdown begins. I watch out my window in direction of STAR LABS. "3,2,1..." I stare out the window.
I see a vibration through the air. I automatically freak out and step back. It pushed through me, nothing happening. That was weird. I looked to see that the channel was static. Oh shit. I thought. I ran out my door and took the elevator down. I hopped in my truck and drove to STAR LABS. There where ambulances everywhere. I couldn't get involved with this. I then saw Harrison Wells, being taken on a stretcher. He just stared at me. It's time to go Lela. I decided to drive home.
I locked my apartment door, then walking into my bedroom.

I changed into some shorts and a Star Wars shirt. I plugged in my fairy lights and layed down on my bed, covering up with my thick covers. Soon enough I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and looked around. Shit. I have no clue where I am. The walls have weird engravings and there is a stand in the middle of the room. Weird enough, I don't see a door. I'm not tied or anything, I just have duct tape over my mouth. I try to scream, but it's no use. The wall starts to split and I back up. Harrison Wells. Rolling in. After it closed, he stood up. "Hello there Lela." He said. He removed the duct tape. "What do you want?" I panted. "You know what we did last night here at STAR LABS yes?" He asked, pacing. "Yeah?" I said nervously. "Well I needed someone to experiment with. And you really stood out to me last night." He said. Sweat dripped down my face. "Gideon, show me the future." He said. A face appeared in the air. "Of course." It said. A screen popped up on the wall, but I didn't bother to look. "Is there any way we can start on our project now?" He said. "Of course. Subject must drink this." It said. A vial popped up in the air. He snatched it and turned towards me. "You heard what she said." He grinned, handing me the vial. "Why do I have to drink this?" I asked. "If you don't want to die then, well, yes." He said.
My anxiety was at a high, but I couldn't deal with knowing I might die, so I drank the liquid. I dropped the vial, shattering it. I fell to the ground and started coughing. "Gideon, what's happening?" He asked. "The dark matter is entering her system." It said. I looked down at my wrist and saw it turn bright blue for just a moment. "When will her first session be done?" He asked. "An hour or two. But I would suggest waiting till tonight for session two unless the weather isn't right. Are you sure you still want to do this?" It said and asked. "I'm sure Gideon."
The wall opened up again and he walked out. I couldn't stand up, and I wouldn't be able to run even if I did. "Gideon?" I choked. "Yes Ms.Mendoza?" It responded. "What are you?" I gagged. "I am an artificial intelligence made for this building." I thought for a moment. "You're a girl. Right?" I asked. "Yes ma'am." She responded. "Is this going to kill me?" I asked nervously. "No. It may knock you out but your vitals are being closely monitored. If anything goes wrong, it's nothing we can't fix." She responded. My head started pounding. I screamed in agony. I looked around, noticing a yellow suit in the wall. "What's that?" I asked. "I'm afraid I can't say Ms.Mendoza." Gideon responded.
My head fell to the side and I closed my eyes. God what is happening.

1 month later

I heard the wall open up again. He rolled in with more Big Belly Burger. That's all he ever feeds me. He takes me out to shower in the middle of the night and lets me use the bathroom when needed, but that's all. He handed me my burger and a bottle of water. I scarfed it down, considering I was starving. "Tonight's the night." He said. "Gideon, is the lightening rod on the roof ready?" He asked. "Yes." She responded. Gideon and I talk a lot. I normally talk to her and sleep. It's so boring in here.
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up after I finished eating. The wall opened and he ran out with me. One second I was in the room, the next I was on the roof. I vomited, I just moved faster than ever. He walked me over to the lighting rod, the rain starting to sprinkle. He tied me up, me not trying to fight. He's showed me what he can do. He put his hand through my chest, threatening to kill me. He poured another vial down my throat, this one turning me bright blue. The rain started to pour, the thunder started. He left me there. On the roof. "HELP ME!" I cried. "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I screamed so loud it hurt my throat. Tears were falling down my face. I looked up, and it was like slow motion. The lightening hit the rod. My whole body shivered and shook. I couldn't feel anything. I was gone.
