
Can someone please tell me why it says 2k reads on this book? Can someone please tell me why? Thank you guys,seriously I did not think that this book would get as much support and attention that it's gotten.

In other news, I'm taking a slight break from this book, it won't be too long, just a few days. I'm working on some other projects as well, more info about those will be in another a/n.

  Ok im gonna rant a bit about my life, you don't have to read this but I'm doing it anyway. I'm seeing infinity war today and I'm hella excited. All my friends that have seen it are no longer mentally stable. I'm going to be broken after this movie, it's gonna be (may) great.

I've also been obsessed with the Hogwarts mystery game. I'm a huge potterhead so naturally I got the game the day of its release and became obsessed with it. It's a really fun game except FOR THE FUCKING ENERGY BAR! If you play the game you will know the struggle. I'm constantly having to wait like 20 minutes just to "concentrate". In all honesty though, there a few bits about the game that annoy me like Rowan being in the same house as you. He/she is obviously a Ravenclaw, I feel bad for dragging he/she into slytherin... Then there's Merula who's just a bitch. Go get the game, it's great and it's free, it's on iOS and google play (this chapter is not sponsored but portkey games please sponsor me)

Rant over, aloha comrades

