6. shohei and inari

following everybody's advice, shohei asks inari a question and potentially makes his move

"hey, kusakabe-san."

"how's it going, sho-kun."

"you know i hate it when you call me that, but, i got a question so can you help me out with it."

"i mean sure like aren't we friends, fukunaga-san."

"i'm starting to regret this friendship but how would you ask the person you like out on a date."

"just straight up tell them and if that person rejects you then the person was never worth your hopes and dreams especially your time and patience but if the mutual is indeed mutual then go for it with no regrets since we only have one life to live."

"thanks for nothing, kusakabe-san."

"you're very much welcome, fukunaga-san and can i ask you something in return."

"yeah, kusakabe-san."

"there's gotta be someone you like, eh, sho-kun if you're asking me, of all people questions on how to ask someone out a date."

"well, um, aren't you one of the most popular kids in our year."

"not really but i could understand why you would say that, sho-kun."

"well, i always see you surrounded by people whether it's before the first bell, even lunchtime, especially by the end of the school day."

"i mean that's because of my parents' ramen shop."

"we've been friends since first year and you're now telling me this."

"i'm sorry, sho-kun but we could stop by there after school today."

"well, uh, would you look at that, kusakabe-san i think i see the team and hear yamamoto screeching my name so i'll see you after practice."

"yeah, i'll be waiting by the main entrance for you, sho-kun, just text me when you're done with practice."

"okay, kusakabe-san."

"little do you know."

"little do you know." 
