5. shohei & lev

just like everybody else before him, shohei asks lev a question

"hey, haiba-san."

"oh hey, what's up, fukunaga-kun."

"i got a question so can you help me out with it."

"sure, what is it, fukunaga-kun."

"how would you ask someone out on a date."

"uh i might not be the best person to ask about dating but i guess would call them if they gave me their number and ask if we could grab a bite to eat sometime after school one day."

"thank you so much, haiba-san."

"you're welcome and maybe you could help me too, fukunaga-kun."

"sure, what is it, haiba-san."

"do you think i have a possible chance with yamato-san from 2-b, eh, fukunaga-kun."

"well, uh, would you look at that, haiba-san, i think i heard that yaku-senpai was looking for you to practice your receives so good luck with that and with yamato-san as well."

"thanks, fukunaga-kun."

"you're welcome, haiba-san."

(author's note: i will be repeating the same excuse shohei gives to whoever he's talking to at that moment until i'm completely done with this story and decide to go back and edit it over.) 
