
She sat in the sun, with eyes closed shut 

grass danced in the wind, shining in amber rays.

sun kissed one would say;

to an old soul as hers it didn't matter.

she no longer had to stay.

With all the tranquility,

The end did not daunt her anymore.

It was peace, it was rest

It was real, sane, honest.

She wished if only one more time,

She could feel the wind tingling

If only one more time,

The sun could warm her pale skin.

If only one more time,

The river that snaked down the

meadow could quench her thirst. 

If only one more time the daffodils down the hill 

wouldn't remind him of the time they met first.

But her purpose here was done

she did not turn as she walked away.

Away from all the happiness and grief.

The sunshine penetrated through her pale skin.

The grass levitated her towards the horizon.

It was time for her to leave.

She skimmed towards the mountains 

Where the sun tried to hide,

The wind took her soul and she was gone

another spirit unconfined by the hillside.

