"Icehold's soldiers were our last hope for reinforcements" One of Perion's remaining generals says as he drinks his morning ale. "Damn traitors"

The city seemed to be more alive this morning than yesterday when Marcus and the group returned. Soldiers patrolling all over the city and the walls and the city carpenters already working hard on repairing the destroyed gate, Though most of the people have already fled, the manpower remaining in the city is not nearly enough to withstand another attack but there is some good news for. Before dawn, the remaining IronGuard Knights in the land arrived and also a thousand soldiers came along with them. A thousand IronGuard Knights and four thousand soldiers are all that stand between the demons and certain destruction of the people. 

"Is Marcus awake yet?" Finn asks Dello as he splits in half the hard bread. A piece of bread and soup for their breakfast and hardly any good water to drink. 

"No, i went to his room and all quiet inside" Dello replies and drinks his soup to the last drop and gets up. 

"Where are you going?" Finn asks. Dello usually takes his time when eating. 

"I've got wall duties this morning. I think you as well" Dello realizes that Finn hasn't read the duty assignments given Captain Gildas. "Go to the main hall, the duties are posted there and make sure you know your job or else Captain Gildas will get mad at you again. Remember the time you forgot to clean his..."

"I know! I know! stop reminding me of it. I'll just finish up" Finn swallows the entire bread and looks at his cup and it is empty. He looks at Dello and sees him smirking at him. 

after eating Finn goes to the main hall and he sees Marcus standing by the council chairs. Staring at them and Finn sees a note in his hand. Finn slowly approaches him but his footsteps gives him away and Marcus turns to him. 

"What's wrong Marcus?" Finn asks as he looks at Marcus' red eyes and his sad expression. Marcus drops the note and disappears. "Marcus!?" Marcus reappears in front of him and this cold and fierce presence from Marcus covered him. 

"I'm leaving. Do not tell anyone" Marcus whispers but his voice changed. "I'm sorry Finn" Marcus strikes Finn hard and knocks him down leaving him unconscious

"Why not kill?" A voice from the shadows says. 

"He is my friend" Marcus replies. "We are leaving Mordin"

"As you say Lord Marcus" Mordin comes out of the shadows and looks at Finn. "I wonder what your friend will say when he finds out that you are with a demon"

"You'll find out soon enough and don't call me Lord" Marcus replies and goes out the main door and Mordin follows him but changing his form before stepping out.

The courtyard is filled with soldiers and IronGuard but not a single one of them notices Mordin, a demon hiding in their midst. They reach the stables and takes two horses. 

"Can all demons change form like what you did?" Marcus asks as he prepares his saddle.

"No. Only those blessed by the high lord can perform ancient magic" Mordin shows his hand, all pale and rough skinned. Marcus looks at it then looks at his own hand. "See Lord Marcus, everything is as I said"

They are ready to go when Rithia appears by the stable entrance with a knife in hand. She's not wearing armor and instead the healer's robes. She looks at Marcus then Mordin and she's about to call for help when Marcus calls her attention. 

"Why are you here Rithia?" Marcus asks as he slowly approaches her and she raises the knife. 

"You're asking me? but why is that here?" Rithia replies, her voice is like she's holding her anger. "And where are you going? You're going to leave with him?"

"It is something that I must do" Marcus says as he holds the knife and puts it down then stares at her. 

"You won't leave" She looks at him. "I won't let you" she whispers to him. 

"We must go Lord Marcus" Mordin says as he brings the horses. completely ignoring Rithia. "Move aside girl or else I'll kill you" Suddenly Marcus gives him a terrifying stare that makes him stop. 

"You touch her and you'll lose your hand Mordin" Marcus threatens. "Go wait outside"

Rithia couldn't believe that a demon follows Marcus' orders like a pawn. The presence around Marcus she feels is different, very different from when they first met. The warm and firm aura that Marcus usually gives is now cold and uncertain. For some reason a tear falls from her eye and Marcus wipes it away. Marcus comes closer and look down at her and she looks up at him. 

He slowly takes her hand and they both look at the mark he then uses his finger to draw the missing parts of the mark on her hand and seals it and by that Rithia realizes that Marcus has really changed into someone powerful but how, she doesn't understand.

"Three days and then go to the eastern fields by the broken citadel and wait for me" Marcus whispers. "I'll come back"

Marcus let's her go and walks outside. He gets on his horse and looks at Rithia again then rides off following Mordin, They passed the second wall without anyone noticing but the city wall is guarded by IronGuard Knights and Dello is there. 

Before they even reach the market ruins, bells and horns blows from the IronGuard Hall. Someone must have found Finn already. Around them are the soldiers slowly reacting to the alarms, some of them are even frightened. Marcus and Mordin takes advantage of this and ride fast towards the gate. 

"All soldiers! The IronGuard are under attack in the inner district! To Arms!" Mordin shouts in a humanly voice and the soldiers follow what he said. "Be quick about it!"

"And where are you going!?" An officer asks, stopping their horses just a few yards away from the gate. "And by the looks of you. You're IronGuard yourself!" Some soldiers notice the officer and stares at them. 

"We are to inform the other companies outside the city!" Mordin yells and stares down at the officer. 

"There are no companies outside the city! And if there were any, messenger boys will be sent not IronGuard!" The officer draws his sword and the other soldiers as well but some of them hesitate. None of them wants to fight an IronGuard. "Get down from your horses now!"

Exhaustion and sudden panic must have made the officer highly cautious and paranoid but Marcus knows that no one would dare to fight an IronGuard. Marcus spurs his horse forward and draws his sword at the officer, threatening him. 

"Make way or you'll be relieved of duty, right here right now" Marcus declares and the officer trembled a little. Who wouldn't tremble once they see Marcus' cold piercing eyes. 

The officer lowers his sword and steps away. Mordin is impressed on how Marcus have such impact on the will and resolve of a soldier. simply magnificent he thought. Marcus and Mordin moves away from the soldiers but suddenly a burst of horns blow from behind them.

"Stop those two!" Yelled Captain Gildas and on horse. Behind him are mounted soldiers. "Close the gate quickly!" another wave of horns blows and the Gildas and his soldiers charge through the street and quickly catching up to Marcus. 

"I knew it! Stop them men!" The officer cried out. 

Marcus and Mordin rode for their lives as fast as they can but the gate is already closing and Gildas is nearly behind them. Dello from atop the wall is the one commanding the gatehouse and he sees Marcus. 

"Marcus what have you done" He whispers to himself. "Seal the gate quickly!" 

Mordin looks at the gate and realizes that they won't make it. "My Lord! I'll hold them off and you climb the wall" He stops his horse but Marcus pulls him back.

"I have a plan! Now come hurry!" Marcus shouts. 

They reach the gatehouse where there is a whole company of soldiers waiting for them with spears and swords and the gate is nearly sealed. Marcus turns and looks at Gildas 

"Marcus! Stop now!" Gildas shouts as loud as he can but suddenly the most unexpected happens.

Marcus, Mordin and both their horses vanish and the gate shuts. Everyone in the area is stunned and speechless. Gildas and his men arrive at the gatehouse and stare at the tracks left by the horses of Marcus and Mordin, total silence cover them but suddenly the neighing of horses sound from a distance and all of them couldn't believe it. 

The two reappears just inches away from the gate's iron bars. Gildas and Marcus stare at each other for a moment. Teacher and pupil but right then and there Gildas knew that his best student has changed.



