"Keep pushing them into their camp!" Lord Lezin ordered, seeing as Lord Harold and his forces can barely stand on the mud but the rain has stopped and the sky has calmed down.

Beside him is his son, Lezin II the oldest and heir. "Father, why did you allow Liana to act by her own?"

"She's useless to me, you know that"

Lezin looks far beyond the battlefield and stares at the old citadel and notices shadows on the wall. "That can't be" he whispers.

"What are you muttering about boy!" His father shouts.

"Nothing...Nothing father" He takes a look closer and is certain that there are strangers waiting inside the old citadel. "I'll go round the camp and make sure we have surrounded them"

"Good! Kill anyone that won't surrender"

Lezin leaves his father's side and rallies his knights then disappears.

*Inside the camp*

"The enemy is advancing again and our men are breaking"  A general says to Lord Harold. "Tell your IronGuard to push through the center" Lord Harold listens but does not reply, he still stares at the on going battle.

Meanwhile inside the camp, Lady Therese is quickly bandaging Dello's wounds. He's still alive but barely.

"Give me that" She points out a bottle resting on a table, filled with some red liquid. Owen grabs it and hands it to her without a second delay. "You can go back to your comrades. I can handle it from here"

"But Lady..."

"Go! If the lines break, all of us will die anyway" She says while applying the liquid on Dello's back. Her voice still has confidence in them but also has fear. Owen swallows his thoughts and disappears. "Don't die Dello, Marcus is still counting on you"

Outside the old citadel, Liana and Marcus continue to hammer each other with deadly blows. Mordin and the rest of the Demal watched as the battle grew fiercer and fiercer.

"You've...changed" Liana says while trying to catch her breath.

"So have you but for the worst"

Liana chuckles and strikes Marcus again and again but each time he stopped her.

"What drives you to do this Liana?" Marcus asks hoping that she would give him a reasonable answer.

"I just want you dead" Not the answer Marcus was hoping to get.

"Then you've given me no choice" Marcus prepares his sword and so does Liana but before the two could move, a group of riders approaches.

"Liana!" A rider called out. As they drew closer they became clear to Marcus and Liana's eyes.

"Lezin!" She replied.

"Men defend my sister at all cost!"

The riders who appear to be knights, spread out and began to encircle Marcus but he is unfazed by their presence. "Why isn't he moving?" Lezin asks himself but then a sudden urge to look at the old citadel controls him and he sees the shadows watching them from above. A horn sounds in the distance, it is not the horn from any army.

In a gust of wind the shadows disappeared from the walls of the old citadel and seconds later they appeared right in front of Lezin and his men. The knights were slaughtered in minutes, Liana panics and runs away from the fight, leaving her brother alone with the demons.

For a moment the entire battlefield froze in silence when all heard the horn, a sound that no one knows where it came from. Even the IronGuard were stuck in silence.

"Where the hell is that horn coming from!" Lord Lezin angrily mutters but his men have nothing reply.

"Riders approaching!" A watchman cries out as he points out a huge wave of horses with cloaked riders mounted on them approaching from the north and south.

"Who are they!"

"Demons! Demons Lord Lezin!"

Upon hearing the words, Lord Lezin's army trembled in fear even the fanatics who used to fight alongside the demons began to worry.

"Lord Harold, the demons are back" Gildas reports as Lord Harold clearly see the wave of riders coming for them. "What are your orders?"

"Pull everyone fall back to the camp but don't attack the demons first, let us see what they will do"

Inside the camp, Finn and the others found Dello unconscious but Lady Therese sitting outside his tent, she looked as though she went through hell. "He's alive" She says to stop their worrying. "Have any of you seen Rithia?"

None of them knew where Rithia is but before they could give a reply, Elos arrives with great news.

"Lady Therese!" Elos calls, running towards them in haste. "Rithia is being brought back to camp"

Lady Therese quickly stands up and Elos leads her away to find Rithia, Finn, Thren and Ortos follows them while the rest took care of Dello.

The camp is in disarray because of the sudden arrival of the demons. Elos and the group rushes through the groups of soldiers shouting at each other, discussing useless things. At the other end of the camp the voices stopped and many of them stared at a cloaked demon, who was carrying Rithia.

"Let go of her!" Lady Therese exclaims as she draws her sword and points it at the demon, everyone around also does the same and only wait for her order to attack but Rithia raises her hand to tell them not to attack. She gets off the man's arms and hugs Lady Therese with joy and she lowers her sword. "Who is that?"

"Who else?" Rithia walks back to the demon and pulls his hood away.

"Marcus" Finn exhales and he, Thren and Ortos ran to greet him.

Lady Therese and the other IronGuard felt glad as they saw Marcus but some still raised their sword against him.

Lady Therese raises her hands and looks at them, "Everyone please, lower your weapons"

"Why should we!" A knight angrily asks. "He's a traitor!" The soldiers agree

Marcus opens his hands and arms towards them. "I know that the reason all of you are here, away from your families and homes is because of me" He said to them. "I left without even thinking of how many lives would be lost today but what I thought about is how many lives would be lost tomorrow and the day after that and so on"

Slowly the swords lower and ears begin to listen more to Marcus' voice rather than the hate in their hearts.

"The Demal hate us as much as we hate them"

"Demal?" Finn asks.

"Yes, the demons that we have been fighting for so long now are just people like us. We look different yes but they also have families and loved ones. They are not the evil spirits that were sent from the underworld as we thought they were

They have their own thoughts and beliefs just as we do, they were cruel but not all of them are. I left because I wanted to see my sister again"

"What does your sister have to do with all of this?" Ortos asks. "You said she was captured"

"I thought she was but then I learned that my grandfather Titus Silver married a Demal high born" Everyone then began to whisper to one another, some angry and some confused but Lady Therese raises her hand to silence them. "Yes Titus Silver had a child with a Demal and because of that peace was settled between our two peoples for a time"

"Enough with the story telling Marcus" Gildas says as he emerges from the crowd. "The Demal are getting closer, get to the point"

"We have a chance to stop all the bloodshed today and that is if we do not attack the Demal" Again the voices erupted in anger and confusion.

"What makes you so sure that they won't kill us!" An angry soldier shouts.

"Because..." before he could say more, the camp is attacked and the soldiers scatter to their duties. "Please do not fight the Demal!" Marcus pleaded hoping that they would do what he asks.

Lady Therese approaches him and holds his cloak, "Black doesn't fit you Marcus"

"This was the only color they have"

Finn and the others smile, relieved that Marcus still has a sense of humor.

"Then I guess we'll have to show them how make other colors. Don't we?" Lady Therese smiles.

"You believe me?"

"Oddly I do, most of the time I know why I believe in someone but now just seeing you is reason enough"

"What now?" Thren asks.

"We make sure that no Demal will be harmed by our own"



STAR WARS: CHOICES, The Inquisitor and the Jedi.

