☆An Introvert's Memes vol-1.6☆

81) me: Maybe today I'll finally try and make some friends (:

my poor social skills: I DON'T THINK SO MISSY-

82) Most people: *have to wait like half a year or longer for their birthday to come along*

Me with a January birthday: 🤭 🤫 ...

83) *14yr old me attending a July 4th party at my grandparents' condo (we're all sitting on two couches around a table and there happens to be a bowl of pistachios in front of me)

My dad: "Don't go overboard on the pistachios."

Me, who already ate half the bowl:


84) So uhh... I recently got addicted to these and have no regrets.


85) How to get an Extroverts Attention: Introvert Edition

   1 First thing's first-- look decent and don't be a homeless hobo

   2 sit/stand off by yourself in a public place

   3 Look depressed or sad, sigh if you feel like it

   4 overthink everything and let your anxiety-induced thoughts take over. Feel like you're about to give up hope.

   5 wait

86) I think my parents are gonna use me for veteran discounts when I get out [cries internally >_< ]

87) "Don't you ever do anything productive?"

me: "only if I'm legally obligated to (: "

88) I say something normal, nobody bats an eye.

But if I say something like "I skip meals so I can eat snacks all day. Sacrifices must be made." everybody looks at me, slightly disturbed and with concern and bewilderment, a hint of disbelief on their faces.

89) Unpopular opinion: Larry is the Wojak of TAWOG

90) Nothing will match the urge to suddenly go limp and drop to whatever's below you so you can stop thinking about stuff (:

91) Hard to do anything when the remote that's supposed to be for the air conditioner refuses to go above 28°f and for the most part doesn't work. I can't be very productive, air conditioner always on full blast with no way to stop it-- seriously, I tried every button on that remote and not a single one works! I'm always freezing or shivering and it feels like I'm sleeping in a fridge.

92) Youtube news-related channels ain't sh*t. I get my news from Ifunny from now on lmao 😂

93) I swear when I get access to a proper Walmart again I will buy entire boxes of those great value Fruit Smiles gummies because last time I had them, years ago, it was addicting af.

I wanna get addicted to them again like holy moly-

94) Willis Gibson (known as Blue Scuti, the 13yr old kid that "beat Tetris" after the game's been out for over thirty-five years)

*beats Tetris for the first time in history*

UY Scuti: I'm proud of you, son.

95) [A few years ago]

MSG: *pulls me into his office to talk with me about "something" along with two NCOs on standby, says he's been getting complaints and needs me to do things a bit differently*

Me the whole time pretending to listen cuz as far as I know I didn't do sh*t wrong:

96) If you're one of the few people that read my INTROVERSION book series before I deleted the whole thing (all seven books), consider yourself lucky.

97) Me resisting the urge to look up Solarballs content after I said I'd leave the fandom for good:

98) "Why do you look at memes all the time?"

me: "They're my only sorce of joy."

99) me I'd I ever went to a promo board:

Me: "Hello-"

SGM: "Dismissed."

100) Me: *is about to go outside to do something... then I hear extroverts talking and laughing and probably talking sh*t about me*

Also me: Imma stay inside-
