Girl In Red {Michelle Jones}

*Spiderman: Far From Home*

You thought that your trip to Europe was gonna be stress-free and relaxing but you were wrong. You were so wrong.

A bunch of element based monsters started showing up which meant that you and Peter had to work over time to protect everyone because Nick Fury told you to.

You were so tired from doing everything and ready to quit until Mysterio showed up. He convinced you and Peter to take a load off and relax while he handled the bad guys and that's what you two did.

Finally getting to chill worked in your favor especially because you had been trying to ask MJ out for the longest time but could never find the right moment.

You were standing outside her hotel room door, coming up with ways to ask her out without embarrassing yourself. You were pacing around the hall when she opened the door and saw you there.

"MJ, hi," you greeted awkwardly.

"You've been pacing and mumbling to yourself for about an hour now. It's really distracting," she told you.

"You knew I was out here?" you asked her.

"Yeah," she nodded.

'Way to go, Y/N, you're already off to a great start' you chastised yourself.

"Uhm, wow, that's embarrassing," you said. "I didn't mean to distract you. I'll just go back to my room and try to pretend that this never happened."

You turned to walk away but were stopped by Michelle calling out to you.

"Hey, were you going to actually say something to me or just pacing around in front of my room like a weirdo?" she asked you.

"Uh, I was gonna ask you out but now-"

"So do it," Michelle interrupted you.

"What?" you asked.

"Ask me out," she said.

"O-okay. MJ, will you go out with me tomorrow night?" you asked her.

"Sure, pick me up at seven," she answered before closing her door.

At first you were in shock but then it hit you that she actually agreed to go on a date with you and then you started dancing happily.

"The dancing's distracting too," MJ said through her door.

"Sorry!" you apologized before heading back to your room.


Th date had been going well so far and you had somehow managed to not embarrass yourself the entire time.

You and MJ were walking along the bridge when you decided to confess your feelings to her.

"MJ," you began, stopping in the middle of the bridge which caused Michelle to also stop. "I have something really important to tell you. I-"

"You're the Girl in Red," she interrupted.

"What?" you asked her.

"You know, the superhero who fights along Spider-Man aka Peter Parker," she elaborated.

"You know?!" you exclaimed.

"Of course I know, I'm not an idiot. I've had my suspicions since before the Blip but they were confirmed when both the Girl in Red and Spider-Man showed up on our class trip to Europe."

"I can't believe you knew and didn't tell me!" you said.

"Well, it's no big deal because you were about to tell me right now," she shrugged.

"No, I wasn't. I was about to tell you I have feelings for you," you told her.

And for the first time for the entire time you've known her, MJ blushed. She looked flustered, like genuinely flustered.

"Uh... you what?" she asked.

"I have feelings for you and I always have. Why else do you think I asked you to homecoming like five years ago?"

"Because no one's else would go with you?" she questioned.

"Well, then why would I ask you on a date?"

"I don't know. I was half-expecting Peter and Ned to come along too," she told you.

"Well, now you know. I like you, MJ. Like, a lot."

"Oh, well I like you too," she said.

"Really?" you blushed

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool," you said.

"So are you just gonna stand there all dorky and stuff or are you gonna hold my hand?" Michelle asked you.

You smiled and happily held her hand in yours and you swear that for a second, you saw her smile out of the corner of your eye.
