

"Do I wanna know?"

The thought of Luke only wanting to use me as a hook up was the only thing on my mind.

I thought..well I didn't exactly know what I thought, but never would I have guessed that he was that type of guy.

Yeah, we'd only encountered each other twice, but both times he made me feel a way that no one had ever made me feel before. The way he spoke to me, the way he whispered those words, the way his lips felt against my skin..

But I couldn't allow myself to feel this way, I needed to stay away from him; I wasn't going to let myself fall for someone like Luke.

Because if I did, in the end, he'd hook up with me and get over me in a matter of seconds. But me? It'd take me forever to get over the amazingly handsome blond boy.

"You're thinking about him again, aren't you?" Ana sighed, pausing the current rerun of The vampire diaries that we were watching.

"It's hard to just up and stop thinking about him, Ana." I sighed, adverting my gaze towards the floor.

"I just want what's best for you, Lil. I don't want to see you get hurt, especially if someone like Luke is involved." She said.

I already knew that. She'd told me at least twenty times just how much of a player he is, giving me various examples of rumours she'd heart. 

I didn't want to hear it, in fact, it was the last thing I wanted to hear. He acted so casual, yet I was always a stuttering mess whenever he approached me. It had only yet happened twice, but still.

Why did I feel like he was so important? I didn't even know him, but still, he was the one playing on my mind every hour of both days since we'd first met.

"Can we just, not talk about it?" I sighed, pulling the duvet over my body, snuggling underneath in order to feel the warmth.

"Sure, I need to get going anyway, my mum wants me to go shopping." Ana stated, a disgusted look covering her face.

"What's with the face? You love shopping." I chuckled.

"Yeah, but not with my mother." She laughed, making me role my eyes sarcastically at my best friend.

"Call me if you need anything, yeah?" She smiled, hugging me tightly before grabbing her phone off of the nightstand.

"I will, I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled, getting out of bed in order to go downstairs and show Ana out.

I made my way down the stairs with Ana by my side, waving goodbye with a slight smile on my face as she walked out of the front door.

I turned back around and sighed, leaning my body against the closed door. What was I going to do? I couldn't deny that there wasn't something I felt towards Luke, because there was something.

I decided to head back upstairs and take a shower, hoping that I'td make me feel at least a little bit better. Because I was feeling like absolute crap at the moment, not even denying it.

I headed up the stairs and into my bathroom, grabbing some black pyjama shorts with an oversized white t-shirt out of the draw.

I left my pyjamas on the counter and stepped into the shower, switching the water on at a high temperature.

I stood in the shower, the feeling of the water against my skin relaxed me instantly. The majority of the time I just stood there, letting the hot water relax my body.

Once I'd finally had enough, I stood out and wrapped a towel around my body. I dried off quickly, slipping on the oversized t-shirt and my pyjama bottoms.

I wasn't going anywhere, so I tied my wet hair up into a messy bun, picking up my glasses once again as I walked out of the bathroom.

It was only half past five. Great. See, most teenagers would be getting ready for some sort of frat party on a Friday night, ready to dance the night away and get wasted.

Yeah, but not me. Parties weren't my thing, and neither was alcohol. I trudged down the stairs and into the living room, flopping down on the sofa with the remote in hand.

I pulled the comfy blanket around my body, pressing play on yet another rerun of The vampire diaries. I guess I really do have a sad teenage life. But oh well, at least I enjoyed it.

Not even fifteen minutes into the episode, the house phone started to ring. I groaned in annoyance, pulling the blanket off of me whilst I paused the rerun, quickly making my way into the kitchen to retrieve the phone.


'Lilly! It's me, Liam. Could I pretty please ask a favour?'

'Sure bud, what's up?'

'Can Sam and I have a sleepover tonight at our house? Pretty please?'

Well, I was in charge for the night, since mum was working late.. And the last thing I wanted to have to deal with was one of Liam's tantrums...

'Yeah sure, that's a great idea Li! I'll have the other bed set up for when you get back.'

'Thank you so much sissy! I love you!'

'Yeah yeah, love you too Li.'

I hung up with a chuckle, setting the phone back down on the counter. If Liam was occupied for the night, he wouldn't bother me at all. So I guess it was a win win for everyone.

I headed upstairs into Liam's room, tripping over an action figure as soon as I walked through the door.

"Fuck you, Buzz Lightyear." I whispered under my breath, standing up whilst I brushed my t-shirt off.

I picked up the toys that were sprawled out on the floor, putting them away in the blue box next to his bed.

I stared around the room, making sure everything was tidy, before making my way over towards Liam's bed.

"Right, I've done this once, I can do it again." I mumbled to myself, getting down on my knees in order to pull the second bed out.

I pulled on the handle underneath, moving the toy box out of the way before I accidentally broke it.

After a while I managed to get the bed out, but I still had to pull the stands out to get it up. Damn, I never knew putting a bed up took this much effort. If I would've known, I would've just made them sleep in the same bed.

I managed to pull it up eventually, now all I had to do was make the bed. I headed over to Liam's wardrobe and grabbed the spare quilt covers and pillows off of the shelf, dumping them on the floor next to the bed.

I put the sheet on, then the duvet, and finally, I pulled the blue pillow cases on the pillows, setting them down on the pull out bed once I was done.

I made sure the bed was set up properly, cause I couldn't be dealing with an injured kid in the middle of the night that'd fallen out of bed because it wasn't secure enough.

Once everything was finally set up, I headed back downstairs and into the living room. I plopped down on the couch once again, switching off the rerun I was watching before the call.

I tidied the living room up a bit, folding the blanket up on the sofa that I'd been using before. I made sure that none of Liam's toys were on the floor, before finally making my way into the kitchen.

I decided on ordering takeout tonight, for both myself and Liam and his friend Sam. Cooking was too much hassle, and I couldn't be asked.

I opened the draw and began looking for the pizza menu, but the sound of the doorbell interrupted my search.

I shut the draw and headed out of the kitchen, making my way down the hall towards the front door. I opened it, but my eyes widened as soon as I saw who was stood behind it.

"Calum?" I questioned, watching as the tall boy stood behind the door with my brother and who I'm guessing was also his little brother.

"Lilly? Hey! I didn't know Liam was your little brother, you never mentioned that one buddy." Calum stated, ruffling Liam's hair whilst he chuckled.

"Can we go play upstairs Lilly?" Liam questioned eagerly.

"Sure thing, go on up." I smiled, earning grins off of both kids. They instantly bolted upstairs, giggling as they ran.

"Do you uh, wanna come in?" I questioned nervously, holding the door open.

"Sure, why not?" Calum smiled, whilst I welcomed him inside. He shrugged his jacket off and hung it on the coat rack by the door, following me into the kitchen.

"Do you want to stay for dinner? I was gonna order pizza for me and the kids." I questioned, continuing my search through the draws.

"I've got to meet my friends at ten.. But sure, I've got time to stay." He smiled, taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

"As soon as I find the damn menu to order.." I mumbled, opening another draw.

"Lil, I've got the number for the pizza parlour down the road on my phone, quit stressing." Calum chuckled, pulling his phone out of his pocket, whilst I blushed slightly.

"Okay, I'll go ask the boys what pizza topping they want." I smiled shyly, making my way out of the kitchen.

I made my way upstairs for the tenth time today, knocking on Liam's door before entering.

"Come in!" He shouted. I turned the door knob and stepped inside, seeing that what once was a tidy bedroom, was now a total chaos.

"You guys look like you're having fun." I chuckled, leaning against the door frame. It'd only been a few minutes, and they'd already managed to make a mess.

"We are, Liam's sister. We're playing dragons and dungeons!" Sam squealed.

"Sam, you can call me Lilly, you know." I smiled, watching as both of them grabbed even more action figures out of the toy box.

"Okay, Lilly." Sam answered with a smile, running around the room with a dragon in hand.

"We're ordering pizza for dinner guys, what topping do you boys want?" I questioned.

"Can we have cheese pizza?" Liam questioned, whilst Sam nodded in agreement.

"Of course, I'll call you down when it's here." I smiled, exiting the room whilst I made sure to shut the door behind me.

I made my way back into the kitchen, letting Calum know what pizza the boys wanted. He nodded and dialled the number, proceeding to order our food.

"Cal, can I ask you something?" I questioned curiously, making sure he'd hung up before I spoke.

"Sure, what's up?" He questioned, stuffing his phone back in his pocket.

"Do you know Luke?" I questioned, wanting to hear about the blond from someone other than Ana, and hopefully, Calum could be that person.

"Actually, yeah.." Calum trailed off, nervousness clear on his face as he spoke.
