Different Languages (revised and rewritten)

This OneShot was inspired by:

In that OneShot from the writer mentioned above, Ink can speak other types of languages.


Ink is the type of monster who knows a lot of things, and the reason for this is because of his advanced age and because he saw what happened in the Aus and even saw them being born.

He knows about each Sans' past, their weaknesses, their favorite things, their secrets and so on. Obviously he never used it against them, but there were a few times he did, but that's beside the point. With the fact that the little artist knows a lot of things (and somehow hasn't forgotten) he can speak other languages, and will obviously take advantage of his ability.

It has happened a few times that he curses someone in another language or simply shouts a curse word when someone scares him (which rarely happens).

The artist loves to know new things, he learned French because of Encre, which is an alternative version of him. Encre is a famous French painter in his Au (Vampireverse), unfortunately (or not) Encre forgets that not everyone can understand him when he speaks French (Jasper, but he is trying to learn), he thinks it's funny when he realizes he's speaking in his native language to some people and sees the questioning look on their faces.

Encre was glad to teach Ink French, and with Encre's help, Ink learned the culture of France, some recipes, and obviously how to speak French.
Right after learning French, he went on to learn another language.

==== Now, we're moving on to today. ===

At that time, Ink was at Dream's house, also known as "The Star Sanses Base". He was in the kitchen cooking that day, for some reason the Aus were quiet and there was nothing going on, a bit suspicious? Yes, but he didn't care much about it.

Well, Ink was cooking a typical Brazilian dish called coxinha.

Swap pov:

Dream and I left the base a bit to go for a walk, since everything was quiet, a day like this is rare. When we got to the base, I smelled a wonderful smell coming from somewhere, probably from the kitchen.

"Dream, can you smell it too? It smells really good!"

"Yes, it looks like it's coming from the kitchen, let's have a look" Dream replied, obviously I agreed, I'm curious to know what recipe Ink is making now.

When we got there, he looked very focused, so to try not to startle him, I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ink, what are you doing there?"

I felt him wince a little and say a strange word, I raised an "eyebrow" after hearing the word (🤨).

("Irrelevant" note: Ink whispered "puta merda" which means "holy shit").

Ink pov:

I was so focused that I almost jumped when Swap put a hand on my shoulder. I gave a small grunt.

"Swap, you almost made me drop the bowl"

"Oh, sorry Ink, that wasn't my intention hahaha"

"It's all right..."

"By the way, Ink, what did you say when I put my hand on your shoulder?"

"Hm, nothing much"

"Oh right"

"Anyway, Ink, what are you cooking this time?" Dream said with a soft smile.

"Almost forgot-" I turned my attention to the task at hand.

"Dream, answering your question, I'm making a typical Brazilian savory dish, the name is 'coxinha'. Would you guys like to try it when it's ready?"

"Of course" Dream replied.

"YES, IT LOOKS DELICIOUS" Swap said excitedly.

<< A few days later, brought to you by Fresh wearing a neon ballet tutu >>

Nobody pov:

It was a sunny day, and on a day as beautiful as this one, there is a battle going on between the Star Sanses and the Bad Guys.

Everything was going well so far, but something unexpected happened, Horror somehow miraculously managed to pull Ink's sash.

"BOSS, LOOK WHAT I HAVE!" Said Horror, screaming with all his might when he got something that for some reason Nightmare was interested.

When Ink noticed that his sash was missing, he immediately panicked, as as we all know, his sash is very important to him.

"Hey Horror buddy, could you please give me back my sash?" Ink asked nervously, we all know what happens when he doesn't take his vials, right?

"No! Come get it if you want it back, runt!!" Horror's joke only made things worse for him. Ink doesn't like it when his height is made fun of, he's angrier than before. Ink really hates being small.

Then, everyone stopped what they were doing to see the wonderful scene of: a short guy chasing a tall guy who has an ax and the short guy's sash.

Nightmare was genuinely smiling at Horror's achievement, but was getting tired of it.




Without Horror noticing, Ink jumped on him, and that caused both of them to fall.

They started a kind of "kid fight" to see who got Ink's sash.

"Agh- Horror, give me back that sash-"

What took Horror by surprise was when Ink stopped and suddenly said something that left most of the people watching and Horror himself confused.

"Horror, vamos hombre, devuélveme esa mierda, tu mano no se caerá" Ink's patience was already exhausted, he would resort to actual violence if the sash was not returned. (Horror, come on man, give that shit back to me, your hand won't fall off).

Meanwhile in another pov:

"Boss, why don't you go help? Looks like things are going to get pretty serious"

"Well, he decided to play with the squid, now it's up to him. Maybe I'll have another opportunity to get the ribbon."

"If you say..."

"Plus he's going to have to deal with an angry squid, bet how much he's going to lose?"



"And if I say no, what are you going to do? Turn me into a squid?" said Horror, he didn't understand anything that Ink said, he just understood his name, but he assumed the rest was for him to return the sash.

Ink really lost his temper and went to real violence.

Ink ended up getting the sash back, but unfortunately Horror ended up with multiple bruises and maybe, just maybe, almost another hole in his skull. (Just couldn't get another hole because Swap stopped Ink in time, clap your hands for Swap 👏👏).


In my opinion, Ink can speak other types of languages ​​because of creators, as there are many creators around the world and he needs to understand them to be able to talk to them.

In my head it makes sense-
