Aus (rewritten)

I swear this song reminded me of Ink, because of that part "The language of the eyes, which makes the heart speak"💀)

Any English mistakes please let me know as it is not my first language.

The writing in the middle of the story changes, so please ignore that. 😢💀

Everything in this story has been redone, literally everything.

If you've continued this far, I really appreciate your patience and that you like my stories, it means a lot to me.

Here everyone is human 🧘💥💥💥
At the end there is a photo of what they all look like.

(Wattpad was charging me)

Happy reading folks 👍🏽


There were some weird things going on with Ink, and everyone was noticing it, even the Bad Guys and Error!

First of all, he looked more tired than usual (he doesn't need sleep, but a rest doesn't kill anyone either!). He was rarely seen outside of work, which annoyed his team. And whenever there were fights, there was something different about him, or it was his height, way of acting, clothing and among other things.

This was clearly getting tiring for everyone...

So, we're back to today.

There was Nightmare and his gang, the Star Sanses, and Error in a boardroom, and they were arguing about something super important, and that is: Where is the next sleepover going to be?

It's been a few years since the two teams and Error agreed to work together to keep the balance and leave it alone. They all got a little closer and for unknown reasons they have a sleepover every month.

They've had sleepovers everywhere, like the Bad Guys' castle, the Star Sanses Base, and even the place Error calls home!

Today was the day to decide where the next sleepover was going to be, and well, we can already imagine where it would be.

Nobody pov:

"Ughhhhh- we've had sleepovers everywhere possible! Could we do it somewhere else?" Swap said indignantly, that they still hadn't decided where the party would be.


"Swap is right, I think it would be cooler to do it in a different place!" Agreed Killer, Nightmare looked at him and sighed.

"Oh, I have an idea!! Why don't we do it at Ink's house??" That was Dream's suggestion, everyone looked at him doubtfully, except for Ink and Swap. Swap was getting where this was going and Ink wasn't paying attention to the conversation.

"What? What do you mean 'Ink's house'? I thought he lived at your base." That was Dust, and most in the room agreed.

"Oh- well, actually he does live there! But he had told us that he had a house somewhere else. His situation is similar to Error's! Error has his own 'home' in Anti-void and he also has a room in Nightmare's castle. It's the same with Ink, he has a room at the base, but he has a house of his own!" This explanation was a little confusing, but it was still understandable. Swap explains things very well.

At the moment, all that was missing was confirmation from Ink to have the party at his house. But it looks like he was too busy thinking about other things.




Error's sudden scream made Ink come to life.

"What? You don't need to yell like that, Glitch."

"D0 n∅t calL m3 l1ke th4t-"

"Okay, can you guys stop fighting for a second? You two are unbelievable."


"Back to the point, Ink, it's been decided that the sleepover will be at your house, and we're hoping you can make that happen." continued Dream.

"AH- what, why at my house?"

"Because your house was the only one we didn't go to." Killer interrupted before Ink could say more, but everyone nodded.

"I had forgotten about that sleepover thing, hahaha."

"You always forget everything, Ink."

"Shut up, octopus."

"Of course, it could be at my house." Ink took a small device out of his pocket.

"Use this device to get there! It only works once, so don't waste it." After handing this device over to Nightmare, Ink decided it would be a good time to go somewhere else.

After Ink left, the room was silent...

"By the way, I won't be able to go this time, sorry."

Nightmare looked with a face like "😐" and asked:

"What's the reason for that, Horror?"

"Well, I promised I'd help Farm with a few things on the farm and with the animals." Horror replied.

"Go striker!"

"Shut up Killer."

"I'll have to be absent too, I promised Fell I'd help him with some things. But tell me how it went afterwards."

"Dust, are you Fell's friend? Didn't expect that."

"We're not friends, we just help each other out with a few things from time to time."

"Then it's okay."

[On the day of the pajama party]

"Okay, is everyone here with their stuff? Nobody forgot anything, right?" Said Nightmare, he had the device in his hand.

Everyone nodded.

"Are you sure? If you forget something we can't go back for it and we won't ask Ink to create what was forgotten." Everyone nodded again, no one had forgotten anything.

Throwing the device on the ground, soon a portal appeared and everyone went through.

Soon they appeared in the Doodle Sphere floating between the islands. A little desperate? Obvious.

"Wow, this place is really cool, but does anyone know where we are?" Killer said, he was looking around.

"As far as I remember, this place is DoodleSphere. Ink brought me here once to sort out some things, but in short, this is where Aus is." Error's response was quite simple, but understandable.

Everyone was amazed by the place, until...

"Hmm- guys, did you see that we're floating?" Cross said with some concern in his voice.

Well, everyone noticed that after the comment, they went into a slight panic, as it's not every day that you end up floating in a totally unknown location.

"Well... That's weird"

"I agree with Nightmare, in fact, has anyone seen any evidence of the painter's house? Knowing that no one knows what it looks like." Cross said, trying to think of a solution.

A silence, that's all that remained. Everyone was wondering how to find Ink's house.

"LOOK, IT LOOKS LIKE A TENT OVER THERE!" Swap's shrill scream made some who were present flinch, even so, everyone looked in the direction that was pointed out by the guard. And it really was a tent.

"Bullshit, does Ink live in that tent there? How poor..."

"I didn't know that the Protector of Aus was poor."

"Someone gives him a basic food basket."

"Guys, there's no need to humiliate the guy either."

After many failed attempts to reach the tent, they finally made it.

"Okay, we're here, who's going to be the first to go in and see if this really is Ink's 'home'?" It seems that no one is willing to find out, so, Killer decided to be alpha male and go first.

Killer's pov:

Okay, after I entered the tent that was supposed to be Ink's "home", it was a bit of a shock. Instead of being like an ordinary tent, there was just a field of flowers with a giant house inside, like- seriously, how did he do that? I called the others to see what I saw, and they were all surprised too!

Nobody pov:

As mentioned above, everyone was shocked! Because instead of seeing the inside of an ordinary tent, there was a house, literally.

It was a flowery field, with a yellowish sky fading to white, and in the middle of the field was a considerably large house.

They approached the house, the shock from before had passed.

"So who's going to knock on the door?"

"I go!"

Dream also wanted to be brave and went to knock on the door, but the door was already open??? He thought this was normal, since well, it was Ink we were talking about, he always forgets the door open.

"Guys, the door is open, let's go in!"

Soon after they entered the house, the door had closed, leaving them all locked inside.

The first room in sight was a strangely large room. The walls were a shade of cream, 3 leather sofas surrounded a TV, the shelf under the TV was full of art supplies, books and games. There was also a soft rug and a coffee table. The stairs leading to the second floor in the other corner and some paintings near the stairs.

But the strangest thing was that there was a dark part in the corner of the room.

"Th4t's re4lLy w3ird." Thought Error, staring at the dark part, but decided to ignore it.

They spent a few minutes arguing about what to do since the homeowner was nowhere to be seen. Nothing was really happening, that's what they thought. It took a while, but they finally noticed a glowing spot staring back at them from the dark corner of the room.

Suddenly, a tentacle attached itself to Dream's waist. Realizing this, he started to get nervous.

"Nightmare, please tell me this tentacle is yours."

"It's obviously not mine, you can easily see that that tentacle belongs to the thing in front."

"Oh right, sorry."

"Dream, stop apologizing."

The stranger's tentacle lifted Dream a few inches off the ground. This left some who were there alarmed.

"H3Y! WH0 4RE Y0U?!"

"For now, that won't be any of your business." His voice was as if several people were speaking at the same time. The thing's voice made some people shudder.

The "thing" came out of the darkness, it was a man with tentacles like Nightmare.

The clothes were somewhat exotic, with some spider web details and a spider-shaped ornament around the neck. The predominant colors in the individual were black and purple, but with some golden details. His eyes were dark with only a moon-shaped purple dot showing, his hair was black, shaved on the sides, tied in a bun and with a moon ornament, not to mention there was a part of his hair that was loose. There was a sinister smile on his lips.


An uncomfortable silence continued. The group present keeps a suspicious eye on the man holding Dream. As the man stared defiantly at them.

That's when footsteps could be heard from upstairs, quickly heading towards the stairs.

"Oh my, I'm sorry about him. I swear he's not always like this." His voice was sweet and soft, but mature and ready to lecture you. Not to mention the strong French accent.

The owner of the voice was a man of somewhat short stature. His skin was whiter than snow along with his hair, which was also white. He wore gold glasses and there was a mark similar to Ink's on his cheek, not to mention a few other marks. He wore more beige clothes, they looked like clothes from the 1900s.

The group could see the owner of the voice, and they all thought the same thing: this guy is weirder than Ink.

"Vantablack, put Dream down." Said the man.

"Why do you always arrive to ruin the fun?"



The man, called Vantablack, put Dream down as promised. The guardian returned to the group, sweat running down his forehead and thinking "holy shit man, help."

Again the room became silent, so the man with the accent decided to break the silence.

"Well hello everyone! Again, sorry about him, you can call me Encre! Welcome to Ink's house."

"It's nice to meet you, Encre?" Swap said, with a bit of uncertainty.

"Why don't we sit down and have some hot chocolate, huh? Just to calm the nerves." Encre had said.

"I l0ve h0t ch0col4te, but h0w ar3 we g0ing to m4k3 sure th1s isn't a tr4p, and that y0u're 4ctually g01ng to k1ll us?"

"Oh my dear, if I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already! You are guests, and it is very rude to hurt guests. Well, why don't we forget about it and hurry up?" The 'I would have done it already' part stuck in some people's heads, but they decided to ignore it.

Encre asked them to follow him to the kitchen. Again, the kitchen was spacious too. The table was big enough to fit a family of 8 people, not counting the other 6 stools that were available.

The group had sat on the stools, while Vantablack was leaning on the other side of the kitchen counter looking at them. And Encre was preparing the hot chocolates.

"Excuse me Encre, but Ink doesn't live alone, does he?" Cross asked...

"Well dear, he does live alone, but we and the others like to visit him a lot, so he decided to make a big house so we can be comfortable." It couldn't be seen, but as Encre explained, a small smile appeared on his lips.

"So why does his house, at first glance, look like a tent? 💀" Killer thought.

"Wait- so there are more people walking around the house?" Nightmare asked with a questioning look. Vantablack looked at him and said: "Well sir, isn't it obvious?"

"In truth no." Nightmare replied.
Vantablack had a response to that, but Encre cut him off just as he was about to speak.

"The rest of us are out there, you'll soon meet them!" After that, a few more minutes passed and Encre had already finished the hot chocolate and handed it to the guests and Vantablack.

"Sorry to ask, but you said 'the rest of us', what does that mean?"

"We're different versions of Ink, dear. I thought this was pretty obvious."

The outbreak started right after what Encre said, everyone was talking at the same time and asking questions.

"PLEASE. One at a time, speak calmly." Everyone was quiet, then Encre put his hand on his chin and said:

"Hmmm, Killer! What's your question?"

"It's pretty weird that you know my name, but okay. What do you mean by 'different versions'? Are you saying that you are Ink, but in a completely different way?"

"Got it right! I didn't think you'd be able to think, Kills!" Vantablack said, smiling from ear to ear and with a mocking tone.

"Vantablack, stop it. Yes Killer, you're right! We are different versions of Ink, we have different abilities, clothes, personality and other things than Ink. But we are still an Ink."

"That's- how can I say? Shocking, I guess..." Dream said, processing the information.

A/N: I'm out of ideas, oh my god.

1 hour had passed, and everyone took surprisingly well to the fact that there were several Ink's walking around the house. But soon, as Encre had said, more of them would soon appear.

They were in the living room, talking about some things when they heard someone knocking on the door.

"Let me answer the door!" Said Cross, what he didn't expect was to see a tall man, similar to Error, looking at him with a serene look.

The man at the door wore strange clothes as well, specifically ones that were worn in the 1900s.

The sound of the door being closed was heard and Cross stood there in front.

"Well, who was it?" Swap asked, Cross simply said:

"Just a weirdo." He had this expression on his face as he spoke "😀"

"But wait, only those who have permission can enter here. Is the guy looking for Ink?" Nightmare rambled, some even agreed.

"What's worse is that I didn't think about it." As Cross spoke, Nightmare looked at him in disappointment.

Once again, there was a knock on the door and Cross opened it. It was the same man as before, but now with a threatening expression on his face, the man simply entered the house.

"Don't just close the door like that in people's faces, little man." He said with a threatening tone and an angry look. The guests were alarmed, but Vanta and Encre were calm about it, Encre even became happier.

Encre got up and went towards the man, hugging him.

"You can relax! Well, I want to introduce you guys to my husband, Fallacy!" Encre's smile was dazzling as he talked about his husband. And Fallacy was there, scowling.

Many in the room were wondering how such a cheerful and kind person managed to marry a cold and scary guy.

"Mon amour, Jasper is waiting for you to play with him." Fallacy said sweetly to Encre.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry guys, I have to go! It was a pleasure meeting you all in person." With that said, Fallacy and Encre went towards the door and closed it.

A somewhat awkward silence hovered in the room, but was interrupted by Error.

"Wh1ch Au d1d th3y c0me fr0m?"

"They came from an Au called Vampireverse, which is set somewhere in France where there are vampires, werewolves, and so on. In this Au, Encre is a painter and Fallacy is the king of the vampires. I think you get the idea, but Fallacy is Error."

"I found it shocking that they were married, even got along. No offense, Error."

"G0 fuck y0urs3lf."

"It's not that shocking! You ain't seen nothing yet, friend." An unknown voice said, leaving some alarmed again.

The voice came from near the stairs, it was another version of Ink.

This Ink wore a white shirt with yellow stripes, a blue "jacket" with yellow stripes. Blue pants with yellow stripes and constellations at the bottom, and his scarf was blue, with large stars at the end, along with constellations.

"Hello everyone! My name is Ink, but you can call me Inter for now." He said, all smiles at the group.

A/N: There is a bank with that name.

"What a bad name."

"Shut up Killer."


"Inter, what do you mean by 'not that shocking'?" Nightmare asked.

"Think with your head, which is on top, not the one below, it's not that difficult." Again an unknown voice spoke, the person appeared in the middle of the room, with an irritated look and next to him was another person, with a strange smile.

Sparing you readers too much detail, it was Fell!Ink and Ceno.

"WHAT-" Nightmare said, with a confused expression. 😢

"He said it's not that shocking, because there are several versions of Ink dating/married to one of you. There are so many possibilities!" Ceno explained smiling.

"I guess I don't feel good knowing that there's some version of me fucking Ink." Killer said. His speech earned several laughs.


I'm going to end this one-shot here, the decent ending I tried to do simply didn't exist.

If you've read this far, you have terrible taste, because this is horrible/jk. 😢😭

But thank you very much!

All the characters were made in Gacha Plus because I was too lazy to draw people ❤️
