twenty seven


I pull up in Keith's driveway sitting there contemplating about everything that has been going on these past few days. I grab what I needed and zip my jacket up before stepping door on his porch. I ring the doorbell and Mrs. Jennifer opens it with a smile on her face.

" Hi sweetheart ", she pulls me into a hug.

" Hello Mrs. Jennifer."

" What did I tell you about calling me that, you're about to become my daughter in law ", she giggles.

" Speaking of that, is Keith home?"

" Yes, but he's taking a nap right now. Do you want me to wake him up?"

" No it's fine. Could you give him this back for me please."

I hand her the velvet box that held me engagement ring. She opens it and gasp looking at me. I had tears gliding down my face looking down.

" Is this about him yelling at you the other day?"

I know Mrs. Jennifer was heartbroken because I could hear it in her voice.

" I'm sorry Mrs. Jennifer, but I don't want to talk about it right now ", I cry, " also tell him that I can't pick him up for school anymore."

" Ok ", she nods her head still filled with sadness.

" You have a nice day ", I weakly smile.

" You too sweetheart."

I get back into my car, driving to the public library to check out books for my entertainment.


I was sleeping peacefully, until I felt water being poured on me. I jump out of my sleep to see my mom holding a glass in her hand and something else in the other. I take my shirt off and grab a tissue to try and pat my face dry.

" Mom what the hell!?"

" The hell nothing. Why did Teegan come by here crying crocodile tears dropping this off?"

She throws the velvet box at me and I open it to see her engagement ring. I close the box and close my eyes to try my best not to let the tears spill out.

" Keith I'm waiting for an explanation ", she cross her arms.

" When our SAT scores came, I was upset about my reading  scores and lashed out on Teegan. I said some pretty hurtful things."

" Like?"

" I can't believe I let her manipulate me into thinking I can go to college, I'm sorry I don't have a daddy who will get me any car I  want because I have the brain of a prodigy,  and some other stuff."

" You must've did something else, because she still had her ring on when she ran out of here that day."

" I gave Teegan's ticket to the convention to another girl."

I felt a sting on my right cheek and put my hand on it. Looking up I see my mom looks very furious. If looks could kill, I would already be six feet under.

" Keith Tyree  Powers I am so disappointed in you. I raised you to always love and cherish your black women and you disrespect her. Not only her, but me also. Teegan was the only girl who was by your side despite all the obstacles you were going through. She helped you with your stuttering, school work, confidence, the list goes on. None of those fast ass girls at your school wanted you until you got with Teegan. If they didn't want you back then, they sure don't want you they want to use you. Teegan is such a nice girl and you broke her heart. I have never seen someone who I'm use to being so happy cry so many tears. You need to fix this."

She walks out and lay back on the bed staring at the ring.

" Oh and you're walking to school and back from now on."

I have yo fix things between Teegan and I.


I pull into the parking lot at school. I got here early just to  learn my head, plus I didn't want to stay at home. I go through the side doors and head straight to Mrs. Ellis room. Her door was already open and I see her sitting at her desk.

" Good morning Mrs. Ellis. "

" Good morning Teegan ", she smiles.

" Hey Teegan."

I turn around seeing Keith standing behind me with his hands in his pocket. He pushed them up his face and we continue to stare at each other. I roll my eyes sitting at a seat far away from him. Mrs. Ellis steps out to make more copies of a worksheet, leaving Keith and I alone.

I hear shuffling around and turn to my right to see him sitting next to me.

" What are you doing?"

" I want to talk."

" Well I don't want to talk. You said what you said and if that's how you feel, then that's how you feel."

" Yeah, but I shouldn't have said those things. Teegan I am so sorry babygirl for saying the things that I said and the whole fiasco with the convention. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you and did you dirty like that, that is not what somebody's future husband should do. I am sorry."


I open up the box placing the ring back on her finger. She takes it off again handing it to me.

" I don't think we should Keith."

" What are you trying to say baby?"

" I'm saying I don't want to marry you Keith. Do want you want with your life, I'm done trying to help you."

She gathers her thing right in time for the bell to ring. I get my stuff together walking to AP statistics. 

~ ~ ~

I stared at Teegan while she did her work. I know she knows that I'm looking at her because she keeps shifting in her seat. Our teacher clears her throat grabbing all of our attention.

" Class today we will go over the project you will be doing over winter break and will turn in the Tuesday you come back. Also today you will find out who you are partnered with."

She explains the project and it seems pretty easy. Then she start a calling out partners. I know all the guys want to be partnered with Teegan because they keep saying it. Some girls asked me if I wanted to switch with them and I said no. I would rather work by myself.

" Keith Powers and Teegan Barnes you two will provide information and data on this question, Do more vehicles containing children use a McDonald's drive through. You two don't have to use McDonald's any fast food restaurant is fine. Ok class get with your partners."

Teegan moves to the back of the room with me to sit at an empty desk. She pulls out the materials we need and puts her backpack back down. It was silent between us for a few minutes until I finally spoke up.

" So do you want to do McDonald's or a different fast food chain?"

" McDonald's is fine ", she said in a whisper.

" Do you want to work at my house or yours after school today?"

" How about the library because we need to do research on the background of the restaurant and things like that."

" Ok."

" I'll wait for you after school by my car."

" Ok ", I smile a little bit.

She weakly smiles too looking down.

At least we are getting somewhere.


For their project I was going to have them do a stereotypical thing where they would have to talk to kids in orchestra and football. Teegan talking to football player would make Keith jealous, but I didn't want to do that

How do you guys feel about the story so far?
