twenty eight.

Before we start, I forgot to show you guys something. Remember the matching tattoos Keith and Teegan got in Kansas? Well this is what it looks like...

Just imagine Roman numerals instead of numbers. I hope you enjoy this chapter♥️


I was standing by Teegan's car like she told me to. I don't know what's taking her so long if we came of of the same classroom. During Mrs. Ellis class, she really didn't talk to me. She gave me a reading packet and checked my answers to the questions.

I can't believe I acted like an asshole to her. After my statistic class, I talked to Mrs. Ellis and she said that I can take the SAT again to boost my reading scores. Teegan comes out walking towards the parking lot until somebody stopped her. It was Demetrius from the football team. I have nothing against him. He's cool people, always nice to me, but he gets on my nerves. Just because he's Mr. student body president he thinks that he can have anything in this world. I don't know what he was talking to Teegan about, but I grip my backpack straps walking over to them.


I was walking out of the school building seeing Keith from a far, until I was stopped. Looking up I see Demetrius smiling down and I give him a friendly one back.

" Hey Teegan."

" Hey Demeteius." 

" So I wondering if you could come over maybe tonight and help me with our government and economics class since I was absent the one day because of I had to leave early."

" Actually I can't come over tonight or at all for the next couple of weeks because I'm working on a project with Keith."

" Oh you two are together?"

" Yes things are just complicated right now", I cross my arms.

" I just thought that from what people are saying and you domt have your engament ring on."

" What are people say-"

" Is there a problem?"

Keith stand by me wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

" Nah KP just making conversation with Teegan. I heard you overcame your stuttering, congrats man."

" Thanks ", he smiles, but I can't tell it was fake.

" Bye guys and Teegan don't forget to send me pictures of your notes ", I look down nodding my head.

Once he's out of sight, Keith picks my head up by my chin.

" Are you ok? Did he do anything to you."

" Yeah I'm fine, he didn't do anything. He just asked to borrow my notes for class."

He brings me into his chest wrapping his arms around me. I inhale his cologne and roll my eyes. He's wearing the bottle I got him when we were shopping on Melrose Avenue.

We walk off to my car and put our backpacks in the backseat. Sticking in my keys I fire up the engine backing out of the schools parking lot.

~ ~ ~

Once we got to the library, Keith got use a private work room and checked out laptops so we both can do research at the same time. He opens the door with a key and let's me go in first.

" After you my lady."

I giggle a little bit setting my stuff down. Keith comes in handing me a MacBook and I set it in front of me, he does the same. He pulls out the McDonald's we picked up out from his backpack smiling.

" We are doing a project on them, so might as well eat their food."

I smile as he hands me my quarter pounder with cheese, large fry, and my sprite. He smiles at me handing me the ketchup. That is what Keith is good at, always making me smile. He can do the littlest things to make me smile. We get started on our research so we can provide our class some background knowledge about the famous franchise.

After a good two hours, Keith and I got all the information we need and are now printing it out. By the time we exit the library, the sun was going down getting ready to set. I was about to walk to my car, until Keith grab my hand.

" Lets go to the park."

" Ok."

We go to the car setting our thing down before hopping in the drive to the park.

~ ~ ~

I pull into a parking space and take the keys out of the ignition. I take my jacket putting it out since it was a little cold outside. Keith opens my door helping me out and then we walk to the swings. I sat down on the swing and stared at the ground. My mind race with different thought as I kick wood chips around.

" I didn't go."

" Huh?"

I turn to my left looking at Keith as he stared off ahead.

" The convention...I didn't go. I gave Sasha my ticket and told her to take her little brother instead. I saw how much it hurt you and decided not to go because I wouldn't have as much fun, I wouldn't have any fun at all. Teegan I'm sorry about the way I yelled at you and the things I said. I was just frustrated, but that shouldn't give me an excuse to be rude and insensitive to you. I appreciate all that you've done for me."

" But."

" I don't know if I still want to go to college."

" If you go to college or not, I will still love you."

He pulls out the box taking the ring out.

" Do you forgive me?"

" Yes, but don't let it happen it again."

" Baby I promise I won't ", he smiles with tears dropping from his eyes, " Don't ever take it off again no matter what we go through. Promise me."

" I promise."

" Lets go, because it's starting to get dark out."

We walk back to my car and he takes my keys going over to the driver side.  He drives back to our neighborhood stopping in front of my house. We get out and walk through the front door. All the lights were turned off, so my parents must've left to go visit my grandma. Walking up to my room I take off my clothes slipping on one of Keith's shirts I stole. He strips down to his boxers getting into the bed. I saw his tattoo and I've it a kiss. He turns around smiling at me pulling me closer to him.

" I love you."

" I love you too."
