
'Maybe I should go to the infirmary...' Imizu Asuhi thoughts, feeling not to too well. He looked down to his feet. Maybe he should. His skin kept producing cold sweats since morning, and he felt a sharp pain shot through his head- a headache.

"Imizu Asuhi, you're late! Run 3 laps from here!" the P.E teacher shouted, making the timid boy jumped in surprise. "Y-yes, Sir!" He said, then started what his teacher told him to.

"Are you okay?" Usamaru, the rabbit guy from the Drama Club, asked with concern. "You seems pale, you know? You should just rest- Imizu!"

Imizu felt his vision blurred and darkened, as if the world lost it lights. His pace started to get heavy and bewildered, and the last thing he saw was the panicked, blurry figure of Usamaru before everything went black.


"... crazy?! 38.7 Celcius!..."

"... Sorry..."

".... now, just..."

"Okay, okay, Rumina. I'm going back to class. Take care of him, okay? So- OKAY OKAY, PLEASE PUT DOWN THAT SCISSOR!"

"Right, go away! Your friend here needs a quiet place to sleep!"

Slowly, Imizu started to see the white ceiling that greets his now fully-opened orbs. Maybe hospital? No, the students won't get out so easily from the school except for urgent business or the student council permission. Then where is he?

"Ah, you're awake," the feminine voice that shouted Celcius or something like that earlier said calmly. All of a sudden, Rumina Rikyuu, the Newspaper Club repsentative figure appeared on his vision. She smiled at him and helped him to sit up on bed.

"Thanks," He mumbled, a bit suprised that the glasses girl has a gentle side. Usually she has a sharp tongue and very serious about her work.

"Here, drink," the girl demanded, passing him a water bottle and a pill on a small desk beside his bed. "and drink that pill too. it'll make you feel better. Seriously, 38.7 Celcius. Don't you know you have a fever?"

"I-I thought I'm just not feeling well a bit. I don't know I've gotten a fever," Imizu replied, before he ate the medicine."What are you doing here, may I ask?"

"Well I was going to take a rest here because I sprained my ankle. Until you came, that's all," She answered while crossing her arms. She was feeling bored, so she started to let out a hum from her lips.

The room fell silent. The only thing that audible was Rumina's humming voice. Somehow Imizu felt sleepy. It must be the medicine's side effect. He yawned. Rumina's humming voice sounded like a peaceful lullaby for him.

Rumina glanced at him, stopped humming. "Go on. If you're sleepy, just sleep," She said softly "I'll hum until you're asleep, okay?"

"Okay..." Imizu mumbled, trying lay down and got a comfortabel position on the infrmary's bed. "Thanks, Rumina..."

"Yeah," She replied softly before humming, once again.

Maybe fever never been a bad thing at all.


A/N : I'm so sorry if there's a grammar mistake. Please tell me right away ><

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